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phone guy

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Everything posted by phone guy

  1. Something has changed in 7.1 in at least one area. Activating synology apps. I build my loader with genuine serial mac, from another real synology I own (but different location, not on my lan). Device is registered in my synology acct, but when I try to activate apps it wants me sign in, then fails and tells me to call customer service. Specifically advanced media extension, but I'm sure this will happen with other apps too. With real serial and mac, should the apps activate? or am I expecting too much? (for what its worth, advanced media extension did install properly on 7.0.1, same box, same serial, worked fine...but not with 7.1) Active backup for business I had to use url method of activation. So, just to clarify should the apps activate? or am I expecting too much?
  2. Were you able to install advanced media extensions? I am running 7.1 with real sn mac, and even signed into my synology acct, nas is listed, but I can not activate advanced media extensions! My serial was not done by serialgen, it is actual real box serial and mac.
  3. Does anyone know if there is a command like this for Advanced media extension? (7.1-42661)
  4. I am no expert, I am a user just like you! so take what say with a grain of salt, and wait for the real experts to chime in. On a real synology, yes the process would be insert 623 hdds in a box that wants 701/71 (your rp loader in this case) and it should ask to migrate over, install new dsm and your up and running. Once you install dsm 7.x to those disks, its not easy (if not impossible) to go back to your current 623 setup as is. So if possible a test might be advised. Another user was trying this same thing, he ran into issues and stopped replying so I dont know what the outcome was. Another way would be to manually install 7.0.1 over your dsm6 (thru upgrade control panel) and when reboots, replace your jun usb with the rp usb... and remember going to 7.1 requires a two step update (you build 701 and 71 during the rp build stage) Your extra 10gb nic, you need to verify the available drivers are working and compatible for dsm7. That would be pocopico github, I can tell you I have a box with 2 realtek 1g nic onboard, and they worked with jun loader and the 2 extra driver packages from ig-88 and both nics worked in dsm623, but because 1 of my nics (in this box) was actually on the usb bus, it stopped working in dsm7. Even with the correct driver (r8152 in my case), no 2nd nic.... turns out it was a dsm issue blocking the use of usb nic ports and thankfully someone (bb-qq) posted a modified 8152 driver that got my 2nd nic work, albeit with its factory mac and not the one I set in user config.json...but its finally working. So make sure your devices are all compatible with dsm7 drivers working before risking your data. If it were me, I'd do a test without my main hdds, just to verify if you have that ability, but I'm overly cautious since I dont really have the ability to work out the kinks without help.
  5. I am using RP and dsm7.1 on a branded nas box (wd pr4100) with an lcd display. The folks using freenas/truenas have worked out a script to load on boot that allows you to read a multitude of info from this screen..cpu temp, ip, etc. Is there a way to make this script (which is for truenas/freenas) work on a RP 7.1-42661 apollolake build? All this information is linked from this post. They even mention specific fan control, as the fan seems to be at max speed from boot on RP. This box has a Pentium N3710 with upgraded 16gb ram and 2 nic. DSM7.1 seems to work fine. Both lan ports work, drives are seen in order and successfully created a SHR btrfs pool. Shut down works.. all seems fine. If anyone can assist me I would highly appreciate it. #!/bin/bash # # Post-init script for FreeNAS on Western Digital PR2100/PR4100 # wdhws v1.0 by TFL # # BSD 3 LICENSE # # thanks unix stackexchange question 231975 setup_tty() { tty=/dev/cuau3 exec 4<$tty 5>$tty } setup_i2c() { # load kernel modules required for the temperature sensor on the RAM modules kldload -n iicbus smbus smb ichsmb } send() { setup_tty # send a command to the PMC module and echo the answer echo -ne "$1\r" >&5 read ans <&4 if [ "$ans" = "ALERT" ]; then echo -ne ALERT >&2 exit 2 else # keep this for debugging failing commands if [ "$ans" = "ERR" ] || [ -z "$ans" ]; then echo "CMD $1 gives ERR at $2" >&2 send_empty ans=$(send "$1" $(($2 + 1))) #exit 1 fi fi # only echo the result for retries ($2 not empty) if [ ! -z $2 ]; then echo "CMD $1 gives '$ans' at $2" >&2 fi echo $ans send_empty # deconstruct tty file pointers, otherwise this script breaks on sleep exec 4<&- 5>&- } send_empty() { # send a empty command to clear the output echo -ne "\r" >&5 read ignore <&4 } get_ncpu() { # get the number of CPUs sysctl -n hw.ncpu } get_coretemp() { # get the CPU temperature and strip of the Celsius sysctl -n dev.cpu.$1.temperature | cut -d'.' -f1 } get_disktemp() { # get the disk $i temperature only if it is spinning smartctl -n standby -A /dev/ada$1 | grep Temperature_Celsius | awk '{print $NF}' } get_ramtemp() { # get the memory temperature from the I2C sensor smbmsg -s 0x98 -c 0x0$1 -i 1 -F %d } get_pmc() { # get a value from the PMC # e.g. TMP returns TMP=25 --> 25 send $1 | cut -d'=' -f2 } init() { setup_tty setup_i2c echo "get system status and firmware" send VER send CFG send STA show_welcome stop_powerled } show_welcome() { # set welcome message # maximum "xxx xxx xxx xxx " send "LN1= FreeNAS " send "LN2= go go go go go " } stop_powerled() { # stop blinking power LED send PLS=00 send LED=00 # set to 01 to enable it send BLK=00 } show_ip() { send "LN1=Interface re$1" ip=$(ifconfig re$1 | grep inet | awk '{printf $2}') send "LN2=$ip" } monitor() { lvl="COOL" # check RPM (fan may get stuck) and convert hex to dec fan=$(get_pmc FAN) rpm=$((0x$(get_pmc RPM))) echo "Got rpm $rpm" if [ "$rpm" != ERR ]; then if [ "$rpm" -lt 400 ]; then echo "WARNING: low RPM - $rpm - clean dust!" fi fi # check pmc tmp=$((0x$(get_pmc TMP))) if [ "$tmp" -gt 64 ]; then lvl="HOT" fi # check disks [adjust this for PR2100!!] for i in 0 1 2 3 ; do tmp=$(get_disktemp $i) echo "disk $i is $tmp" if [ ! -z $tmp ] && [ "$tmp" -gt 40 ]; then echo "Disk $i temperature is $tmp" lvl="HOT" fi done # check cpu for i in $(seq $(get_ncpu)); do tmp=$(get_coretemp $((i-1))) echo "cpu $i is $tmp" if [ "$tmp" -gt 50 ]; then echo "CPU $i temperature is $tmp" lvl="HOT" fi done # check ram for i in 0 1; do tmp=$(get_ramtemp $i) echo "ram temp is $tmp for $i" if [ "$tmp" -gt 40 ]; then echo "RAM $i temperature is $tmp" lvl="HOT" fi done echo "Temperature LVL is $lvl" if [ "$lvl" == HOT ] ; then if [ "$fan" != 40 ]; then send FAN=40 fi else if [ "$fan" != 20 ]; then send FAN=20 fi fi } check_btn_pressed() { btn=$(get_pmc ISR) #echo "Btn is .$btn." case $btn in 20*) echo "Button up pressed!" menu=$(( ($menu + 1) % 3 )) ;; 40*) echo "Button down pressed!" menu=$(( ($menu + 2) % 3 )) ;; *) return esac case "$menu" in 0) show_welcome ;; 1) show_ip 0 ;; 2) show_ip 1 ;; # if you add menu items here, update mod 3 uses above esac } # initial setup init while true; do # adjust fan speed every 30 seconds monitor # check for button presses for i in $(seq 30); do sleep 1 check_btn_pressed done done
  6. I can tell you the bb-qq package got my realtek nic working, its built in but on the usb bus of my nas box. I tried all the r8152 drivers using rp, and none got it working for me, installed that spk from bb-qq and issued his one line in ssh and the nic port instantly worked. https://github.com/bb-qq/r8152 he has different releases and directions on the githib
  7. Does this script work on RP and DSM 7.1 ??? I have 2 boxes, both other brand nas boxes, one running a J3355 and the other is a Pentium N3710 ... so there is no bios to set anything in.
  8. The question I have is, when you do the manual installation of dsm (701 or 71) is the user supposed to use genuine pat directly from synology web site? or use the pat file rp created in the cache folder (that the user was supposed to transfer from the usb to local storage). I personally used the genuine pat file, without error... but people seem to be getting stuck at % during install... so did I do it wrong by using the genuine pat file? was I suppose to use the rp created pat from the usb?
  9. Well after updating to 7.1, now videostation wont play anything, it requires the advanced media extension, which says is installed, but want to be activated, I enter my synology acct, unit has real private serial and mac, but will not activate. @IG-88 now what do I do?
  10. Everybody seem to do the process a little different. I used genuine pat from synology, manually updated to 7.1 on reboot, got to tc ran commands and reboot into dsm 7.1 I have also been able to build straight to 7.1, using same tsu build process (build 701 clean build 7.1) and go straight to 7.1 I did not use the cached pat from the usb, I used genuine pat from synology.... Was I suppose to use pat from cache?
  11. Everybody saying the install corrupts at %... When you manually install dsm, are you pointing to the rp created pat file you moved from the cache folder of the usb? Or installing (pointing) to a genuine synology downloaded pat file, taken directly from synology web site?
  12. Here you are, from 7.1-42661 synocodectool
  13. I dont think you can just jump back dsm version like that without fresh hdd. once the hdd has dsm7.1, you cant change loader to go back to dsm623 (there may be some special hack way, like trashing only a certain folder on the first partition of the hdd, or something? I am note sure) afaik, you can migrate forward dsm version...so you could take dsm623 hdd, install them on machine with 7.1 rp loader, and it will see them as synology hdd and ask you to migrate them to the newer dsm.
  14. I have used Disk Management tools in Windows 10, lets me delete (remove) any partition and makes drive look unformatted for fresh install. On the next build, would I be able to add this bb-qq driver in rp before the build command (add ext url), or still must add it after the fact like I did now...? I would also like the mac2# to be spoofed, as mac2 is set and netif is set to 2 in user_config, but when the 2nd nic popped up working it was its original factory mac I guess @pocopico maybe he will look at it and either add it or refresh his r8152 to whatever latest version is, if you say its just an outdated driver.... I think lots of people are needing working support for realtek driver r8152... This unit I have cant be the only "internal" nic connected via usb bus.
  15. does this method work with 7.1-42661 I get no success, always fail false error code
  16. Awesome.... can hardly wait to try em out... if I can assist, I am willing!
  17. Found a solution to getting ReakTek USB lan adapters to work. My onboard 2nd NIC port. It seems we were fighting against dsm removing that function of supporting usb lan adapters, not having the correct r8152 driver at build. It required a modified r8152 driver that will load and run in dsm7 with its restrictions in place. This guy figured it out, and my second nic port worked immediately. though it still shows it default mac and not mac2= in user_config.json, I do not how to change its mac, if anyone can help with that. https://github.com/bb-qq/r8152/releases he has instruction, basically get his file in the right folder and presto, my second nic port eth1 internal but obviously on the usb bus not the pci bus. Instantly worked... @pocopico needs to add this in the package building, that way it will just work on build. @IG-88 tried to help me with this too, so I hope he gets the chance to see it working and hopefully get it included in the next release or at least an easy add ext command. @Jizar Stoffel method didnt work for me, but this method did. ds918 apollolake dsm7.1-42661 works no issues. Thank you all for the help.
  18. Here's the tutorial your looking for My personal experience was using dsm701, manual update to 7.1-42661 from synology, on the reboot press down arrow on keyboard to load back to TC and complete the 2 build upgrade process linked by peter suh.. worked for me first try Good luck
  19. Doing to update from dsm 701 to 7.1 broken Advanced Media Extensions... It requires a synology account, which I have, a valid serial, when it has (real from another synology box not on my lan), but immediately fails and says to contact customer service. The rp box is listed in my synology account, but AME still wont work. I see other apps have this issue, what works on 7.1?
  20. I can confirm this works in dsm 7.1-42661 !! Thank you
  21. Has this been updated for 7.1-42661 yet?
  22. Can I change the mac in TC so if I boot to tiny core (to do updates like now), it spoof the mac, like rp does, so that box (with no monitor output) always gets the same ip? I looked at grub.cfg, and it sets mac for loading rp usb and rp sata, but not for tc. I tried to add mac1= but that doesnt work. Just curious menuentry 'Tiny Core Image Build' { savedefault set root=(hd0,msdos3) echo Loading Linux... linux /vmlinuz64 loglevel=3 cde waitusb=5 vga=791 netif_num=2 mac2=### mac1=### echo Loading initramfs... initrd /corepure64.gz echo Booting TinyCore for loader creation
  23. Just curious, what the best way to test stability and performance after successfully creating a RP loader and getting setup? I have done so on a couple baremetal builds with different specs, and I really dont know how to "test" them?
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