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TinyCore RedPill Loader (TCRP)


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Il y a 14 heures, haydibe a dit :

The beauty of the tinycore image is that it actualy is supposed to be used on the target system, allowing to detect the required drivers right away - configure, test, repeat -> until things are sorted out.  No need to "burn" an usb-stick on each attempt or to copy vmdk files or img files to hypervisiors.









Hi, how does it works exactly ? I mean for Baremetal,  with redpill tools, we burn the loader into a USB stick, boot from the usb stick and then install DSM.


With @pocopico 's loader, we boot the baremetal from usbstick, create the loader -> where is the loader created ? On usbstick ? on HDD present in Baremetal ?

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i did and i saw that i can use my own jsons. But its not clear to me if i can just use the urls below.. they are the same files?


    "unknowno.virtio": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jumkey/redpill-load/develop/redpill-virtio/rpext-index.json",
    "unknowno.boot-wait": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/main/redpill-boot-wait/rpext-index.json"



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is this normal? see bottom from output


Loader source : https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load.git
Redpill module source : https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-lkm.git
Extensions :  
Extensions URL :
TOOLKIT_URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgpl/files/toolkit/DSM7.0/ds.bromolow-7.0.dev.txz/download
TOOLKIT_SHA : a5fbc3019ae8787988c2e64191549bfc665a5a9a4cdddb5ee44c10a48ff96cdd
SYNOKERNEL_URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgpl/files/Synology NAS GPL Source/25426branch/bromolow-source/linux-3.10.x.txz/download
SYNOKERNEL_SHA : 18aecead760526d652a731121d5b8eae5d6e45087efede0da057413af0b489ed
COMPILE_METHOD : toolkit_dev
TARGET_PLATFORM       : bromolow
Checking Internet Access -> OK
Checking if a newer version exists on the repo -> Version is current
Redpill sources already downloaded, pulling latest
Already up to date.
Loader sources already downloaded, pulling latest
Already up to date.
Using static compiled redpill extension
Looking for redpill for : ds3615xs_422&>18
Getting file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/redpill/releases/redpill-3.10.108.tgz
Extracting module
Got redpill-linux-v3.10.108.ko
Starting loader creation
Cache directory OK
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating extensions... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.boot-wait is already installed from https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-boot-wait/rpext-index.json[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.virtio is already installed from https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-virtio/rpext-index.json[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating thethorgroup.boot-wait extension... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-boot-wait/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%

[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.boot-wait index is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating thethorgroup.virtio extension... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-virtio/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%

[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.virtio index is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating thethorgroup.virtio extension... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating ds3615xs_42218 platforms extensions... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-boot-wait/raw/master/recipes/universal.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_ext_new_rcp.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%

[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.boot-wait for ds3615xs_42218 platform is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-virtio/raw/master/recipes/ds3615xs_41222.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_ext_new_rcp.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%
[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.virtio for ds3615xs_42218 platform is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating ds3615xs_42218 platforms extensions... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating extensions... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ds3615xs_42218.pat file... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Unpacking /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ds3615xs_42218.pat file to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/zImage file... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Patching /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/zImage to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/zImage-patched... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/rd.gz file... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Unpacking /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/rd.gz file to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/rd-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Apply patches to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/rd-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Patching config files in ramdisk... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Adding OS config patching... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Repacking ramdisk to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/rd-patched-ds3615xs_42218.gz... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Bundling extensions... [1;0m[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Dumping ds3615xs_42218 platform extensions to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/custom-initrd/exts... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Packing custom ramdisk layer to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/custom.gz... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Generating GRUB config... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Creating loader image at loader.img... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Cleaning up... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
Mounting /dev/sdd1 to localdiskp1
mkdir: cannot create directory 'localdiskp1': File exists
mount: localdiskp2: mount point does not exist.
/dev/sdd2 localdiskp2
ERROR: Failed to mount correctly all required partitions
Entries in Localdisk bootloader :
grep: localdisk/boot/grub/grub.cfg: No such file or directory

Loader source : https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load.git
Redpill module source : https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-lkm.git
Extensions :  
Extensions URL :
TOOLKIT_URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgpl/files/toolkit/DSM7.0/ds.bromolow-7.0.dev.txz/download
TOOLKIT_SHA : a5fbc3019ae8787988c2e64191549bfc665a5a9a4cdddb5ee44c10a48ff96cdd
SYNOKERNEL_URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgpl/files/Synology NAS GPL Source/25426branch/bromolow-source/linux-3.10.x.txz/download
SYNOKERNEL_SHA : 18aecead760526d652a731121d5b8eae5d6e45087efede0da057413af0b489ed
COMPILE_METHOD : toolkit_dev
TARGET_PLATFORM       : bromolow
Checking Internet Access -> OK
Checking if a newer version exists on the repo -> Version is current
Redpill sources already downloaded, pulling latest
Already up to date.
Loader sources already downloaded, pulling latest
Already up to date.
Using static compiled redpill extension
Looking for redpill for : ds3615xs_422&>18
Getting file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/redpill/releases/redpill-3.10.108.tgz
Extracting module
Got redpill-linux-v3.10.108.ko
Starting loader creation
Cache directory OK
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating extensions... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.boot-wait is already installed from https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-boot-wait/rpext-index.json[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.virtio is already installed from https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-virtio/rpext-index.json[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating thethorgroup.boot-wait extension... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-boot-wait/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%

[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.boot-wait index is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating thethorgroup.virtio extension... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-virtio/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%

[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.virtio index is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating thethorgroup.virtio extension... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating ds3615xs_42218 platforms extensions... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-boot-wait/raw/master/recipes/universal.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_ext_new_rcp.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%

[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.boot-wait for ds3615xs_42218 platform is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-virtio/raw/master/recipes/ds3615xs_41222.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_ext_new_rcp.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%
[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.virtio for ds3615xs_42218 platform is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating ds3615xs_42218 platforms extensions... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating extensions... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ds3615xs_42218.pat file... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Unpacking /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ds3615xs_42218.pat file to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/zImage file... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Patching /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/zImage to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/zImage-patched... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/rd.gz file... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Unpacking /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/rd.gz file to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/rd-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Apply patches to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/rd-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Patching config files in ramdisk... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Adding OS config patching... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Repacking ramdisk to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/rd-patched-ds3615xs_42218.gz... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Bundling extensions... [1;0m[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Dumping ds3615xs_42218 platform extensions to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/custom-initrd/exts... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Packing custom ramdisk layer to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/custom.gz... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Generating GRUB config... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Creating loader image at loader.img... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Cleaning up... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
Mounting /dev/sdd1 to localdiskp1
mkdir: cannot create directory 'localdiskp1': File exists
mount: localdiskp2: mount point does not exist.
/dev/sdd2 localdiskp2
ERROR: Failed to mount correctly all required partitions
Entries in Localdisk bootloader :
grep: localdisk/boot/grub/grub.cfg: No such file or directory
umount: localdiskp2: no mount point specified.

umount: localdiskp2: no mount point specified.








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I'm trying to use new tynicore, i have already setup VM in Vmware workstation pro 16, loader stuck on 


[    0.744024] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[    0.745042] TCP established hash table entries: 16384 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[    0.747024] TCP bind hash table entries: 16384 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[    0.749028] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384)
[    0.750025] TCP: reno registered
[    0.750041] UDP hash table entries: 1024 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[    0.751024] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 1024 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[    0.752024] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[    0.753017] pci 0000:00:00.0: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers
[    0.754024] pci 0000:00:0f.0: Boot video device
[    0.755045] PCI: CLS mismatch (32 != 64), using 64 bytes
[    0.948023] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
[    1.002041] Freeing initrd memory: 19304k freed
[    1.005030] redpill: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel


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1 minute ago, Err0r said:

is this normal? see bottom from output


Loader source : https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load.git
Redpill module source : https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-lkm.git
Extensions :  
Extensions URL :
TOOLKIT_URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgpl/files/toolkit/DSM7.0/ds.bromolow-7.0.dev.txz/download
TOOLKIT_SHA : a5fbc3019ae8787988c2e64191549bfc665a5a9a4cdddb5ee44c10a48ff96cdd
SYNOKERNEL_URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgpl/files/Synology NAS GPL Source/25426branch/bromolow-source/linux-3.10.x.txz/download
SYNOKERNEL_SHA : 18aecead760526d652a731121d5b8eae5d6e45087efede0da057413af0b489ed
COMPILE_METHOD : toolkit_dev
TARGET_PLATFORM       : bromolow
Checking Internet Access -> OK
Checking if a newer version exists on the repo -> Version is current
Redpill sources already downloaded, pulling latest
Already up to date.
Loader sources already downloaded, pulling latest
Already up to date.
Using static compiled redpill extension
Looking for redpill for : ds3615xs_422&>18
Getting file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/redpill/releases/redpill-3.10.108.tgz
Extracting module
Got redpill-linux-v3.10.108.ko
Starting loader creation
Cache directory OK
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating extensions... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.boot-wait is already installed from https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-boot-wait/rpext-index.json[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.virtio is already installed from https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-virtio/rpext-index.json[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating thethorgroup.boot-wait extension... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-boot-wait/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%

[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.boot-wait index is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating thethorgroup.virtio extension... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-virtio/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%

[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.virtio index is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating thethorgroup.virtio extension... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating ds3615xs_42218 platforms extensions... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-boot-wait/raw/master/recipes/universal.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_ext_new_rcp.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%

[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.boot-wait for ds3615xs_42218 platform is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-virtio/raw/master/recipes/ds3615xs_41222.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_ext_new_rcp.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%
[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.virtio for ds3615xs_42218 platform is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating ds3615xs_42218 platforms extensions... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating extensions... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ds3615xs_42218.pat file... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Unpacking /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ds3615xs_42218.pat file to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/zImage file... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Patching /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/zImage to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/zImage-patched... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/rd.gz file... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Unpacking /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/rd.gz file to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/rd-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Apply patches to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/rd-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Patching config files in ramdisk... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Adding OS config patching... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Repacking ramdisk to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/rd-patched-ds3615xs_42218.gz... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Bundling extensions... [1;0m[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Dumping ds3615xs_42218 platform extensions to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/custom-initrd/exts... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Packing custom ramdisk layer to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/custom.gz... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Generating GRUB config... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Creating loader image at loader.img... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Cleaning up... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
Mounting /dev/sdd1 to localdiskp1
mkdir: cannot create directory 'localdiskp1': File exists
mount: localdiskp2: mount point does not exist.
/dev/sdd2 localdiskp2
ERROR: Failed to mount correctly all required partitions
Entries in Localdisk bootloader :
grep: localdisk/boot/grub/grub.cfg: No such file or directory

Loader source : https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load.git
Redpill module source : https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-lkm.git
Extensions :  
Extensions URL :
TOOLKIT_URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgpl/files/toolkit/DSM7.0/ds.bromolow-7.0.dev.txz/download
TOOLKIT_SHA : a5fbc3019ae8787988c2e64191549bfc665a5a9a4cdddb5ee44c10a48ff96cdd
SYNOKERNEL_URL : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgpl/files/Synology NAS GPL Source/25426branch/bromolow-source/linux-3.10.x.txz/download
SYNOKERNEL_SHA : 18aecead760526d652a731121d5b8eae5d6e45087efede0da057413af0b489ed
COMPILE_METHOD : toolkit_dev
TARGET_PLATFORM       : bromolow
Checking Internet Access -> OK
Checking if a newer version exists on the repo -> Version is current
Redpill sources already downloaded, pulling latest
Already up to date.
Loader sources already downloaded, pulling latest
Already up to date.
Using static compiled redpill extension
Looking for redpill for : ds3615xs_422&>18
Getting file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/redpill/releases/redpill-3.10.108.tgz
Extracting module
Got redpill-linux-v3.10.108.ko
Starting loader creation
Cache directory OK
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating extensions... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.boot-wait is already installed from https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-boot-wait/rpext-index.json[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.virtio is already installed from https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-virtio/rpext-index.json[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating thethorgroup.boot-wait extension... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-boot-wait/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%

[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.boot-wait index is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating thethorgroup.virtio extension... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/jumkey/redpill-load/raw/develop/redpill-virtio/rpext-index.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_new_ext_index.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%

[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.virtio index is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating thethorgroup.virtio extension... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating ds3615xs_42218 platforms extensions... [1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-boot-wait/raw/master/recipes/universal.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_ext_new_rcp.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%

[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.boot-wait for ds3615xs_42218 platform is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Downloading remote file https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-virtio/raw/master/recipes/ds3615xs_41222.json to /home/tc/redpill-load/custom/extensions/_ext_new_rcp.tmp_json[1;0m
 ###################################################################################################################### 100.0% ###################################################################################################################### 100.0%
[1;32m[#] Extension thethorgroup.virtio for ds3615xs_42218 platform is already up to date[1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating ds3615xs_42218 platforms extensions... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Updating extensions... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ds3615xs_42218.pat file... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Unpacking /home/tc/redpill-load/cache/ds3615xs_42218.pat file to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/zImage file... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Patching /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/zImage to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/zImage-patched... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Verifying /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/rd.gz file... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Unpacking /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/pat-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked/rd.gz file to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/rd-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Apply patches to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/rd-ds3615xs_42218-unpacked... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Patching config files in ramdisk... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Adding OS config patching... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Repacking ramdisk to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/rd-patched-ds3615xs_42218.gz... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Bundling extensions... [1;0m[1;32m[#] Checking runtime for required tools... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Dumping ds3615xs_42218 platform extensions to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/custom-initrd/exts... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Packing custom ramdisk layer to /home/tc/redpill-load/build/1640959506/custom.gz... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Generating GRUB config... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Creating loader image at loader.img... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
[1;32m[#] Cleaning up... [1;0m[1;42m[1;30m[OK][1;0m
Mounting /dev/sdd1 to localdiskp1
mkdir: cannot create directory 'localdiskp1': File exists
mount: localdiskp2: mount point does not exist.
/dev/sdd2 localdiskp2
ERROR: Failed to mount correctly all required partitions
Entries in Localdisk bootloader :
grep: localdisk/boot/grub/grub.cfg: No such file or directory
umount: localdiskp2: no mount point specified.

umount: localdiskp2: no mount point specified.








Use sudo ./

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thanks, that worked..


what does this mean?  i saw something about a sata controller, i will add it here.. let me reboot

could that be the problem?



Found SATA Controller : pciid 8086d00008c02  Required Extension :
No matching extension



Edited by Err0r
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2 hours ago, Err0r said:

thanks, that worked..


what does this mean?  i saw something about a sata controller, i will add it here.. let me reboot

could that be the problem?



Found SATA Controller : pciid 8086d00008c02  Required Extension :
No matching extension



Are you using baremetal system or virtual machine? 
It seems that sata controller is unknown 

Edited by Aigor
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41 minutes ago, Aigor said:

 Are you using baremetal system or virtual machine? 
It seems that sata controller is unknown 


You normally dont have to use an extension for most SATA controllers, AHCI is included on DSM. Thats is a different error and has to do with SataPortMap and DiskIdxMap.


I need to investigate the proper way to set this automatically as this has become the most occuring issue in first time installations.


Meanwhile you can try SataPortMap=188 DiskIdxMap=0A0008 on your user_config.json under MacX

Edited by pocopico
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2 hours ago, pocopico said:


You normally dont have to use an extension for most SATA controllers, AHCI is included on DSM. Thats is a different error and has to do with SataPortMap and DiskIdxMap.


I need to investigate the proper way to set this automatically as this has become the most occuring issue in first time installations.


Meanwhile you can try SataPortMap=188 DiskIdxMap=0A0008 on your user_config.json under MacX



Yep, this works on this mobo ASRock Z87-M8 ITX.. btw, i just enabled ssh and then used winscp to edit the json files so no need to to do it all from the command line.

But what i really missed on tinycore was a file explorer.. if you are in a gui anyway that would be a nice addition. 


I just added 1 ssd disk (new one) and when i start the install i get this error: ( i used the latest bromolow with the latest pat file from synology) 


I did not add the vid and pid from the usb drive, Is this still needed? Or do i need to boot redpill SATA?



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1 hour ago, Err0r said:



Yep, this works on this mobo ASRock Z87-M8 ITX.. btw, i just enabled ssh and then used winscp to edit the json files so no need to to do it all from the command line.

But what i really missed on tinycore was a file explorer.. if you are in a gui anyway that would be a nice addition. 


I just added 1 ssd disk (new one) and when i start the install i get this error: ( i used the latest bromolow with the latest pat file from synology) 


I did not add the vid and pid from the usb drive, Is this still needed? Or do i need to boot redpill SATA?



Thats an error we often see when no synoboot device is found. Yes you still need to choose USB and have the correct VID:PID

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Ofcourse, i feel stupid. i thought i did not need it anymore.  It works now, i got the migration page.. and see that all my data and software etc.. is still there! I still used 6.1..  :D


I must say, i love your tool.. u did good work bud!  The only thing i notice is that whenever i want to build again i have to fill in all the configs.

Is there a way to save those? Maybe use a config folder where you can keep the configs and when you build it looks in that folder?


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51 minutes ago, Err0r said:

Ofcourse, i feel stupid. i thought i did not need it anymore.  It works now, i got the migration page.. and see that all my data and software etc.. is still there! I still used 6.1..  :D


I must say, i love your tool.. u did good work bud!  The only thing i notice is that whenever i want to build again i have to fill in all the configs.

Is there a way to save those? Maybe use a config folder where you can keep the configs and when you build it looks in that folder?


Thanks, yes the size will be extended in order to also save the cached files. But now that you mention that a backup option is also a nice addition. Will put it in the todo for the next release 


Edited by pocopico
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Sorry if these are stupid questions, but I'm not a very expertise user on linux/compile etc..


I have a baremetal HP micro server N54 with the 6.2.3-25426 Update 3 on production, I don't have the possibility to test on alternative server. So the steps I have to follow are:

  1. Burn image on a USB 
  2. Boot the server with the USB
  3. Create the loader with the GUI on the 3er partition (it is semi automatic? Drivers, copy to part 1 and 2, etc?)
  4. Reboot again from the same USB to boot from the bootloader
  5. Update DSM as previous loaders
  6. Magic?

Or it's too early to install on a Baremetal production server?

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@Hemin, if by early you mean the loader, the answer will always be yes. The loader is functional for most users, but still, before ThorGroup going AWOL the loader was still in alpha stage. If you use it on a production server it will be at your own risk. The same applies for Jun's loader...


At some point the community here we have to decide whether we should start using ThorGroup's loader or not and start creating tutorials and easy way for inexperienced users to create the loader, like what pocopico is trying to do here.

Edited by gadreel
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before you decide to upgrade to dsm 7 take into consideration that  python2 apps do not work anymore. I found out the hard way :D

Like:   Medusa, couchpotato etc..  U can always use a docker container.


also, i had a problem with my volumes with data.. they were gone because idiot me upgraded with the sata cables disconnected of 2 disks LOL.

I managed to get them to work after DSM install, that was a learning experience :D  



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@pocopico thanks for this great tool! Being aan noob at Linux, I did need the additional details provided by @haydibe, but it works!

Great gjob guys!! I almost gave up on Version 7, as compiling my own kernel / drivers was a brigde to far.


Still need to figure on how to make second drive visable. Currently only have "SataPortMap": "4" on Asus H81T in user_config.

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Correct, USB boot.


/home/tc$ lsscsi -Hv
[0]    ahci          
  dir: /sys/class/scsi_host//host0
  device dir: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata1/host0
[1]    ahci          
  dir: /sys/class/scsi_host//host1
  device dir: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata2/host1
[2]    ahci          
  dir: /sys/class/scsi_host//host2
  device dir: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata3/host2
[3]    ahci          
  dir: /sys/class/scsi_host//host3
  device dir: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata4/host3
[4]    ahci          
  dir: /sys/class/scsi_host//host4
  device dir: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata5/host4
[5]    usb-storage   
  dir: /sys/class/scsi_host//host5
  device dir: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb3/3-4/3-4:1.0/host5


Please explain how to deduct correct setting from this output. Thanks!

Edited by Gronaldo
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