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Everything posted by sbv3000

  1. ive done a number of migrations from xpe5.2!! and 104b/6.x to 7 (3615/17/22 builds) using tcrp etc. my main lessons were to thoroughly test the hardware for compatability, maybe using a spare hdd to mimic your current environment then 'migrate'. @Peter Suh mshell and @fbelavenuto arpl tools are great utilities to create builds and 'fix' various quirks with tcrp , its a matter of experimenting with the one that works for your skill levels and hardware. in all situations you should have a data backup before attempting an update!
  2. have a look at the link/guide I posted, it shows how to mount a syno raid of various types and recovering data
  3. dsm is installed and stored on the system partition on every drive in the device. the boot device starts up minimal services/modules that then 'hands off' to the system partition dsm for the rest of the boot/functions. without ssh not sure how you might disable 2fa other than mounting drives in linux and accessing the system partition to get to the config. I'd suggest you setup a test nas with spare hdd to try this process.
  4. is this a single drive with basic volume? in theory you could just attach the drive to a spare sata port boot and you should see a drive with 'volume n' and most likely a corrupt system partition. if you dont have a backup of the data you might want to maybe mount the drive and try recovery https://kb.synology.com/tr-tr/DSM/tutorial/How_can_I_recover_data_from_my_DiskStation_using_a_PC. another option could be to use the boot usb and hdd from the dead nas on your working mobo (disconnect the array), backup data, then you can add the drive without worry.
  5. i've only used arpl for testing not live builds, but from your images, your command line seems to be missing mac address and serial number assignments. did you run that step in the build? i'd guess dhcp will fail without the mac and the nas is self assigning ?
  6. I would not say 'update caused bios to change settings', but lets imagine the hba bios, dsm6 kernel and modules were all 'mutually compatible' with correct smart data being shown in v6. update to v7 has somehow 'broken' this, be it the kernel, driver module or hba bios. you may need to get them 'back in sync' and if this was my setup i'd look to update the hba bios, if it is not the latest. I had a problem a while ago with a marvell sas hba not seeing correct drive size/type/features. updated the hba bios and it fixed it.
  7. check this too https://www.truenas.com/community/threads/lsi-sas2008-hba-aka-9211-8i-q-firmware-upgrade-to-stop-bios-detection-fix-hotswap-not-working.84689/
  8. A 'google' of the command 0xd0 (uncorrected read errors?) shows up some results that might help you diagnose; https://github.com/RedPill-TTG/redpill-lkm/issues/23 I'm not an expert but I wonder if there is a difference between smart reporting modules between DSM6 and 7 due to kernels? and or the hba firmware/modules? You might want to look for any firmware updates to the HBA at broadcom if your firmware is 'old' https://www.broadcom.com/support/download-search
  9. the issue is stated in the error message, the e1000 module is not in the rp-ext library (yet) for that build. Try a 'standard' 918-42661 build (with a newly made tcrp boot usb), once you are working then check the threads here for progress in loaders for the updates.
  10. As the tutorial says 'enable hotplug' as for esata, I would disable, that option can alter how drives are recognised, run satamap again as it might change and also rebuild to make sure config values are saved. Check terminal for mounted drives as per troubleshooting advice in the tutorial. Sent from my NOTE 20 using Tapatalk
  11. Create a new loader usb, boot, migrate and keep files only? Sent from my NOTE 20 using Tapatalk
  12. Check the sata hotplug settings and terminal for mounted drives, loaded modules, see install tutorial Sent from my NOTE 20 using Tapatalk
  13. the main tutorial covers this, https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/62221-tutorial-installmigrate-to-dsm-7x-with-tinycore-redpill-tcrp-loader/ and I migrated my systems from 6 to 7 without issues. what you should do is a full hardware compatability test first, disconnect your array, use a spare hdd and create a tcrp loader, install v7. if that works, (network, sata ports all recognised) erase hdd install v6, then boot with your tcrp loader and check you can 'migrate' from 6 to 7 via finder. you should have a full backup anyway otherwise its a risk - 'raid is not a backup'
  14. check your satamap and diskidxmap carefully in user_config.json, should probably be something like 44 and 0004. I have some asmedia cards and they report strange numbers (on some the bios appears as an hdd) manual override seems to fix it. DSM6/7 seem to be v fussy about disk health, you might see historical issues with a smart check that DSM dont like. you might not be able to create a volume with these, I've not found a way to override that.
  15. as a thought do you *need* this update or *want* it because its the latest? I checked the release notes and in my home setup, (not exposed to the internet, not using many of the features updated or at risk of the vulns) I'm sticking with 42661 until there is a 'stable' build tool. Less stressful
  16. are both nics connected? possible that the mac address created/assigned to mac1 is not the one connected? you may need to edit the config file to add your second nic i think in any case. the bnx/bnx2 modules are part of the rp-ext library so 'should' be added as part of the build but you may need to add manually.
  17. i played with 3615/17/22 builds, its standard ahci driver and all hdd info shows up in storage manager.
  18. I posted about this card on another thread, its 4 asmedia 1064 controllers on an x4 pci connection, works with tcrp builds with satamap 4444 and ignore bad ports, 16 drives and seems 'stable' in my testing https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256802942788966.html?gatewayAdapt=4itemAdapt
  19. not an expert on this but it might be your diskidxmap is not detected properly, this is a good description of the logic, (xlate from chinese) http://www.gebi1.com/thread-301372-1-1.html I think your values might need to be something like 000608
  20. try an installation with some drives connected to the onboard sata, if that works you can diagnose easier via telnet and check the devices and modules, probably find that the lsi drivers are not 'working' , and btw, did you update/upgrade the boot image? >
  21. when you run the tcrp build, check for the comment 'updating user_config.json', then use the editor to check the vid/pid values are correct. when the server up visible on your network, open the terminal and check the command line and the vid/pid settings.
  22. so its confusing as lots of tech can be the cams work on their app - how is that connected? IP, DDNS, Cloud? disabled 'where' - Surveillance station'? How are they added to SS?, ip, ddns? maybe look at rebooting the router, flushing dns, dhcp, checking your server firewall rules for the hosts are all working and there are no conflicts, and check back on any updates that have been done. You could try creating a new host in noip and testing that
  23. the system spec says 4 sata ports but the satamap shows 6 with two bad not mapped. How many physical sata ports on the board? might be that your third drive is connected to one of the ports that is considered 'bad' and so devicetree is ignoring it. Try the other sata port(s). You might try a build with 3615/17/22 image and 'manually' overwrite the satamap to '4'. I would disconnect your two SSD and create a new loader with one of these images and see if you can install on the HDD on the port its connected to. If that works you know its a devicetree issue. In theory you could reconnect your SSDs, boot with the 36xx loader and migrate from 1621 to 36xx, but I would backup data from the SSDs before trying that.
  24. so from your description, 'reverse engineering' your setup you have a noip domain eg 'mystuff.noip.net' each of your devices has a hostname in noip eg 'nas.mystuff.noip.net', 'cam1.mystuff.noip.net' etc etc you have set ddns in each device to match its hostname some hosts are not working, so id look at the noip account and check hosts are registered then check the hosts they are registered with noip, there should be logs. id also look at the firewall rules for the devices if any
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