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Everything posted by IG-88

  1. i dont think its a good idea to put a backup on a computer that in case of a problem does not starting anymore not that it would help much if you have a backup but i'd suggest using the same program as used in the tutorial, Win32DiskImager https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/files/latest/download that 1.0 version also can detect the only a small part of the usb flashdrive is used and only backs up this part for mounting the boot media directly on the running dsm i find the following method easier to handle mkdir -p /mnt/synoboot1 mkdir -p /mnt/synoboot2 echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/syno_install_flag mount /dev/synoboot1 /mnt/synoboot1 mount /dev/synoboot2 /mnt/synoboot2 and if there is a windows 10 computer near you can just stick the usb flashdrive into it and the 2nd partition (with the extra/extra2.lzma on it) will be there as a drive letter i really don't recommend someone who even don't knows the basics to mess around with experimental stuff - i have not seen or received much feedback about the 1.04b extra.lzma, so i still see it as more or less untested
  2. just check the connections with a multimeter if its crossed, the description in the Wikipedia article contains all information
  3. serial output is just normal for xpenology, does not depend on the hardware type (server/desktop) but you need a null modem cable, the usb2serial is the equivalent of a normal serial cable i use a usb2serial adapter and connected to it a null modem cable A null modem cable is a RS-232 serial cable where the transmit and receive lines are crosslinked. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_modem
  4. https://sourceforge.net/projects/dsgpl/files/
  5. wenn sich jeamnd findet der das wifi zeug mal dokumentiert/pflegt würde es nicht unbedingt an den treibern für neuere pcie karten oder usb dongle scheitern, die würde ich versuchen zu liefern aber ich kann das nicht auch noch supporten, das kostet einfach zu viel zeit und ich brauche das auch nicht, bei 10G netzwerk sehe ich da mehr sinn und nutze es auch selbst
  6. if you don't know then its not for you (at least for now), its just for testing and its a little vague on purpose you need to read the tutorial for installing dsm 6.1 and the description of the former (safer) extra.lzma's atm im working on the 3615/17 versions but i already know what i want to do for the next 918+ version please just wait a while until we got more feedback and better versions, its not ready for normal use yet
  7. mmmh, war ich wohl zu kryptisch, ich habe deine bezeichnug des chips genommne, den 1000 eintrag aus meinem extra.lzma posting der diese nummer enthält so das man sieht das es e1000 ist und dann auf den native driver guide verwiesen und danach noch mal zusätzlich geschireiben das die nc360t auch e1000 ist früher gabs mal eine liste was sie unterstützt bei synology aber das haben die wohl fallen lassen, jetzt heißt es wifi router an das nas anschließen die treiber sind sicher noch drin aber welche das sind ... sicher ist was bei den treiber mit rt* rtl*dabei, evtl. auch athereos (ath*?) in /usr/syno/etc/usb.map gibts nach hersteller sortier eine art db, da findet man u.a. netgear mit angaben des produktnamens und es verbauten chips man kann in der datei auch nach wireless suchen und sich bei den vendors dann die produkte ansehen ob es was mit g oder n gibt schau mal unter zyxel, belkin, netgear, asustek, realtek, linksys du kannst auch nach interessanten strings suchen wie "g/n" wenn das unterstütt wird ist das produkte zumindest nicht steinalt ich vermute mal das man sich etwas mit dem passenden treiber suchen kann und es dann selbst in die usb.map eintragen kann um es zu supported device zu machen, aber das ist nur eine vermutung, ich habe kein usb wifi rumliegen um das mal auszuprobiren ich kann durchaus einen treiber leifern aber wie du die dann in deiner kiste zum laufen bekommst musst du selbst rausfinden da gebe ich mal tips ab und schaue bei gutem brainstorming mit drüber, werde aber keine schlüsselfertige lösung liefern ich würde dazu raten etwas zu kaufen das i der usb.map steht edit: hab doch noch die "offizielle" seite bei synology gefunden https://www.synology.com/en-us/compatibility?search_by=products&model=&category=usb_wifi_dongles&not_recommend_mode=true&p=1 Synology has stopped updating this compatibility list since September, 2017. All models listed here are compatible with DSM 6.1; however, compatibility with newer DSM versions is not guaranteed by Synology. edit2: es gibt zumindest noch was von der alten synology liste https://www.amazon.de/Edimax-EW-7822UAC-Wireless-Adapter-USB/dp/B00BXAXO7C/
  8. if it offers upgrade/migration then it found the raid with the old system even if it just starts to install means it found disk(s) without disk you cant install dsm, the usb is just a small loader, there will be a 2GB system partitions on (every) disk after install, if you defined a raid with the controller then dsm will only see the resulting raid drive (one disk in case of one big rais set but can also be raid0 for every single disk) no, logic speaks a different language
  9. for just hte nas base the only usb vid/pid is to set mac, and san can be used later in the grub.cfg and are used for special things like quickconnect, some plugins or codec licensing so no need for now you usually use the real mac if our nic to get WOL working, but thats optional if you dint need wol or want to use it later, just for testing its not important
  10. https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/9508-driver-extension-jun-102bdsm61x-for-3615xs-3617xs-916/ "NETWORK DRIVERS LIST" e1000: Intel PCI/PCI-X Gigabit Network Adapters Intel PRO/1000 CT/F/GT/MF/MT/T/XF/XT 82573L/82572EI/82571EB/82573E/82573V/82567/82574L/82566MM/82566MC -> https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/14127-guide-to-native-drivers-dsm-621-on-ds918/ HP NC360T = Intel 82571EB = e1000 also kein unterschied in sachen treiber
  11. https://n40l.fandom.com/wiki/Cpu_gen8 not even one that would start with 918+ (also xeons do not have gpu stuff and the transcoding is from the gpu part) everything on that list is 2nd/3rd gen so no, wrong hardware for transcoding i'd say
  12. was hast in der grub.cfg unter folgenden rubriken: set common_args_3617= set sata_args= bei den sata args kann man einiges einstellen, was aber eigentlich nicht notwendig ist wenn das ein testsystem ist, kannst du mal ein 3615 loader und image probieren? ich hae ja auch zwei lsi's aber so ein verhalten hatte ich nicht schau mal ins bios tool des controllers unter speziell sas topology ob da etwas in der richtung konfiguriert ist, da würde ich am ehesten was vermuten hatte da mal was mit vor einiger zeit, da war auch ein link zu einer doku der parameter der sata args https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/12470-how-to-play-around-with-hdd-mapping-with-sataportmap-and-diskidxmap/
  13. im moment bastle ich an den 3615/17 extra treibern und in dem test system läuft der lsi 9211 nicht wenn ich die hoffentlich in den nächsten 1-2 tagen raus habe ziehe ich auf eine andere testhardware um für 918+ und da läuft der lso 9211 drin, da kann ich dann auch mal schauen was für loader/dsm version nutzt du den im moment?
  14. ok, only has 2 usb ports and both are 3.0, maybe missing drivers? check device manager about missing drivers? windows 10 knows about 3.0, windows 7 does not and need extra drivers install Intel® USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver if its windwos 7 also check bios about usb 3 settings
  15. make a screenshot of all what the usb tool shows you, there should be usb3 ports (usb root hub 3.0) also what exact notebook is it, i prefer to check specs for myself
  16. IG-88

    DSM 6.2 Loader

    as you cpu seems to Haswell (4thgen intel) you should be able to use 918+ image (loader 1.04b) but if you think you are better off using 3615 or 3617 the feel free to use loader 1.03b 1.02b -> DMS 6.1 1.3b/1.04b -> DSM 6.2 if it's an asus board (you did only give the name, no vendor) then the onboard nic is i217 and would use e1000e driver HP NC360T is a Intel 82571EB, driver would be e1000 you might read a liitle futher depending if you want to use dsm 6.1 or 6.2.0 or 6.2.2 https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/14127-guide-to-native-drivers-dsm-621-on-ds918/ https://xpenology.com/forum/forum/91-additional-compiled-modules/
  17. looks like you connected you adapter to usb2 port, the usb3 ports have usually blue color
  18. on windows you can have a closer look with this tool https://www.uwe-sieber.de/usbtreeview_e.html try to find a usb port where the usb nic is not sharing with other devices (that migth slow them down or swith to lower speeds)
  19. if your windows system with the usb dongle can deliver the full speed(PC2?) then the problem might be with the dsm system (PC1?) you can make a ubs stick with a live linux for the dsm hardware or even install open media vault to have different linux for testing the dsm hardware
  20. ok, versuch mal die portmap in der grub.cfg zu setzen und schau ob das hilft du kannst dir den loader auf usb bei laufendem system mounten und die grub.cfg anpassen (für die grub.cfg ist es synoboot1) mkdir -p /mnt/synoboot1 mkdir -p /mnt/synoboot2 echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/syno_install_flag mount /dev/synoboot1 /mnt/synoboot1 mount /dev/synoboot2 /mnt/synoboot2
  21. you know about dsm workings like having a raid 1 over all disks in the system? so yes it is possible what you want to do but you can only have the system/settings from ONE of the old systems, the 1st set of disks in the new hardware will be "migrated" to what you use as usb boot (if its a new usb drive, but you can also use the usb device from the system the 1st set of disks comes from) but this 1st set of disk will bring the system settings you will use in the new system 2nd is about disk limits of dsm and that it is stored in the patch of the loader or in the default config from synology (depends of if you use 918+ then its patched on boot to 16, when 3615/17 then its plain default from synology as 12 disks - in both cases you and up "loosing" disks after a update breaking raid sets on 1st boot after a update when not treated accordingly) so you get new headaches when using a system >12 disks and making bigger updates like a 6.2.1 -> 6.2.2 usually updates that come with a full ~250MB *.pat file will bring a new default config to you system easiest way would be using 918+ loader/image and modding the patch inside the extra/extra2 lzma to have 24 instead of 16 disks, that way it wil be corrected on every boot if needed (like after a bigger update) also to note that the 918+ image comes with a limit of 2 nic's (instead of 8 in 3615/17) that can be corrected manually and i documented this here https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/12679-progress-of-62-loader/page/9/?tab=comments#comment-92682 i was planing to do both (disk and nic patch mod) later when having "finished" the drivers (extra.lzma) but that can be until end of year or never but "breaking" the number of nics is not that critical you still have access over network on 2 nics and can mod the conf manually after the update, reboot and you are back to 8 (or more depending of what you need) the disk limit is usually the thing that brings trouble a it might result in raids being not available or being broken and wanting to rebuild disks (like a raid 6 set looses to disks on 1st boot, fixing the config brings back the to disks and then it starts to rebuild the two disks and might having a good impact on performance of the system and a time windows whee you don't have protection by raid)
  22. as this usually need (linux) drivers and synology only provides stuff for intel (they dont use amd at all) i'd say no the trancoding stuff work through the i915 drivers in the 918+ image and my guess would be that this drivers dont work with ryzen apu's but you can search the forum for this (and learn about using transcoding in in dsm as it is kind of special) if you already have the hardware you might be better off with open media vault as nas software, it a normal open linux and not a (closed source) appliance like dsm
  23. man kann in der grub cfg signalisieren wie sich die sata ports verteilen, dafür gits SataPortMap= da werden einstellig die anzahl der ports auf den controllern angegeben, für dich also SataPortMap=48 außerdem gibt es verschiedene sas kabel, ich hatte mal eins das war bei den sata ports mit 1-4 bschriftet aber am lsi war es dann genau umgekehrt, 1 war 4, 2 war 3 ... schließ mal eine platte an unterschiedlichen sas ports des lsi an (er hat ja zwei) erst wenn in dem fall immer 5 rauskommt wirds interessant
  24. since dsm 6.1/6.2 not much, go with AHCI, thats part of the kernel and does not need extra drivers a 4 port marvell 9215 based card is a safe bet ans cheap https://www.amazon.com/Syba-Controller-Marvell-Non-Raid-SD-PEX40099/dp/B01464550K https://www.sybausa.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=64_181_85 if you want 8 ports ahci: https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/19854-sata-controllers-not-recognized/?do=findComment&comment=122709 in general stay away from any sata multiplexer/ multipliers, 4-port cards with two chips are usually a bad sign (2port chip + multiplexer chip) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_multiplier also uneven port numbers (3,5) or 6 ports are indicating multiplexers like 5 port card, might be a 4 port chip, one port is used with a 2port multiplexer so 4-1+2=5, usable for dsm would be 4 port as only the 1st port of a multiplexer would be usable really gets ridiculous when having a 2port sata chip and two 4port multiplexer, that card would have 8 ports but usable in dsm would be only 2 ports if you read "FIS" in the description then its not usable in dsm (at least not with all sata ports) my advice when going wild on ali express, read about the specs of the chip(s) on the card if you don't get info's about that skip to the next candidate the only "switching" that is allowed is pcie switching (like with the 8 port card link from above) with your mainboard you might think ahead for extending, 10G nic's are always pcie 4x or 8x so you might want to keep the 16x slot open for later and buy one or two 2/4 port ahci cards for the pcie 1x slots, having 4 ports sharing pcie 1x will not be optimal for ssd usage but you can still split later and use the 2nd pcie 1x slot for ssd's (still keeping the 16x slot open for 10G nic), i'd suggest to opt for a 4port pci 1x card and keep things open for later you can have a usb3 2.5/5G nic but thats only a last resort imho (like systems with only one pcie slot) https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/17690-drivers-for-usb-30-to-ethernet-255-gbit
  25. if that is in the log then the com is present, i thought it would need some multi i/o chip and that might not be present in a legacy free mini pc still some work to add pin's and you need a null modem cable, just for one quick look (it is handy if you install often on different hardware or try to add (network) drivers and even in the nic case in most cases you add one that works and can look for the problem after install in the log as you have pcie slots in most cases
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