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Everything posted by IG-88

  1. only thing atm would be my extra/extra2.lzma, if that does not work it will have to wait to after christmas when i redo the 918+ drivers driver 1st, hardware transcoding later
  2. nic ist ein broadcom, wenn du 6.2.2 installierst verlierst du support für die nicht mit dsm kommenden treiber (von 6.2.0 -> 6.2.2 hat synology compile optionen beim kernel geändert die erfordern das man die treiber neu compiliert), einige haben sich einen intel nic eingebaut der von dsm nativ unterstützt wird so das sie 6.2.2 installiert haben, im moment (heute) geht nur 6.2.0 mit loader 1.03b für dich ich will morgen die neuen extra treiber für 3615/17 bereitstellen, dann sollte der broadcom auch mit 6.2.2 gehen (ich habe hier einen hp desktop mit broadcom onboard der macht was er soll mit 6.2.2) stprage ist kein problem das is ahci und das ist fest im kernel eingearbeitet wol habe ich nicht getestet aber wenn es mit 6.2.0 geht (such mal im forum) sollte es auch mit 6.2.2 gehn power button nutze ich auch aber das spk add on installiert im moment "nur" den 6.2.0 treiber, und man muss nachher den *.ko datein von hand wieder auf 6.2.2 bringen aber da es schon bei dir installiert ist sollte es die 6.2.2 trieber beim update bekommen und der shutdown mit button sollte gehen, falls nicht muss man halt die 2 dateien von 6.2.2 wegkopieren (oder mit 7zip aus der extra.lzma rauskopieren), das addon installieren und dann die dateien wieder einfügen ich schäte mal wen der maintainer von dem addon noch dsm macht wird es des auch anpassen sobald die neuen extra.lzma's raus sind, ist nur eine kleine anpassug da man bei der instllation die versionsnummer 6.2.0 und 6.2.2 unterschein muss
  3. i dont think a disk added after dms installation will be initialized when there are already partitions on it changing the boot drive in bios might do the trick to boot windows lets say there are 4 sata, use 3 with dsm and install the normal way, disconnect all 3 drives, remove usb drive with jun's loader use the fourth sata to install windows (make the disk the boot disk in bios before installing) after that you should be able to connect all drives (and the usb) and by choosing usb or the 4th disk as boot drive you should be able to change what system is booted when having ipmi/bmc you could even change over network what to boot (usually server boards)
  4. more precise its a limit in the dsm kernel synology build and we are bound to use the kernel (same reason we dont have hyper-v support) we can add modules/drivers as long as its nothing that needs to be made into the kernel
  5. die grafische darstellung der cpu ist fix, steht auch in der faq, es wird benutzt was da ist, bis zu 16 threads sowei ich wüßte (8 cores mit HT) ist nicht unbedingt so das man mal eben 2Gbit von seinem pc nutzen kann, da solltest du noch mal nachlesen
  6. ja, die ersetzen die vorhandenen datein von jun, beschrieben wird das in der (mehr oder weniger) aktuellen howto für die installtion von dsm 6.1 (6.x) in der tutorial section wäre imho die einfachste lösung wenn du 6.2 und 918+ nutzen willst, ob man jetzt extra einen kaufen muss? wenn du was rumliegen hast versuchs damit, kann auch ein realtek sein, er muss ja nur besser funktionieren als der onboard, später kannst dem onboard ja noch mal versuchen und wenns geht hast du den slot wieder frei (z.B. für 4/8 port sata controller oder 10G nic) wäre aber auch möglich erst mal 3615/3617 mit 6.1 (loader 1.02b) zu nutzen und später noch mal mit 918+ zu versuchen in der aktuellen 918+ extra von mir ist auch nur juns realtek treiber drin, müsstest also warten bis die neue version kommt
  7. also ich habe keine praktischer erfahrung mit hardcore gaming unter esxi aber hätte doch zweifel selbst ob 1Gbit für grafik ausreicht kommt darauf an wie hoch auflösung, bildwiederholrate und wir gut die kompression ist, dazu kommt noch latenz, was für cad/gis ok ist ist bei spielen totales no go 4k mit 60Hz und geringer latenz, theoretisch ja aber es kommt auf die praxis an, aber ich bezweifle das jemand der 144Hz monitor "braucht" mit sowas etwas anfangen kann wenn du das nachher nicht mehr ändern kannst (geld frage) dann würde ich eher zu einem spiele pc raten (wenn man wirklich harte brocken, das neueste oder VR zockt) und die storage und application server funktion auf dem nas isolieren, kann ja trotzdem esxi sein so das man die felxibilität behält um dsm mit docker zu machen und wenn nötig "richtige" virtualisierung mit esxi also wenn du keine reines SSD nas planst oder ein 50-10 user netzwerk betreibst wirst du locker mit einer 10G verbindung auskommen imho musst du dann mit extra disks (ssd's) für sss, vmm und docker arbeiten kann etwas aurbeit bedeuten rauszufinden was man alles auf extra storage isolieren muss damit die platten wirklich runterfahren, die meisten haben imho bei sowas kapituliert weil es zu viel zeit kostet ausreichend proz. leistung tuts auch für 1-2 streams, hängt davon ab was sonst noch so auf der kiste leistung braucht aber für die meistern belange ist ein 4-6 core ht prozessor locker ausreichend (VMM frisst sicher eine menge cpu und ram) außerdem brauchen die meisten geräte heute gar kein transcoding und können 4k videos nativ abspielen, ist imho vor allem interessant wenn man ins internet oder auf seine smartwatch streamen will also für michr wäre ab dem punkt VM vorbei wenn ich eine extra graka in dem "server" brauche, dann fahre ich lieber das win10 lokal, kleine vm sachen für tests kann man ja auch lokal auf meinem pc (nvme ssd / sata ssd) als vm mit virtualbox laufen lassen, wenns was permanentes ist kommst auf den server (esxi und dsm vm)
  8. klingt nach netzwerk treiber problemen, die evtl. nur bei reboot aber nicht noch kaltstrat auftreten? versuch das mal soweit ich das gesehen habe sind in der extra und extra2 die gleichen treiber, nur das patch file unterscheidet sich bei beiden im moment sind da schon recht neue realtek treiber mit im spiel aber in der nächsten version für 918+ die ich um (eher nach) weihnachten machen will sollten dann auch die neusten realtek treiber sein - meine neue nas hardware wird auf 918+ laufen und hat realtek onbiard (wobei ich für daten einen extra 10G nic nutze, der realtek ist nur für verwaltung und einfache sachen)
  9. so it will use the files coming by default with dsm 918+ from synology having newer files might be a option for people having newer intel hardware then what the original 918+ have to get it working there does not seem to be a definite answer to this, needs testing and documentation
  10. kind of annoying and it can be fixed in the extra.lzma with a little diff and patch, if my job would be more friendly to me (or my new boss) i wouldn't be so fed up after work (with lots of over time working atm) imho its not that difficult to achieve, jun does it in 918+ as the default is just 4 drives, he did not care about that for 3615/17 as the default is 12 and in most cases that is enough its just doing a diff with juns mod and a added 24 drive mod against the original synoinfo.conf an then puting that into juns mod in the extra.lzma
  11. thats strange, its sas3008, the same as the mentioned dell type https://pci-ids.ucw.cz/read/PC/1000/0097 in the driver it checks for different branded sas3008, it theory it should also work with a generic type can you provide dmesg from a installed 3617? would be interesting to see whats in the log when loading the mpt3sas drive now i did some additional version checks what dsm version did you use/install 6.2.0 (and juns loader) come with mpt3sas version 6.2.2 has version as mentioned above, and my source check was against so you would need 6.2.2 - but that breaks divers that do not come with dsm (for that you would need my new extra.lzma that is not published yet) you can try to install 3617 6.2.2, you i350 is driver igb.ko and thats inside dsm so you should be able to use network and your sas3008 should work too
  12. i already did this in the (not public available) test version, your problem is the mpt3sas driver, if the one coming with dsm does not work with your controller i dont see how to get it working atm - it might hurt but either you get yourself sas controllers working with 3617 or you throw out sas and use sata 3617: mpt3sas = version mpt2sas = version this version must be from external source, as kernel 3.10.105 has different version numbers whats the vendor id of your controllers (lspci)? edit: if you want to try to build your own drivers and extra.lzma, my "old" descrition is still good, just look at the end of the thread for some infos about waht to change for dsm 6.2.2 https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/7187-how-to-build-and-inject-missing-drivers-in-jun-loader-102a/ edit2: if you take the source of the mpt3sas mp3sas_base.h contains names and id's of controllers supported (thats the version from dsm) so if you insist on sas3 there would be the Dell HBA330 12G but there are others too
  13. keep in mind the synology limits things on purpose (like only allowing there own esata extenders) and the loader you are using is kind of a hack as it disables checks for the original hardware and enables loading of additional drivers usually the bast way is to stay close to the hardware of the image you are using or you will depend on additional drivers building the same as fs3017 and not being able to use that image ... the sas stuff also exeeds the 24 drive limit we usually see with the normal images and uses diffrent mechanisms to implement it and they need (as esata) special firmware that will be identified when connection/using stuff - so additional trip wires atm i cant compile better/newer mpt sas drivers (or any scsi/sas drivers) for 3615/17 so dont expect a miracle in the next weeks/months if you really want to user f1 raid and dsm then 3617 and ahci/sata seems to be the realistic way if you have huge amounts of time and are good in reverse engineering and using IDA you might find a solution, but thats nothing i can do if you can do this you might reverse jun's way and make a loader for the dsm system of your choice afaik its mainly about making dsm see the hardware of the original system when checking but i can be wrong here its just what i got from reading here
  14. seeing your last test and the 330 messages per second in the log of 918+ and knowing the 3617 supports f1 ootb, i'd go with sata/ahci and 3617 image
  15. xpenology is based on the original kernel of synology and as synology does not use amd hardware consequently there is no explicit support in the kernel ryzen does work but you cant use hardware transcoding, thats intel quick sync exclusive if you have the choice go with a intel setup (i don't like it either, my desktop pc is ryzen based) also if you can choose a bigger board that has more pcie slots and mybe more sata ports (6 is often seen) i'm using a gigabyte B360M HD3, microATX, a 8th ot 9th gen intel cpu is a good choice, maybe a "T" model with lower TDP is a option when the system is running 24/7 dont use a "F" model, you need the intel gpu part if you want to use hardware transcoding one recipe is to stay close to the hardware of what imgae you are using, 918+ is the usual choice for new hardware (3615/17 is usually used for older hardware) depending on what future options you might have, enough sata ports and pcie slots come in usefull like 2xsata ssd for cache or pcie slots for a 10G nic or 4/8 port sata controller wifi is more or less not supported with dsm so you dont need it as onboard component my1st choice would have been a 9100T but intel has massive problems with that and it dos not look like they will e able to deliver in a foreseeable future
  16. redo your usb (istalling 24922 changed files to a new version), delete disks and install 6.2.(0) aka v23739 there are changes in 6.2.2 (24922) that make the additional drivers (in the file extra.lzma) incompatible when using a network hardware that need this drivers then network will not work after installing 24922 so you will have to stay with 6.2.(0) until a new driver package is availible (still work i progress) or you use loader 1.02b and dsm 6.1, as long as you dont update to 6.2 you are also fine
  17. your spec from above looked like you would use sata drives, so it would be no loss using sata ports
  18. there is still the option to connect the disks to sata as mentioned above, that way you dont need mpt sas support, ahci is part of the pre compiled synology kernel
  19. IG-88

    DSM 6.2 Loader

    https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/7187-how-to-build-and-inject-missing-drivers-in-jun-loader-102a/ i n the next version of the extra.lzma will have virtio drivers present (but they will not be loaded by default) so you can test atm they are in my test versions for 3615/17 but i plan to redo the 918+ driver package around christmas (i guess it will be more after christmas) and then i will add the virtio drivers too
  20. well i guess you could say the same about 3617? https://global.download.synology.com/download/Document/Hardware/DataSheet/DiskStation/17-year/DS3617xs/enu/Synology_DS3617xs_Data_Sheet_enu.pdf there is no raid f1 too you try to find out if f1 is working on 3617 by using some disks on the internal sata ports, they should show up ootb maybe f1 needs to be present in a different way then other common raid modes so it might only availible on FS* stations, but can also be some switches in conf, i dont konw, you might need to find out on your own there is a raid related switch present in ds3617 and fs3017 but not 918+ support_diffraid="yes" i dont know what it does but you can try to set it in 918+ too i'd say ~330 errors per second in the log file is more alarming does not look like as it would really working
  21. in bios so dsm does not "see" it just copy the part where the melanox driver (mlx4*, mlx5*) is loaded from /var/log/dmesg also copy the part from the driver "igb", thats your i350 can you provide the lspci output of your sas controller(s)
  22. you did not mention this above on every boot or just when installing? any log you can provide for this? unusual, cant remember any case where waiting that long made a difference, the driver works or it doesn't , should be a matter of seconds i will do a reworked 918+ extra/extra2 that hopefully have recent drivers for intel nic's and if you can provide a log from a booted up system that shows something about the menalox driver loading might help, ConnectX-3 seems not to be very new, also provide a vendor id from lspci, with that i can check against the driver source if it should be detected or not disable onboard sata, 10 sata ports an 16 follow up ports is more then 24 so kind of normal that 2 drives are missing in this configuration (10+16 =26) (btw. changing the max. drive for 918+ is pretty easy as juns patch already contains a change from 4 to 16 drives, 3615/17 have a syanology default of 12 drives, so jun's patch does not contain anything you could chande to a higher value, it needs a new diff from original synoinfo.conf and modded one and pasting this into jun's patch an the extra.lzma - still one of the things i want to do, its clear what to do but it needs to doene and testing)
  23. it should work, but imho safer to add a disk if the system is powered down yes, new disk needs to be initialized (the system partition with dsm on it will be copied to that disk) after this you can create your raid 1 from the basic disk the process will just copy all data from your existing disk to the new (raid1 = mirror disk)
  24. chip is SAS3008, driver mpt3sas, ds3617 image from synology comes with this driver in dsm (3615 does not) so in theory it should work, whats the vendor id when listing it with lspci? the F1 Raid mode might be present, you can try to switch of the SHR Support by reverting whats written about enabling SHR https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/9394-installation-faq/?do=findComment&comment=81094 so disable shr support and use raidgroups instead, maybe the F1 option will appear, synology seems to use the same base for all getting a network driver working seems much less hassle then getting mpt sas drivers working, i did try to add newer drivers last year and it did not work thats a ConnectX-3 card, also can you give the vendor id from lspci taking into accout that even the newly compiled mpt2sas driver from 3615 (kernel 3.10.105) did not work (loads but when devices are found crashes, also happens with other scsi/sas drivers, might be a kernel source problem, synology using a newer changed kernel, we only have >2 year old beta kernel)) and we will have to use the drivers coming with dsm when it comes to scsi/sas you might be better off with 918+ when the storage is working, i see more hope getting a nic driver to work the scsi/sas not sure why you choose the sas controller, when it comes to xpenology (hacked dsm) then ahci is 1st choice (imho) the board has 10 x sata already and plenty of pcie slots for 4port or 8port ahci cards (in your case just two 4port cards with marvel 9215 might be enough)
  25. i'm not using esxi at home, use the search here to find out about hba passthrough and smart or temp. readings i remember that even with passthrough it was not the same as using it baremetal, at least for some people phsical rdm and smart ... how about this? https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/13910-xpe-in-esxi-with-rdm-passthrough-and-smart/ just dig a little here or use google, plenty of sources
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