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Everything posted by ordimans

  1. Gen7 with Turion are not supported. We are many with it... and the 6.0.2 is the maximum for this time.
  2. I have 6.5, and my RTL8111 works : [root@localhost:~] esxcfg-nics -l Name PCI Driver Link Speed Duplex MAC Address MTU Description vmnic0 0000:03:00.0 tg3 Up 1000Mbps Full 00:9c:02:97:53:5d 1500 Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5723 Gigabit Ethernet vmnic1 0000:02:00.0 r8168 Down 0Mbps Half 00:e0:4c:80:1a:50 9000 Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller [root@localhost:~]
  3. ordimans

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    +6. I try to find another machine with same size and same functions... Nothing... A solution is to buy a G8, and take a Xeon. Personnaly, i put ESXI on my N40L and use the last loader. But i cannot do everything ... (HA Cluster doesn't work...)
  4. Take it : http://dl.free.fr/n7781iqnt Put next to the img file, and when you choose a hard disk, choose the vdmk.
  5. Yes we can define mac adress in ESXI, but for the first interface, this is not take by loader. define in grub.cfg overwrite it...
  6. I don't understand two things with ESXI, not sure if the good place... But why when i use set sn and set mac before to boot, it's work the first boot but after the second, default value was restored (or old value). Example i had mac1 = xx, i put yy, it's ok when i reboot, but if i reboot new time, it's xx...
  7. Thanks you. I will try your how to soon. But i missunderstood, why it work with old loader (1.01) and not with the new (since 1.02). Not sure to know how the loader works exactly....
  8. ordimans

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    HUm, strange, i did that on 6.5 and no problem...
  9. @IG-88 >> It's possible to add AMD support easily ?
  10. Not sure to understand what is better than ESXI 6.5 ?
  11. ordimans

    This is new

    Quicknick post is not available now...
  12. ordimans

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    Same here. update crash my DSM. I made a clean install. Someone does know why update fails with ESXI ? But my volume is crashed without repair option, never see this message, and all datas are available....
  13. It's possible to add AMD support in the last loader. and full support Proliant G7 and G8 like before with Nanoboot Hardware spec are not bad for DSM 6.x but not possible to use now. And i think the community with this machine is big.
  14. Not sure.... I have a problem with Hyperbackup when i copy from DSM to another DSM. If i copy same file on NAs from PC, no problem...
  15. ordimans

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    You mean, data migration ? So if we make a clean install, no problem ?
  16. Pour info, marche niquel sous ESXI 6.0, avec le loader 1.02a et l'image DS3617xS Sur une machine AMD. Cette solution a été opté afin d'avoir une compatibilité à 100% avec le matos. Il me reste juste un questionnement sur l'utilisation du CPU, est elle entière comme si DSM malgré la couche ESXI.
  17. I found your post, but i don't have SATA 0:0 in the list ?? Why ? There is another bad setting ? EDIT: i use vSphere Client.
  18. I installed DSM 6.1 with last Jun Loader on ESXI 6.0. Just one question, about drive, i created one (persistent with a vdmk (linked to synoboot.img) and another of 32GB no persistent. I am not sure but after the first vdmk linked to img, can be delete, or removed it automatically ? Because i saw it on DSM, and not initialized.... I choose this method, because i can made a snapshot just with 32GB Drive and app/module on it, without data where i used to raw drive mapping.
  19. Salut Avec ESXI, vous avez changé l'adresse MAC et le SERIAL lors de l'install ? OU vous avez tout laissé par défaut ? Je présume que c'est dans le synology.vdmk ? Je suis en 6.0 et j'ai mis le dernier loader avec DSM 6.1. Par contre le problème que j'ai, si j’arrête DSM par l'interface, la VM s'arrête pas c'est normal ? Faut peut être que j'install open-vm-tool. Premier essai, niquel. Je recommence là pour mettre le DATA STORE Principal sur un SSD. Sinon, je croyais avoir lu dans un tuto pour Esxi, que je ne retrouve plus... Après le boot, ajouter un drive de quelques Go, 8 ou 16 si utilisation de plex. Pour l'utiliser en principal, et avoir les apps dessus. Permetant de faire un snapshot léger, et non de tout les disques. Par la suite, je vais ajoutr des disques physiques en les mappant. D'ailleurs, le snapshot est pas possible à cause de ça. Bref, j'aimerais bien, si c'est possible, ajouter un petit disque virtuel de quelques Go, ou DSM mettra le nécessaire. Ensuite je mappe mes disques physiques qui n'ont que les données.
  20. ordimans

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    Another question, someone installed VMware tools ? The shutdown by DSM seems to be not working ...
  21. ordimans

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    I have tested last loader with ESXI 6.0, no problem. I just cannot add second network card ? Someone did that ? I add another network interface on VM on ESXI. I restart Syno, but anything I use grub menu and mac2 command, anything.... Another step missed ? EDIT: It's a success, i changed Network interface with E1000 instead VMnet2.
  22. ordimans

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    If you are on v1.01, replace the extra.lzma with this one https://mega.nz/#!KUxmhY7R!FYOSzesxdUjPlynO4YDvSu4LKfFkFk9eBvkUD9AGS04. I included the forcedeth module. Let me know if it works. I repeat. This is only for v1.01 NOT v.1.02a. Can you explain how do you make this ? I would like to add my own driver to have a full compatible loader with Proliant .
  23. Same here for UPS device. I am not sure if the same method work on DSM 6.0. It was used with DSM 4.2 : viewtopic.php?p=4292#p4292 What do you think ? I think to add myself driver because i need that
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