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I have a HP gen7 N54L Xpenoboot 5.2 5564.1 DSM update-1 for a week. Everything works fine. However I know about bootlops this loader on HP gen8 after migration and the inability to create partitions for a new installation


I suspect this is due to the integrated controller ride gen8


What about updated .pat are you saying?



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Synology has released a 'silent' update to 5.2-5644 which breaks our patches. There was no change to the build number or version, only to the build date. This is out of the ordinary and is also, clearly, out of our control. We are trying our best to test and release a new bootloader which is compatible with the new update. As always, please be patient with us, we are doing our best to provide a fix.

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To try to clear up confusion; XPEnoboot 5.2-5644.1 was released on Nov 8, 2015 and was developed against DSM 5.2-5644 with build date of Oct 28, 2015. The current DSM build which Synology is distributing is still DSM 5.2-5644 but with a build date of Nov 12, 2015. (See the spoiler section below for more details.) So clearly our release of XPEnoboot 5.2-5644.1 could not take into account a build of DSM that was created after its release. We are unsure of whether or not DSM will silently update to this new build without user intervention or if the new build will only be used for new installations. Either way as soon as we identified the issue we posted here to keep the community up to date.


I hope this helps clear things up.


[spoiler=DSM Version Details]DSM Version for XPEnoboot 5.2-5644.1 :



DSM Version currently being distributed by Synology :



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Thank You for quick response!


As with lilobzh I have build dates of 11/16/15. Not sure what I should or should not be doing but systems were rebooted since install of "patch" and all is working as designed. I use the systems as general storage and media servers, all local access only. Had a brief issue, now resolved, with 1 user access to share.

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Thank ! :smile:,

the news spread around the world in a few hours


DSM 5.2-5592 launched, and accidentally updated to 5644 from the Control Panel. (build 13.11.2015)

then update1.


added 2 discs and created block level LUN and regular file LUN, (but Target is not mapped to regular files LUN)

expanded partition with the LUN and second disk - data partition.

rebooted several times

As long as working

other functions not tested yet


XPEnoboot 5.2-5592 vs DSM 5.2-5644 (build 13.11.2015) Update1 on VMware machine

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I have the same boot loop happening on both my HP n40l and HP Gen8 Microservers.

The workaround i have for the moment is that each time my servers get in this loop after a reboot, i use SD Formatter to format my USB sticks

and then re-write the 5.2.5644.1 boot loader. I then dont chose to "upgrade/install" and it sometimes works or then loops and i have to re-format the USB and try again. (luck of the draw at the moment)

After several attempts at choosing upgrade/install and not......it will sometimes boot up.

The problem with this is that my 5 Disk SHR Volume then has to check parity after all the unsuccessful boots. Which takes hours on a 8TB volume.


For now ill have to not reboot......(recently added a UPS to both servers so hopefully they stay up for now until the new loader is released)


Im a recent joiner to the Synology DSM......and absolutely love it.


Ill be installing a new one at my father inlaw tomorrow (but ill use the older version prior to 5644 for now with his HP n40l)

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Weird.. I've tested it in VMware and on my server (normal install, main OS) and if I take te bootloader of version 5.5592 I can update it to the last version with the official Synology Updates.. No problem on both platforms. I can go till version 5.2-5644 update 1 no problem what so ever :smile:.


* I always chance the serial and mac adress, maybe that has an influence?

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Synology update 5644 pat file without any warning.

It break the bootloader.


!! WAIT the new version of bootloader !!


I'm currently on DSM 5.2-5592 Update 4


Should I up date to DSM 5.2-5644 (28.10.15) and then DSM 5.2-5644 Update-1?


Or can I go from DSM 5.2-5592 Update 4 directly to DSM 5.2-5644 Update-1?


Thanks :wink:

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hmm damn! I just updated via dsm to the new version before I read this post. Since then my webinterface is not reachable anymore. I also don't see my xpenology-server in my router.


Has this anything to do with this new silent update from synology??

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hmm damn! I just updated via dsm to the new version before I read this post. Since then my webinterface is not reachable anymore. I also don't see my xpenology-server in my router.


Has this anything to do with this new silent update from synology??




be better downgrade to previous version.

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hmm damn! I just updated via dsm to the new version before I read this post. Since then my webinterface is not reachable anymore. I also don't see my xpenology-server in my router.


Has this anything to do with this new silent update from synology??

I had this to, then I used another USB stick image and then it was no problems.

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It would be really useful to add the hardware your running Xpenology on when posting on update versions working or not, it would be of great help those of us who have not yet updated to decide if it is safe to update our particular hardware based on other users experiences.


I want to add my Thank You to the guys who have spent their valuable time and effort in bringing this very useful software to us and for free, I for one appreciate it.

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