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  1. I think that for backups/file services you would not notice and difference in cpu use. if your 'future' is to do harder stuff like Plex media server and transcoding etc, I would buy the faster mobo now. I've used an asrock amd apu embedded with xpe - http://www.asrock.com/mb/AMD/QC5000-ITX ... ifications, works really well. the sata and lan are same as the intel boards so 4 drives and lan are all compatible with xpe
  2. I hope this is the right place to ask this question. Thanks to all the info on this forum I have successfully built my own NAS that works far far better than the DS211j I used to have. Q1900-ITX, 4gb RAM, 4TB SHR array, onboard everything else. Using noboot 5.2-5644.3 with Video Station updated to latest version. The problem I have is that DS Video seems to play to my apple tv (V3) at about half the framerate and with significant pixellation. I've adjusted the transcoding quality on the DSVideo app with no apparent change in quality or effects. Not all files are affected by this (although the majority are) and it doesn't seem to matter if the video file is a 480p, 720p, or 1080p, the issue remains the same. Am I running into limitations with the hardware, DSVideo software, of the XPEnology build? Or are there settings which I should play around with? I know Plex is an option but I'd like to exhaust my options with DSVideo first. Thank you
  3. HVEC transcoding is working with Plex on my HP Microserver Gen8. You need a good processor (intel).
  4. Danke nochmal an Kugelfisch01, ich werde nun wahrscheinlich doch ein originales System kaufen, und zwar eine DS1815+. Ich denke mal das sie auch mit dem transcoding der Streams klar kommt, hat ja auch nen Quadcore Prozessor drauf. Bis jetzt gabs den Fall noch nicht das 4 Streams gleichzeitig gelaufen sind, von daher denke ich mal reicht es vollkommen aus. Datenbanken und Interneteiten sollen darauf nicht laufen und die Bauform ist entscheidend, da das ganze in einem TV-Lowboard mit Belüftung eingebaut ist. Wichtig war auch die Skalierbarkeit, deswegen fielen die DS1515+ & die 1815+ in die engere Wahl. Da geplant ist noch 2 Expasionseinheiten anzuschließen. Aktuell läuft das System wie beschrieben mit 4x4TB WD red Platten in einem HP N54L Microserver. Ansonsten wird die Synology nur noch als Datenspeicher und Photostation genutzt.
  5. у меня по прежнему грузит 10%-90%, но что характерно транскодер работает с амплитудой то есть не постоянно вот сделал видео работы в связке plex+chromecast, кстати скачал с play.google последнюю версию где конечно без активации за 4,33 € некоторые функции урезанны но плагин iptv работает и без оплаты. [spoiler=] plex transcoding cpu
  6. Hello everyone, I am planning to build XPenology machine and I was wondering which processor is powerful enough for video playing/transcoding when needed, sometimes even to 2-3 devices in a same time and how much of RAM... I am kind of budget limited, so thinking about going with AMD platform, Mini-ITX, but it can be Intel as well... I am affraid to just go and buy any motherboard I like, cause I dont want to experience any hardware incompatibility with XPenology. Any help and advice is much appreciated! Thank You, Eddie.
  7. This is a personal opinion, but you rather then installing XPenology directly on hardware I would recommend to install it on a hypervisor such as ESXi. I've tested Plex both on Synology and in a dedicated virtual machine and the performance was way better in the virtual machine when multiple users are streaming/transcoding at the same time. The other benefit is that you aren't that dependent on hardware and you can run other stuff in parallell , which is awesome. I would recommend spending a bit more and buy a Intel CPU, especially if you intend to use or at some time move over to virtualization. The amought of memory depends highly on your usage. 4GB should be enough for normal usage. If you intent do , you should add 1GB of memory for every 1TB you intend to sync. However, if you are convinced that you want to install XPenology directly on hardware take a look at this post: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10973
  8. Yea, I know it's no powerhouse. I don't run any transcoding on my NAS though. I run PLEX on my i7 Mac Mini and just point it at the XPenology for the media. For the case I just went with a common Rosewill tower from Newegg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811147153 I have built many systems in this case and it is hard to beat for the money. Tool-less and quiet.
  9. Hello Cynos, Si tu n'as pas vu de nouveaux postes de ma part depuis ma commande c'est que tout fonctionne Plus sérieusement j'en suis super content. Je l'utilise pour : - Download Station - TVHeadEnd Server - Serveur de Fichier - Serveur VPN - Cloud Sync Ma question qui reste en suspend c'est l'hibernation de mes disques ... je prendrai le temps de voir ca plus tard. Ma version : DSM 5.2-5644 Update 1 Aucun problème de drivers a ma connaissance. Non je n'utilise pas Plex, tu veux savoir la puissance du CPU pour le transcoding ? Je ne sais si c'est comparable mais lorsque je lance une Video depuis "File Station", donc sur mon navigateur, je vois le CPU (du NAS) qui monte aux alentours de 30%. J'en déduis que c'est transcodage, je me trompe ? D'ici peu je disposerai d'un Wattmètre, je pourrai vérifier sa conso. Bonne soirée.
  10. Hola, yo tengo un Apple TV 4 y un N54L. Al usar plex veo que la cpu va casi al 100%. Lo que pasa es que con la tele directamente no me da este problema. ¿Hay alguna configuración para que Plex sólo haga el streaming y no el transcoding? Enviado desde mi iPad utilizando Tapatalk
  11. I have a VivoPC VM42-S075v running the latest Xpenology build on a WD Red 3TB in SHR. The Celeron 2957u works fine for me. Most of my media are MP4 so there's not much transcoding running Plex on my iOS devices.
  12. Have tried searching for this but cannot find any results. Does Xpenology have drivers for Broadcom BCM970015 (Crystal HD) PCIe card? Such as this http://www.amazon.com/BCM970015-Broadcom-Hardware-Decoder-Accelerator/dp/B0050QJUP0 I am in process of setting up Xpenology with Emby installed. My current Intel Core 2 Duo doesn't handle transcoding for all of my movies. If I can offload the transcoding to the Broadcom that may help. But I need the xpeno box to install the card first
  13. i can't speak english well. cat /proc/cpu : 4 core check but play on plex transcoding cpu use near 50% (top) All cores are recognized and used, but i3 and 2 cores displayed by interface. Its a bug, but only cosmetic.
  14. Hello, I'm planning on buying hardware and instaling Xpenology, but I'm a little bit off the best hardware alternatives. I would want to do some transcoding, so it would be good to have 4GB of RAM. Also planning two hdd's for now but some escalability to a later upgrade. The main decisions: PSU must be ATX, so planning to buy a S12II-350; 4GB of RAM; two 2TB 3,5" Drives, thinking on going to cheaper HDD's like Seagate 2TB Barracuda 7200.14 or it has to be an "WD Red" for example? Motherboard with APU separated? (I think that maybe due to the type of equipment, CPU change won't be a valuable option, since when a normal APU outdates, probably MB will be too, don't you agree? Case? No clue, just thinking on finding some that allows ATX PSU, has at least four 3.5" hdd bays, and dust filters on air intakes, but haven't found "the one " yet.. Thank you in advance for the advices
  15. Hi I'm not really interested in FreeNAS, but people in FreeNAS videos tell that: "Get as much memory as you can get." How memory hungry is Synology regarding this matter I'm planning a NAS build with XPEnology and I would like to know this before I start spending. Usage case would be: 6 x 6TB WD Red Pro's and perhaps a 256GB SSD for caching. I've heard this feature might not work very well, but I'm going to give it a try. Services: Transcoding, DLNA server, Mail server, Audio server, Download Station, Photo Station, Video Station, Directory Server, DNS server, Note Station, Mail Station, Cloud Station. Server would be online 24/7.
  16. No tienes por que disculparte, y gracias nuevamente por tu respuesta. Ciertamente el server lo tengo configurado para que haga transcoding, la conexion con la ps3 siempre procuro que sea por cable me fio mas sobre todo para jugar on-line que por WiFi. Ciertamente del router al server lo tengo con PLC de 500Mb el cual le llegan unos 170Mb de velocidad real. Mirare tambien eso que me dices de los 10bit de color, pero me surge otra pregunta... donde miro eso?? Aunque actualmente he optado por convertir el video y copiarlo a la PS3 en formato que ella misma pueda reproducir Gracias
  17. Voy a tener que pedir disculpas por darte una respuesta incorrecta. He asumido (sin razon alguna) que estás haciendo transcoding, cuando es probable que no sea así, estoy tan acostumbrado a usar el PLEX que ya no concibo otra forma en mi mente. He comentado con un compañero lo de la PS3, y me dice que la conexión por defecto es por DLNA, por lo que no debería de hacer transcoding y deberías de poder siempre y cuando la conexion entre el server y la PS3 sea lo suficientemente rápida. Te recomiendo conectar por cable de red para asegurarte de que funciona bien. Hemos hecho alguna prueba con hardware menos potente y se ve bien, salvo los videos que están en 10bit de color. En esos dan tirones.
  18. Si coges la info por red (NFS o Samba) no hace transcoding, al menos no lo hace el servidor. Como dices puede ser un problema de velocidad de discos, o de transferencia desde el servidor hasta el dispositivo. Como lo tienes conectado? Por wifi? por cable? Por las especificaciones del trasto, no tendrías que tener problema alguno. Como vas de comandos en Linux? Podrías hacer un test de velocidad de los discos duros con el comando hdparm. Para eso tienes que habilitar el SSH y conectarte al synology con el putty, usuario "root" contraseña la misma que el usuario "admin". Una vez conectado solo tienes que ejecutar "hdparm -t /dev/sda" para el primer disco "/dev/sdb" para el segundo y "asín" sucesivamente.
  19. Hola XoN gracias por tu aporte, la verdad es que no soy consciente de hacer transcoding. Mi contenido multimedia es enviado por protocolo NFS a un Kodi sobre Android 5.1 siguiendo estas indicaciones http://kodi.wiki/view/NFS#Synology_DSM_5.1 entendia que se conseguia el mejor rendimiento posible. De todas formas tengo vitaminado el G8 con CPU más potente y más RAM, no es el de serie, va como un tiro no me quejo de momento. El hardware donde tengo montado Kodi es este http://www.tronsmart.com/products/trons ... n-r68-meta Si miras las especificaciones no creo que tenga que hacer transcoding es compatible con 4K Al final creo que he encontrado parte del problema, he visto unos waiting for i/o en el RAID 0 que tenia con esos discos de 1 TB, los he desactivado y el rendimiento es otro. Sigo probando, me estoy planteando montar 2 WD REd y quitar tanto disco reciclado que tenia en estos momentos. Un saludo y gracias
  20. Buenas, desconozco la razón por la cual se pueden ver los videos en tu BQ, pero el micro que tienes está bastante lejos de poder hacer transcoding de los videos. http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu ... +4+3.00GHz Por lo que he leido en otros foros (que alguien me corrija si me equivoco), para mover transcoding fluido a 1080p hacen falta unos 2000 puntos, y el P4 a 3GHZ da unos escasos 358. Por DLNA debería de mandar el fichero en direct streaming, y es más factible que puedas verlo. Eso si, ahi ya dependerá del ancho de banda entre el dispositivo y el servidor.
  21. Buenas! Me parece que no vas a poder hacer transcoding a 1080p con el procesador que tienes (G1610T), y menos aun si tienes la máquina virtualizada compartiendo recursos con otras VM. Si puedes hacer downsample a 720p es más probable que si pueda. De hecho, a dispositivos android pocos synology pueden hacer transcoding: https://www.synology.com/es-es/knowledgebase/faq/577. En mi caso, con un N54L y con un N40L puedo ver la mayoría de los videos (mkvs incluidos) con PLEX en la TV a 1080p, porque hace direct streaming, y no transcoding. Si hay que hacer transcoding a 1080p apaga y vamonos, que da tirones. Para verlos en el movil, simplemente hago downscale a 720p o menos para poder verlo fluidamente. Según la FAQ de synology, por DLNA deberías de poder verlos bien.
  22. davioxx

    Gen 8 help

    Hi Who who, I currently use PLEX transcoding and work great, I stream 1080p content and it does push the CPU to the maximum for some seconds but then great transfer. Read this blog as it explains how PLEX works, it mainly depends on the target device to define if it needs to stream or transcode. https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articl ... different-
  23. Have you looked at the biostars? http://www.ebuyer.com/655722-biostar-a6 ... -a68n-5000 Fanless and I think would handle transcoding
  24. After finding the HP MS Gen8 too noisy for the small room it has to go in i've decided to built my own NAS with the intention of running Xpenology/DSM. Case, PSU and RAM are already bought but I dont know which CPU/Motherboard combo to go for. I'd like to keep the cost down to about £80 or so and i'm happy to buy 2nd hand to try and get more for my money. I've been looking at the Asrock SoC boards but it looks like they dont have enough grunt for transcoding 1080p with Plex. If £80 cant get me a CPU/Motherboard that can handle Plex transcoding then i'll just give up on the idea of running the Plex server from within DSM. Anyway, i'm open to suggestions so fire away! Thanks
  25. Hi, I've just bought a Dell T20 PowerEdge Server which is configured with the following hardware: Intel Xeon E3-1225V3 / 3.2 GHz 24GB ECC RAM Samsung EVO 850 250GB SSD WD Black 2.5" 750GB HDD 1TB 3.5" HDD (came with server, not intending to use this) Marvell 88SE9215 4 port PCI-e x4 SATAIII Controller Intel 4 port GbE NIC (it's actually a Sun branded card that a friend gave me) My intention is to virtualize the functionality of the Xpenology boxes in my sig plus play around with some other VMs. I'm familiar with virtualisation, but haven't played around with the nuts and bolts of ESXi before. I've installed Vsphere 6.0 to the SSD which is also available as a data store along with the WD Black - these drives fit nicely in the ODD bay at the top of the T20. I've already created a test VM with DSM5.2 and played about with adding disks (including using PCI pass-through of the Marvel controller to the 1TB disk). I plan to setup something like this: DSM VM 1: File Server (no other app packages) - 2x vCPU, 2GB RAM - Move 4x 3TB DSM disks from old server and connect via PCI pass-through of the Marvel controller. Also pass-through one of the Intel NICs DSM VM 2: File Transfer (Transmission, SABNZBD+, Couch Potato, etc. with VPN enabled)- 2x vCPU, 1GB RAM - Pass-through one of the Intel NICs DSM VM 3: Media Server (Plex incl. transcoding) - 4x vCPU, 2GB RAM - Pass-through one of the Intel NICs Does this sound OK? Are there any issues with using PCI pass-through and is it worth doing? Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated! Thanks, Paul.
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