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Everything posted by maxime

  1. Are you sure that DSM 5.2 have no VAAPI drivers? Are you on DSM 5.2 or 6.X?
  2. Hi to everyone. Could you tell me how can I test if Plex hardware transcode is working on my DS3615xs XPenology server with DSM 5.2-5967 Update 4? Thanks for your support!
  3. maxime

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    This thread is the place for it because the lan works perfectly in gigabit mode using Windows 7, Windows 10 and Linux Mint. This problem is present only starting the PC with Jun's bootloader!
  4. maxime

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    The RTL8111DL lan of my ASRock G31M-G mainboard works only in 10/100mbit mode. Is there any way to make it working in Gbit mode? DSM 6.1.3 with jun's 1.02b loader. Thanks!
  5. maxime

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    Hi! Could you please tell me where can I found the jun-intel-baremetal-hybrid-uefibios-arcao-v1 loader? I would try it... Thanks!
  6. Benissimo. Dell'update uno non so nulla, magari aspetta di avere notizie prima di farlo!
  7. Non hai seguito questa guida per l'installazione? Se l'hai seguita, il punto che riguarda il file Extra.lzma devi saltarlo. Se non sai di che parlo, meglio tanto NON DOVEVI farlo! 😁
  8. maxime

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    Good for you! (but not for me 😞) I've a DSM 5.2 with 4 hdd perfectly working, but I can't update to DSM 6: I've an Asrock H81M-HDS mainboard that have two sata 3 ports and two sata2 ports. When I try to update it to DSM 6, it shows this error: there are failures with the HDDs on SATA Port 5 and 6 and that the SATA Ports has been disabled Did you encountered the same problem? Do you know how can I fix it? Thanks!
  9. Esatto. Ovviamente se usi una nuova pennetta dei cambiare pid e vid. Il file lzme NON devi sostituirlo nella versione 1.02b, lascia l'originale. Che io sappia nessun problema di rilievo
  10. Devi fare una nuova pendrive con bootloader 1.2 e procedere con quella (Come hai fatto per installarlo la prima volta); quando accederai al NAS via web dovrai rifare l'installazione selezionando MIGRAZIONE e facendogli caricare manualmente il DSM 6.1.3-15152 che avrai precedentemente scaricato. Ovviamente non è un'azione distruttiva per i dati, ma un backup è sempre consigliato prima di procedere. Per i 3 dischi non so che dirti, ma ti passo il link per il configuratore, che magari ti chiarirà la tua situazione: https://www.synology.com/it-it/support/RAID_calculator?hdds=500 GB|1 TB|2 TB
  11. Hi! If I want to integrate "append SataPortMap=XX" (22 in my case) in grub.cfg, in whitch line I've to put it? thanks!
  12. Da quello che ho letto nel thread inglese, si. Hanno aggiornato direttamente dal pulsante senza nessun problema
  13. maxime

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    Use the manual update from webgui and load the .pat file you previously downloaded
  14. what kind of update? From webgui? Automatic or manual?
  15. maxime

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    Download pat file from Synology server and update manually from DSM webgui
  16. Hi! Which one is more indicated for using with Plex Server? Is there a preferral DSM/bootloader to use with Plex? My HardWare configuration is: Mainboard Asrock H81M-HDS CPU Celeron G1840 2,80GHz Ram 4Gb DDR3 Storage 4HD 3Tb Thanks!
  17. In bios all ports are configured as AHCI. 4 Drives are connected from sata0 to sata3 BUT sata0 and sata1 are ports of controller1 (SATA6Gb/s), sata2 and sata3 are ports of controller2 (SATA3Gb/s) Drives are configured in RAID 5 and work perfectly on DSM 5.2 If I understood, I've to set this line on grub.cfg append SataPortMap=22 Is it correct?
  18. Hi! I've an XPEnology based on DSM 5.2 running perfectly on my hardware: Mainboard Asrock H81M-HDS CPU Celeron G1840 2,80GHz Ram 4Gb DDR3 Storage 4HD 3Tb The H81M-HDS has four sata port, but two disk controllers. This is how it is configured on DSM 5.2: Now I'm trying to upgrade to DSM 6.02 (Jun's bootloader v 1.01), but I think that only the first controller is detected. How can I modify grub.cfg file to detect all 4 disks? Thanks for support!
  19. maxime

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    Perfect. Thanks
  20. maxime

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    Please, can you explain it better? Thank you so much!
  21. maxime

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    There's no way to upgrade my XPEnology! I've always got this error: ”Failed to install the file. The file is probably corrupted. (13)". I'm 300% sure my VID and PID are right (I tried 3 differents USB Key), I also tried to edit grub on startup, but it doesn't work. On tutorial for Jun's v1.01 bootloader is written: If you got error 13 then try to 'Force Install'... but Jun's v1.02b bootloader have not this choose. I choosed menù 2 REINSTALL but I've got the same error. And now, what can I do?!? I'm so depressed... PS: I Tried DS3615 and DS3617 too
  22. maxime

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    Good. Did you do a classic automatic update from control panel on web interface?
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