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Everything posted by pocopico

  1. Dont worry, i've found the issue, and re released the images, just update to latest and try again. ./rploader.sh update
  2. Can you please share the output of the build command ? I performed a change today. Maybe i messed something up ? EDIT: OK, found the typo :-S fixed please update
  3. Yes, actualy we can instruct grub to search for the UUID of the disk. If you replace the set root line with : search --set=root --fs-uuid BF4E-ADE7 --hint hd0,msdos3 (or 1 depends on your line) Doing so the grub root will be always set to the UUID of the partition UUID. /dev/sda2: SEC_TYPE="msdos" UUID="BF6B-61D1" /dev/sda3: UUID="6234-C863" /dev/sda1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" UUID="BF4E-ADE7" EDIT: Modified rploader.sh to now set root to the UUID instead. I had this plan in the past that somehow got stuck in between other issues. You can try with latest release v0.9.3.0
  4. you can press ‘e’ at GRUB and test hd1 , hd2 etc until you find the right drive. Then for a permanent solution you can edit the grub.cig
  5. Please note that the extensions always end up in first partition of the loader on a file called custom.gz The size of the first partition is limited and TCRP Friend will have issues after processing the custom.gz. The proper way would be to have the custom.gz and the rd.gz located on the third partition where we have plenty of free space.
  6. sure : https://github.com/pocopico/tcrpfriend/wiki
  7. while on TCRP Friend please check your /mnt/tcrp/user_config.json file and verify that netif_num matches the number of macs in linux line. e.g. netif_num=1 only mac1 should exist on the boot lines. netif_num=2 , mac1 and mac2 should exist on the boot lines. and so on.
  8. You can create the loader on a separate system and bring that over to yours
  9. Personaly i cannot comment on 10Gb card as i havent install any on physical DSM yet. What i recommend though is to buy a fanless one as the fans on the ones that i have, are very noisy on my home lab.
  10. It is adding a mid boot process for automatically handling DSM updates.
  11. I suggest you build the loader using TCRP Friend. You can build by adding the withfriend at the end of the build command.
  12. I never use the Syno Assistant and cant assist much. Did you try to perform the same from DSM GUI ?
  13. If you want the disks to be possible to be read by a physical system in the future i would choose directly.
  14. Hi both, if its bnx2x the extension is available here : https://github.com/pocopico/rp-ext/tree/main/bnx2x netxen_nic should be possible... let me check. EDIT : @arTii I created the extension for you. You can try https://github.com/pocopico/rp-ext/raw/main/netxen_nic/rpext-index.json
  15. Hi, can you please share the PCIID of your device ? an lspci -nnq from TCRP would do fine. EDIT : it looks though like a qlcnic adapter : https://github.com/pocopico/rp-ext/raw/main/qlcnic/rpext-index.json
  16. It will not be possible to create your loader with 1GB RAM on the VM. You will need 2GB minimum
  17. You can rebuild your loader with TCRP Friend. Then you can perform the upgrade to latest on the fly.
  18. Yes it should work in a similar way.
  19. You can always create your loader on a different system and bring the loader over to yours.
  20. Internet access is not required for booting but it will be required for updating the TCRP Friend automatically. If internet though is not found it will timeout and continue. If you want autoupdate to be disabled you can do so by modifying user_config.json : https://github.com/pocopico/tcrpfriend/wiki
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