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Everything posted by pocopico

  1. Good ! Another proof that data loss is a very rare occasion. Its always wise though to have a backup before you start messing around.
  2. I have no idea what platform you are using, but this might work : DiskIdxMap=0A0800
  3. I see no reason for mpt3sas not to work, its a minor kernel upgrade and the modules have been recompiled for 4.4.302. We have though shifted from a per module extension to all-modules distribution. Which you should be aware of.
  4. I havent announce it yet , i was waiting for most issues to be fixed, but at the moment it looks that most issues have been fixed.
  5. If you can remember which versions and platforms you've tested it would help a lot with narrowing my testing scope
  6. Syno has made the posibility to loose data very rare. You can keep your serial/mac/sataportmap/diskidxmap and you can download latest image to rebuild a new loader using a new USB stick and see how that goes. You can try the HTML builder which is easier.
  7. 4.4.180 and 4.4.302 are different kernel versions. The modules should always match the kernel version to load. I'll have to check and see if its included in the all-modules. EDIT: Its alredy included. Suggestion, please download latest image v0.9.4.6 and run the following command to create the loader. ./rploader.sh clean ./rploader.sh satamap ./rploader.sh build ds918p-7.2.0-64561 Simple as that, nothing to add there. OR, use your browser to use the HTML builder by ponting to your TCRP URL. e.g
  8. If you want to build a pre 7.2 version it would be better to try v9.4.4 without updating the rploader.sh
  9. Can you try skipping the use of listmods and just run the build after that ? Also can you try using the HTML version of the builder by accessing your IP from a browser ? Same goes for you @extreen
  10. Your best chance for SCSI disks would be DS3622xs+ , Try latest TCRP and lets see how it goes
  11. @secretliar Can you please check latest TCRP version ? - Download latest image and boot - Once booted, please use a broswer to access the HTML Build tool using the following URL http://yourip/index.sh
  12. I've moved all efforts to the HTML Build tool. You can have a look by downloading the latest loader image and accessing http://yourip/
  13. Actually you can keep TCRP Friend but use the direct boot instead and only use TCRP Friend in case of an upgrade and then boot directly on next run.
  14. SA6400 has a major issue. We cannot perform SATA shim. This means that the SA6400 loader will never work on VMware, unless we resolve the SATA shim issue.
  15. FYI, In 7.2 you have the option to use shared folder encryption and shared folder WORM options.
  16. Check your cmdline while DSM is up and running (with old loader) by running cat /proc/cmdline and then use these values to recreate your new loader.
  17. Hi @The Chief , Can you please explain the trigger for that need ? e.g pvmove etc To my understanding some functions are included in DSM. For instance if i want to move a share to a different volume i perform that within DSM.
  18. Yes disable_mtrr_trim is a linux kernel cmdline option.
  19. If you are using TCRP friend you can edit user_config.json and add it to sata or usb boot Linux line. If you are not just edit boot/grub/grub.cfg and add that to the Linux line
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