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Everything posted by pocopico

  1. Unfortunately, i was not able to reproduce it, nor find the cause for this. I will keep looking.
  2. You can set the gfxmode on grub to vga https://github.com/fbelavenuto/arpl/blob/98c7c67b232015219163f2f713741d504020a3e1/files/board/arpl/p1/grub/grub.cfg#L42 e.g. set gfxmode=1024x768
  3. There is a known fix on latest versions of ARPL mainly related to the kpatch process. More here : https://github.com/fbelavenuto/arpl/issues/174
  4. I suggest you use TCRP withfriend or ARPL. Both should make it easier for you. Another thing to ask is why you are wasting an entire SSD just for the loader ? It will not make things easier or faster or more reliable.
  5. VID and PID is not used when you select SATA boot. Its will try to match a SATA disk instead to be used as synoboot device. So NO USB should be connected and the above should be set on GRUB
  6. menuentry 'RedPill DS3622xs v7.1.0-42661 Beta (SATA, Verbose)' { savedefault set root=(hd0,msdos1) echo Loading Linux... linux /zImage withefi earlyprintk syno_hw_version=DS3622xs+ console=ttyS0,115200n8 netif_num=5 pid=0x5567 earlycon=uart8250,io,0x3f8,115200n8 synoboot_satadom=1 syno_port_thaw=1 mac2=001122334455 mac3=001122334455 mac1=e839354e8979 mac4=001122334455 mac5=001122334455 sn=2150SQRABC123 vid=0x0781 elevator=elevator loglevel=15 HddHotplug=1 DiskIdxMap=00 syno_hdd_detect=0 vender_format_version=2 syno_hdd_powerup_seq=0 log_buf_len=32M root=/dev/md0 SataPortMap=1 domsz_max=122880 echo Loading initramfs... initrd /rd.gz /custom.gz echo Starting kernel with SATA boot }
  7. @Kaneske Can you please share your PCIID ? It can be MPTSAS instead of mpt3sas .
  8. MPT3SAS should be auto detected.
  9. You need to select SATA boot and add the dom_szmax={THESIZEOFYOURSSDINMB} on you linux line
  10. Hi yes sorry maybe i sounded a bit aggressive but i wanted to make an introduction for the table that was following plus that i was also surpised that no files could be removed other than the auxfiles/*pat file which of-cource can be redownloaded in case you need that. Inside redpill-load there are files created during the build process that take large amount of disk space. I try to clean most of them after using them but if something breaks in the middle then you need to manually remove them. The ./rploader.sh cleans files from /home/tc, mainly those that can be redownloaded. /home/tc/redpill-load /home/tc/redpill-lkm
  11. You can try to first increase the size of the virtual disk and then perform the extension.
  12. Yes you should install these extra files for the resizing of the filesystem of the partition. tce-load -iw dosfstools tce-load -iw mtools
  13. @Polanskiman Actually nothing can be or should be deleted from that partition. Everything is there for a reason. The only files you can delete is by running ./rploader.sh clean before your last backup and maybe the auxfiles that can be redownloaded. It saves you time though in case you are still testing things to have the pat files and the extractor cached. File/Directory What is auxfiles/ Holds all auxiliary files required for building the loader. It can be removed its mainly cached files backup/ Holds the backup of the loader partitions in case you need them for recovery bzImage-friend Thats the TCRP friend kernel cde/ Holds TinyCore Redpill software corepure64.gz The Tinycore initrd friendlog.log TCRP Friend log file initrd-dsm DSM Initrd. Its used to boot via kexec the DSM initrd initrd-friend TCRP Friend initrd lastsession/ Two files backup after the build last session in case you want to restore them with restorelastsession command mydata.tgz Thats basically the /home/tc and /opt of your TCRP user_config.json Thats not a backup but the user_config.json that is required for TCRP Friend system boot vmlinuz64 The TCRP kernel zImage-dsm DSM patched kernel.
  14. Thanks for the update. The TCRP Friend indeed does not work on N54L. It causes a KP. Its mainly a buildroot kexec issue. https://github.com/fbelavenuto/arpl/issues/110
  15. You can boot from a second image and perform the changes on your target image
  16. You can always use gparted in TCRP for the resizing. I can be installed with tce-load -iw gparted
  17. I see no issues, can you please add an ./rploader.sh clean before you backup ?
  18. can you please share the whole build output ? The occupied space on /home/tc/ should normaly be about 170MB. In any case you can expand the size of the third partition to maximum with gparted. To install gparted in Tinycore you can initiate the following command : tce-load -iw gparted and after installation you can increate the size to maximum.
  19. Yes. the warning is there for a reason. Very large backups fill up the third partition space which is used as a permanent storage for various files, user_config.json being one of them. You can start over but this time make sure you backup only the files that are necessary. If the remaing disk space is less than 400MB then all the previously stored pat files will be removed. So i wouldnt bet much on /mnt/sdx3/auxfiles. I would look at /home/tc/redpill-load which can be removed before backup.
  20. Hm ! good question ... i guess It should be the other way around ... EDIT: OK it should be the other way around. The autoupdate will be skipped ONLY if "friendautoupd" is set to "false" leaving the default behavior to auto update ! Thanx @WiteWulf @Peter Suh
  21. After the update and after adding the "friendautoupd" : "false" key on your user_config.json the automatic updates will stop. You can either add that prior your system reboot by mounting the synoboot3 partition and editing the user_config.json to add that key on the general table. Or while you are at TCRP Friend by editing /mnt/tcrp/user_config.json. The default user_config.json setting though for people that will build new loaders will remain true. EDIT: I advice though against disabling the autoupdate as in the future if we have a new version then you will have to manually perform the update anyway.
  22. @Polanskiman @WiteWulf OK, as of TCRP Friend version 0.0.2 if you do not set the "friendautoupd" key to "true" TCRP Friend will stop auto updating. The default though will be remain true. "general": { "model": "", "version": "", "zimghash": "", "rdhash": "", "usb_line": "", "sata_line": "", "redpillmake" : "", "friendautoupd" : "true" }, This will be effective after the new update to v0.0.2. Then you should stop boot at TCRP Friend and edit your /mnt/tcrp/user_config.json to add this key.
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