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  1. All thank you very much for the help. The memory is Kingston KVR16E11K4 DDR3-1600 16 GB(1Gx72 ECC CL11 Server Memory Kit. "Are your disks full? If they are empty you can expext the speed to decrease a lot later..." -- the drives are completely empty. It is cerious that the speed will be slower later because I assumed this is some kind of RAID5 setup. "speed of HD, link aggregation, WOL, Hibernation..." I will try this out I do not think the SMC MB sever MB supports hibernation. It would nice to see if the drives spin down. "This sounds very slow - but not sure how to tweak XPE beyond mtu. Whats you'r array's read/write rate (dd)? -- do you know the dd command I can run from SSH to try? I have always stayed away from dd command due to erasing all the data. "Not sure that's (SSD Caching) available in 4.3" -- I see the option, hence wanted to try. "Is Beta 8 on v5 already or is it still 4.3 based as i believe? " -- No Beta8 is on 4.3. "But have fum storming the castle!" -- I wanted to beef up the system so if could do transcoding if needed. Again thanks for the insight. "I guess you should decide between Plex and XMBC, are'nt they providing the same service - Server video/audio?" -- My main purpose is to serve up XBMC data, only one of my TV's has Plex built in. "
  2. I've been lurking in this forum for awhile and have learned quite a bit and figured it's time to contribute back and maybe help someone else. I'd like to thank Trantor, sancome, Diverge, Poechi, and anyone else I've missed with sharing there knowledge that made this guide possible. This guide will provide step by step instructions to create the "Perfect Install" of Nanoboot on your ESXi host. I am calling this the "Perfect Install" because when you are done there won't be any extra "unused" disk showing up in DSM, nor will your disks start in the 3rd or 4th slot, also your Nanoboot boot drive won't get overwritten during install. You are left with something like this... Nice, Clean, Perfect! Now Let's get started! Requirements: Nanoboot IMG file, StarWind V2V Converter, WinImage, Synology DSM 5.0-4482 .pat file Overview of steps: 1. Create the VM 2. Modify IMG file to prevent boot drive from showing up in DSM 3. Convert Nanoboot IMG to VMDK and upload to Datastore 4. Adding Hard Drives to your VM 5. Installing Synology DSM 5.0-4482 1. Create the VM - Use VSphere Client and Create new Custom VM on your ESXi host. - Name it what you want. [i used DiskStation] - Store VM where you want. [I used a fast SSD Drive] - Choose Virtual Machine Version 8. - Choose any 64 bit Linux as Guest Operating System. [I used Ubuntu Linux 64-bit] - Configure CPU/RAM according to what you have. [I used 8 core, 4GB RAM] - Choose “E1000” as network adapter. - Choose “VMware Paravirtual” as SCSI Controller. [Other may work as well] - Choose Do Not Create Disk - Check “Edit before completion of VM” - Remove CD and Floppy Drive from VM configuration. [Not necessary but I don’t like unnecessary devices] 2. Modify IMG file to prevent boot drive from showing up in DSM - Start up WinImage - File -> Open, Select “NanoBoot-” - Browse to \boot\syslinux right click -> Extract on syslinux.cfg - Open syslinux.cfg that you just extract with Notepad - Add the “rmmod=ata_piix” (without quotes) to the end of the lines that start with “kernel /ZImage”… *Should be 5 lines, but the only 2 really required are the ones labeled “MENU LABEL Synology DSM 5.0” and “MENU LABEL Synology DSM 5.0-4482” - Save this modified syslinux.cfg file and “Inject” it back to the img file using WinImage (overwrite the file when asked) - Save Current Image before you exit WinImage 3. Convert Nanoboot IMG to VMDK and upload to Datastore - Start up Starwind V2V converter - Choose the NanoBoot- file you want to convert - Choose “VMware pre-allocated image”, Choose “IDE” type *Choosing "IDE" type is very important - This will created 2 vmdk files, NanoBoot- and NanoBoot- - Upload File to ESX Host Datastore (configuration tab -> Storage -> right click drive -> Browse Data Store) - Upload both vmdk file to the folder of your VM Name created in previous step, they will merge to a single vmdk file automatically. 4. Adding Hard Drives to your VM - Edit your virtual machine setting - Add a hard drive - Choose “Use an existing virtual disk” - Choose the vmdk you uploaded in the previous step. - Make sure drive is set as IDE (0:0) and check “Independent -> non-persistent” *IDE (0:0) is important because this is the boot disk that starts up Nanoboot* *non-persistent is important because it prevents the non-booting situation after you do the DSM install. Technically explanation is during DSM install all hard drives gets repartition including the nanoboot drive, the non-persistent setting makes these changes temporary and after reboot the original nanoboot boot partition is returned. [Optional but recommended step] - Add another hard drive - Choose “Create a new virtual disk” - Choose size 8+ GB, Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed. [If you will be using Plex transcoding I suggest 32GB as Plex uses alot of temp space during transcoding] - Choose SCSI ID (0:0), check “independent -> persistent” *This drive will become Volume1 of your NAS later on. It is the default location where Synology Apps are installed so having them on a virtual disk [sSD] makes it faster to launch apps. If you omit this step your mechanical (data) drives you add later on will become Volume1 and Apps will install on the same volume as your data. Having a separate drive also allows you to make snapshotting (backup) easier (only 8-32GB instead of TB’s).* Adding your Data Drives -Add Drives to your VM like you’ve previously done. [use Raw Device Mapping if you can for best performance] If your system doesn’t support it you must create virtual RDM first. Make sure they are all using SCSI ID's. *IDE drive types will not show up in DSM with this install only SCSI types. SCSI (0:0) will be the drive in first slot of, SCSI (0:1) the second slot, etc. Your VM should look something like this when you are done. 5. Installing Synology DSM 5.0-4482 - Right Click select “Open Console” so you can view the VM - Start the VM, you will see Nanoboot screen, then the menu… choose “Upgrade/Degrade” - On Next Menu choose the DSM version you want to install. [In our case 5.0-4482] - Once fully booted use a web browser and goto the IP address of the DiskStation. You can use Synology Assistant to find the IP. - Choose “Install file from my computer or installation disc” select your .pat file *Uncheck “Create a Synology Hybrid (SHR)” volume after installation” - Wait a few minutes and you should see the DSM Login screen. - Log in using admin account. - Skip the Quick Connect setup [You can’t use Quick Connect because our DiskStation doesn’t have a real serial number in Synology Database] - Goto Storage Manager -> Volume and create your Volumes DONE!
  3. I had similar problems with dsm 5, so I went back to 4.3. Someone mentioned that this issue with video station not transcoding is most likely due to the serial number. I used a serial number generator for dsm 5 gnoboot and I think that may have been the problem. Not confirmed though, but worth a shot. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
  4. Hallo dedligamer, danke für deine antworten, haben bei mir auch ein bisschen mehr licht ins dunkle gebracht. Welchen Bootloader würdest du denn empfehlen gnoboot oder Trantor? Was sind die entsprechenden Vor oder Nachteile? Habe im englischen forum gesehen dass die neue 4458 doch viele Probleme macht und sich gar nicht installieren lässt? Bezieht sich das Problem nur auf trantor? Ich hab gesehen du hast dir ein eigenes NAS zusammen gebaut? Hast du zufällig Plex auf dem NAS laufen und kannst mir sagen ob er On the Fliy Transcoding schafft? (720 oder 1080p?) Plane eigentlich auch mir ein N54l anzuschaffen... Bin hardwareseitig auch eher weniger der Bastler... Danke im Voraus. Gruß Kewl
  5. Pues nada que no han llegado los 4 WD Red Nas de 3 Tb q tenia pedidos... Asi q espero q llegen mañana y pueda pasar un buen fin de semana instalando, probando y disfrutando de Xpenology. Supongo q ire con Gnobootb10.5 + DSM 5.0 4458 update 2 Sobre todo probar el PLEX a ver como tira el transcoding hacia el Ipad con el dualcore 2.2Ghz, porque supongo q los 8 Gb de ram para el transcoding le daran igual no? Seguiremos informando... Saludos Enviado desde mi GT-N7000 usando Tapatalk 2
  6. Soweit ich im plex Forum gelesen habe schafft der n54l transcoding? Oder bin ich falsch informiert? Vielleicht abhängig von DSM 4.3 oder 5?
  7. Hallo zusammen, ich bin echt sehr dankbar auf dieses Projekt gestoßen zu sein. Ich bin ein großer Fan von Synology und generell auch gerne bereit für gute Software teure Hardware anzuschaffen. Seit langem habe ich schon die ds214play im Auge unter anderem auch wegen der Hadwaretranscodierung. Leider ist es so, dass mich der fehlende DTS Support schon sehr stört und aus meiner Sicht ein Must Have ist. Auch im Plex Forum äußert man sich nicht richtig aus ob und wann die Hadwaretranscodierung einmal supportet wird. Daher bin ich zu dem Entschluss gekommen, ein wenig Bastelei in Kauf zu nehmen, um annähernd zu bekommen was ich möchte... Die Geräte zu den gestreamt werden soll: iOS Devices und ein aTV 3gn. TV ist nen älterer Plasma Samsung der nur HD Ready kann. Generell bin ich aber auch mal bereit nen vernünftigen Mediaplayer zu kaufen Hardwareseitig bin ich jetzt beim HP ProLiant G7 MicroServer N54L hängen geblieben, wobei ich gelesen habe das 720p damit geht jedoch 1080p nicht. Daher meine Frage: Aktuell benötige ich ja gar kein NAS was 1080p kann, da der TV nur 720p schafft. Die neuen TVs bieten ja alle SmartTV mit der entsprechenden PLEX App. Im Falle einer Neuanschaffung eines TVs wäre dann überhaupt noch eine Transcodierung notwendig? Die werden doch per Direct Play oder höchstens Direct Stream gefüttert und verstehen doch sehr viele Formate (mkvs etc..) oder? Sollte meine Gedankengang nicht zutreffen: Was gibts denn für fertige NAS die für XPEnology ausgelegt sind oder was ist alternativ ein gutes Set Up zum selber basteln für 1080p transcoding (20bit datenrate)? Danke im Voraus. Gruß Kewl
  8. Unfortunately most Synology solutions are underpowered in CPU for plex transcoding. The 3612 might do the job (price tag of 3k), but even that is borderline. If they would only offer smth with more power in the consumer field.
  9. Is anyone else having issues with ffmpeg/transcoding using ds video mobile app? I am using gnoboot 10.5 alpha and dsm 5 update 2. I can log in via ds video on android but, it won't transcode/play anything on the mobile device. Trantor 4.3 worked great with the same video files and mobile device.
  10. Merci, tu sais si le processuer est assez puissant pour faire tourner Plex media server (transcoding ...) ou dois je polustot passer au G3220?
  11. Built my own with a SilverStone Precision PS07 case and an Asus E35M1-M pro (5 SATA / miniITX / AMD). The case allows for more than 5 drives. It is very quiet, using 35W approx when using it. It will however not be powerful enough i think for transcoding, but this is not my use case. For streaming to my XBMC via CPL plugs a 10GB HD movie it is totally ok.
  12. Hello Pechi, Thanks for your answer ... I hesitate between both : buyin n54l or creating my own. The only thing I see is that for the price (~200€) is a solution that seems interesting, but when I have a look on a home-made solution, I think it'd be possible to create something more polyvalent if needed (converting videos on any format, using an HD XBMC solution, adding some functionnalities without overuse the server) and for a price just a little bit higher (my conf will cost ~260€). The price seems not bad for the proliant n54l and allow compatibility with xpenology, but for how much time will it be enough ? Is it possible to use that for streaming/transcoding 4K videos ? If I create my own NAS with the config I indicated, It'll be possible for me to add a graphic card if needed for future, I'll be able to change the CPU in the future (with an i5 if my g2030 or g3220 seems becoming limited)... That's the reason of my questions ... For a pure NAS usage, I'm sure that n54l will be enough, but what for additional functionnalities ? And why wouldn't you be confident in instalation on an home-made solution (based on intel CPU) ? Thanks again, Regards Stef
  13. I used to own a DS411+. Loved it, but it was underpowered for Plex transcoding of movies. Sold it and built my own system with Intel thin-ITX motherboards, first with a DG61AG and i3 2120T, then a DQ77KB and i7 3770T
  14. I'm curious too Bayou. Since it's been almost a year since your post, have you made any progress on the # of cores? I have a Gen8 Microserver with a Xeon 1230 v2 running xpenology on ESXi. Just seems like more cores couldn't hurt - especially when transcoding (Plex, etc). I can see 40-50% CPU utilization when streaming mp3s to my phone when outside my LAN. At any rate, it's a cool setup to be sure.
  15. I'm curious too Bayou. Since it's been almost a year since your post, have you made any progress on the # of cores? I have a Gen8 Microserver with a Xeon 1230 v2 running xpenology on ESXi. Just seems like more cores couldn't hurt - especially when transcoding (Plex, etc). I can see 40-50% CPU utilization when streaming mp3s to my phone when outside my LAN. At any rate, it's a cool setup to be sure.
  16. Please remember about power consumption too. N40L has 15w TDP and N54L has 25w TDP. (N40L + 2x2tb WD Green = 31w in hdd hibernation mode) For 24/7 home use it can be important. Just for NAS (w/o torrent, media transcoding and etc.) even N36L is enough (transfer speed is equal).
  17. Hi, on this computer it seems to be a dual core intel pentium. I have made some tests. With video station on my I can play any video in original size even 1080p videos, but if I use transcoding (by changing the image qualité in video station player) I can play correctly videos up to 720p, larger videos have troubles. I have read synology documentation and it seems that 1080p transcoding is only supported by the DS214play, the other synology NAS can only transcode videos up to 720p, so it seems to be a normal comportment
  18. Just to report back. I got XPENOLOGY 4.3 with the latest update up and running on my IONITX-A-U Atom N330. It works pretty well! My only curiosity is that I seem to get spotty performance transcoding videos via Video Station... It's curious in that sometimes it will transcode a video using 60-70 % CPU and everything is smooth, then other times it goes to around 100% cpu transcoding the same video and playback is is all jerky. This looks to be related to the ffmpeg process sucking up all available resources. I had better luck the other day with Plex, but even that now is going to 100% cpu and choking. It's very.... Unpredictable... Which is driving me nuts. I know the dual core Atom is not going to be so great at transcoding, but I know it was working better on and off. Note that I do know that it does not always transcode, depending on the video. This is only referring to when the ffmpeg process is spawned when streaming a video. With the variations occurring with the same test videos. It's very weird! Any ideas would be appreciated on that one. I'd say overall though, this board works quite well with minimal headaches setting up with XPENOLGY. Hopefully this helps somebody else out there. Frank
  19. Hi guys Very nice work....thanks everybody, and especially to Trantor... Yesterday i have installed xpenology 4.3 r1.0 on my new Asus H87M-pro, for now i have checked: USB3 OK Sata3 OK eSata3 OK UPS OK Standby, usb, eSata, Sata OK WOL problem, does not work, ave ideas? (on MB have enable NIC S4 and switch for wol) PS: This motherboard with i7-4770T, and Ali Seasonic SS-400FL2 F3, power consumpion in idle (only usb boot, and one ssd) is 25 watt. Operating with 4 hdu segate st3000dm001 the power c. is 55Watt, st-by hdu power c. is 31 Watt. (when transcoding first film i measuring consumpion )
  20. 2GB is more than enough. But streaming will be difficult on the N54L, as DLNA transcoding uses the hardware, and that is not too strong, at least not strong enough to provide proper transcoded streaming in 1080p (besides, DLNA as a standard, sucks. balls.)
  21. Intelligence, have you started your project yet? This sounds like something I might like to do also (with my main concern being plex 1080p transcoding.) Needless to say I am anxious to follow your progress!
  22. Hehe, not available from the particular store But how about when installing packages, will that be distributed across the storage or the USB? But they probably don't take up that much space anyway. Any thoughts about the CPU or anything else? Any ideas how the CPU will cope with transcoding? Ideally it should handle multiple streams. I plan on letting my parents and friends connect to it via Plex.
  23. Yeah, I get that. However the performance with a custom build would probably be better. This is what I'm looking at now, do you think it'll work with XPEnology? ASUS H87I-PLUS mITX A-Data S102 Pro 16GB USB 3.0 (storage) Intel Core i5 4570T 2.9 GHz Corsair 8GB (2x4GB) CL9 1600Mhz VENGEANCE LP Fractal Design Node 304 For me it seems like this is a good build to consider if I'd want to be able to have multiple plex streams (transcoding) and run torrents and what not aswell.
  24. Hello! Planning on what will be my next NAS. Currently I'm on a Synology DS409 which I'm very satisfied with, but of course, over the years it's become a little sluggish. So naturally for my next NAS I'm looking for good performance, for a relatively low buck. I've looked over the alternatives available from Synology at the moment, but it doesn't quite cut it. It costs too much compared to what you get. But I love the simpleness of DSM, so that when I started looking for custom solutions and found XPEnology. Now, I've been googling around for some time, looking for recommendations for builds, but I haven't found that many suggestions. So thus I'm asking here if you could help me pick out a Mini-ITX board and a CPU that would work with XPEnology. I'm aiming for a quiet, low powerusage solution, that won't have trouble transcoding stuff with Plex Media Server etc. Ideas? So for I've only chosen Node 304 from Fractal Design as the chassi. Everything else is up for discussion. Thanks for your help!
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