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  1. Past hour
  2. С работающим номером arc patch не ставится вовсе, по крайней мере 24.5.24 никакой ключ не просил, qc, ddns работают, в локалке мак аппаратный виден
  3. Today
  4. I have ordered another Q6700 (they are very cheap!) and will try it Thanks!
  6. Вот для работающих номеров ARC patch (с ключем) как раз и нужен.
  7. Tried that, with Sudo, and got "insmod: ERROR: could not insert module /usr/lib/modules/nct6775.ko: Unknown symbol in module"
  8. Yesterday
  9. QC не работает так ка ставится с левыми mac&sn
  10. ДВС. Версия ARC 24.5.21 поднялась на витруалке без ключей всяких. При сборке загрузчика было выбрано локальная сборка ( true ) после выбора модели идет сборка в ошибку вернул ( false ), собрал загрузчик запустил, работает вроде. Сейчас обновил до 24.5.24 тем же путем загрузчик, DSM как обычно восстановление.... Может кому интересно будет. Проверено на виртуальной машине в среде ESXI.
  11. Интересно, при апгрейде загрузчика, Arc-патч автоматически деактивируется в конфигурации и надо будет вводить ключ? Спрашиваю, ибо не пробовал, да и не надо в общем, пока всё работает. ))
  12. Хех, перестал работать вывод температуры по paste <(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/type) <(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp) | column -s $'\t' -t | sed 's/\(.\)..$/.\1°C/' и по !/bin/bash cpu_temp=$(< /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp) cpu_temp=$(($cpu_temp/1000)) echo $cpu_temp°C Выдаёт /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp': No such file or directory Видимо, с каким-то обновлением поменялось. 😒
  13. Have you confirmed that this file actually exists in the path below? /usr/lib/modules/nct6775.ko insmod must be performed within the /usr/lib/modules path where the actual ko file exists. If you want to run it from another path, try as below. insmod /usr/lib/modules/nct6775.ko
  14. You can try installing DSM on a Pentium D, and after installing it, change the processor. What if it works?
  15. Or you can name the motherboard. Because I didn't have AHCI on three motherboards with soket 775. And the SATA model. Because I like to put old PCs to work.
  16. Oui oui, j'ai fait trop d'essai de demande de certificat (je crois que c'est 5 maxi pour un domaine donné par semaine) Obligé d'attendre la semaine prochaine pour recommencer.
  17. Avec DSM et Letsencrypt, il faut impérativement ouvrir le port 80 vers le NAS... l'as tu fait ?
  18. Все порешали с провайдером. Скорость сделали отдача норм. Остаюсь на download station. Вчера 180гб отдал, сегодня уже больше 150
  19. So.... Any info on this related to DSM, and usage, or just a random "dropping off pic's" post?
  20. Странно, удаленно нельзя просмотреть видео с форматами *.vob, *.mkv и некоторые *.mp4. остальные крутится круг, а *.vob.
  21. You might want to use Proxmox if you are after virtualization on your NAS. I can't give you specific instructions as to how, but a simple search will give you good results. storage is the basis of all Xpenology/Synology machines. Syncing is dependent on what applications and VPN configuration you are using. Synology offers a few options for that. Personally I don't care much for the Synology Photos solution as it is not flexible enough for my taste, but it does have a android/apple app to make things easy. Plex is an app that you'll need to install on the NAS. Again, no experience with it, as I use KODI and my existing media streamer does the transcoding, so I don't need to put that load on the NAS. But in general, you'll need a platform with (at least) an integrated video card. I would recommend LGA1151 based platform. With a 7th-9th gen Intel CPU and as much RAM as the ITX motherboard can take (usually it tops out at 32GB, but some boards that use Laptop RAM can double that). I cut costs by getting some of the components used. Such as a Asrock Z370 motherboard, and the i7-8700k CPU. If you aim for virtualization, try to get the CPU with highest number of cores. (and as much RAM as you can) Be aware that Jonsbo N1 is a VERY tight fit PC case (I use it myself) which creates issues with cooling. Especially if and when you'll maximize it's storage options. Temperatures exceeding 50c for Hard drives are not unheard of, and NVME can climb close to 80c (which would likely cause a thermal shutdown). You might want to consider Jonsbo's larger cases for better cooling. I use a front fan, low profile CPU cooler, another case fan positioned above the CPU cooler, and a router cooler dual fan - Outside the case. This all brings down the temperatures (I live in a tropical country) to under 50c for both mechanical Hard drives and NVME. from my experience, 8th gen works fine with DSM 7.2.x and I would imagine it's the same for 9th gen, and maybe also 10th. I'm not sure what you mean by "Auto power on". Is it to restart automatically in case of a power outage? Because most motherboards offer that option. If you are going for transcoding, DS920+ or DS1522+ is probably the best option. You can set the storage panel size manually so it doesn't matter what the original model actually offers. DSM will detect new HDDs as they're added and let you add them to an existing volume, or create a new one. Cheers!
  22. I have i915 loaded in RR, but when I run the "dmesg | grep nct6775" I get nothing. When I try insmod, I get "insmod: ERROR: could not load module NCT6775.KO: No such file or directory"
  23. Last week
  24. Упомянута цена до 50 дол. Наверно все таки серийники.
  25. Etrange, normalement avec Let's Encrypt maintenant c'est faisable. Après d'un point de vue sécurité c'est très moche... Soit tu fais un seul certificat et tu lui mets différents noms alternatifs, soit tu fais un certificat par backend. A toi de choisir. Avant j'utilisais le reverse proxy de DSM (nginx intégré) et je demandais un seul certificat avec autant de noms alternatifs que de sous-domaine dont j'ai besoin, mais depuis j'ai découvert le conteneur nginx-manager que j'exécute dans un conteneur LXC sur mon serveur proxmox pour ne plus dépendre de DSM, lui aussi offre les mêmes possibilités mais pour des raisons de simplification j'ai cette fois opté pour 1 certificat = 1 backend.
  26. C'était pour s'assurer que tes tests de boots hasardeux des VM DVAxxxx soient bien faits avec la dernière version embarquant les derniers correctifs. Quoiqu'il en soit je vois qu'il t'a déjà répondu https://github.com/AuxXxilium/arc/issues/1246
  27. Non je suis bien encore 24.4.21! Mais ne pas oublier que le dev poste quasiment quotidiennement des maj donc la version ne veut plus vraiment dire grand chose. Le dev a pris pour pattern : [Année].[mois].[jour]... donc ça va très vite!
  28. J'ai laissé tombé. Je vais plutôt utiliser un nom de domaine personnalisé obtenu chez OVH. Mais j'ai un soucis : il ne semble pas possible d'obtenir un certificat wildcard sur mon domaine. ( *.mondomaine.com ) Comment ça se passe pour les reverse proxy configuré dans DSM du coup ? A force de faire des tentatives de certificat, j'en suis à "Le nombre maximum de demandes de certificat est atteint pour ce nom de domaine." J'ai plus qu'à attendre 7 jours
  29. Je vois dans ta signature "Loader Arc 24.4.21", et à ce jour on est en 24.5.22. Rassure-moi, c'est juste que tu as oublié de màj ta signature !?
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