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  2. Загрузчики пробовал разные: и RR и ARC и от Peter_Suh и arpl-i18n. Мать - NONAME Китайская. Завести память на один проц - не пробовал. Попробую - отпишусь.
  3. previously we could could mount /dev/synoboot and edit the grub.cfg there if i wanted to change the MAC or serial of the box. However i notice that in the loader entry created by mshell, the default boot entry entry does not specify the parameters to set the serial, mac etc.... How can i do that? Do i need to rebuild the loader?
  4. Hi All, can I please help?? I need to update my HP Microserver Gen8 from DSM 6.2.2 with Jun's Loader to DSM 7.2.x with Loader TCRP. I downloaded Tinycore-Redpill.v0.10.0.0 Loader and uploaded to the USB drive, boot, I took all the steps according to the tutorial. After restarting in the Synology Assistant, the NAS appeared as MIGRATABLE. After setting to keep files and settings and uploading DSM_DS3622XS+_64570.pat (on the Synology Download Center listed as: 7.2-64570 (with update 1)) will be restart. After a new start, Synology Asistant shows SynologyNAS as RECOVERABLE. And so over and over again In the /var/log/linux* I see: ------------bootup-smallupdate Failed to AssertFileKeyValueEqual value1: /etc.defaults/VERSION:smallfixnumber -> 0 value2: /tmpRoot/.syno/patch/VERSION:smallfixnumber => 1 Skip bootup smallupdate, because root is not matched to junior ============bootup-smallupdate Failed to AssertFileKeyValueEqual value1: /etc.defaults/VERSION:smallfixnumber -> 0 value2: /tmpRoot/.syno/patch/VERSION:smallfixnumber => 1 Exit on error [7] root not matched with junior... Sat Jun 1 16:37:49 UTC 2024 /dev/md0 /tmpRoot ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 0 none /sys/kernel/debug debugfs rw,relatime 0 0 I found the solution to run again in TCRP: ./rploader.sh update now ./rploader.sh fullupgrade now ./rploader.sh backup ./rploader.sh postupdate ds3622xsp-7.2.0-64570 But the problem will persist. I don't know what to try anymore. I don't want to lose the data !!! I can lose the settings if I have to. Does anyone have advice ?? Thanks
  5. je suis curieux de ton retour quant aux manipulations que tu as pu faire. Merci
  6. Ignore this - turns out there was no issue - I am not even sure why it wasn't working correctly before... If I had the backup drives connected then the BIOS seemed to be trying to boot from those, rather than from the USB stick that had the loader on it; still not sure why they didn't show up when I booted the system without them connected, and then connected them after startup though... Either way, all is working now!
  7. @Peter Suh - I was having a look around and I noticed that in other repos for ACPID extension they also include a "modules" section, e.g. https://github.com/jimmyGALLAND/redpill-ext/tree/master/acpid/modules whereas your repo does not have this? It seems that this modules section contains the elusive button.ko and evdev.ko. I understand that this may be different to how tcrp-mshell does it, but should these modules be being introduced somewhere? TIA
  8. I am running baremetal N54L as DS3622xs+ using TCRP-mshell loader. In my server I have a pcie card that provides 2x USB3 connections. It used to work fine under 6.1.7-15284 with juns loader, but now devices I connect to the USB3 ports are not detected. How do I determine if the card is detected, what driver is needed for it, and how to load the driver? Any pointers gratefully received!
  9. I highly recommend TCRP-mshell. Arc and TCRP use a "friend" option which doesn't work on the N54L. Use Peter Suh's loader from here, I recently used this and am running the latest available now. https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/tinycore-redpill/releases/tag/v1.0.3.0 Any problems let me know and I'll try to help whilst it's fresh in my mind 👍🏻
  10. looks like this place is dead. But i just wanted to say, i tried a new build, on a c completely different hardware, different loaders,( pocopcos and petersuh's mshell.) and im running into the exact same symptoms as my above post on this new hardware. im just dumbfounded and no idea whats going on. in DSM, control panel, or other tabs freeze before opening, package center wont properly open, the app icons in package cetner wont load and all show the same "S" icon. i even tried connecting to different routers and internet connection, no firewalls or VPNs in place here etc. Im lost. EDIT: Well wouldnt you know!!!!!!!
  11. Подскажите обновления загрузчика и после перестановки dsm иконки не показывает в центре пакетов Дело в загрузчике?
  12. Спасибо большое! Внезапно слетело разрешение r/w для папки usbshare1, поправил и все заработало.
  13. Yesterday
  14. All right, I only have a few things to back up anyway I’m gonna give it a whirl in a couple of days. I’ll let you know how it works out. Thank you.
  15. Сино тут советует "USB-устройство не работает на Synology NAS. Что можно предпринять?" и "Внешние устройства" Хотя, вы наверное уже это испробовали
  16. @Peter Suh So i did a new build, and this time im using your mshell based loader from your github. Previously i have used pocopico's loader. Its a HP 800 G4 , intel i7 8700 based system with 16gb ram. Two brand new WD 8TB HDDs. Im noticing that DSM is extremely sluggish. Tabs take over a minute to load, the package centner wont load properly etc. The build itself was fine, no errors or anything. While thats vague information for you im just wondering has anyone encountered a strange sluggishness. I have an exact same other system but running regular tinycore loader and that one runs fine. Should i perhaps rebuild it? This seems to be the top process showing in the TOP command....: /usr/sbin/scaler.sh the script seems to be related to cpu frequencies?
  17. all recent loaders for 7.x are based on rp aka red pill (based on TTG's original redpill-load project), you might be using tcrp, like tiny core red pill (tiny core would be the system used to configure the laoder before booting dsm mode to install or run dsm) in theory yes when using the same sn and mac's but in real life i my experience (arpl to arc) was that i had to reinstall dsm and even with the same sn/mac it behaved like a new installed different system, like i hat to make a complete new hyperbackup because the old backup was not recognized as matching to the arc reinstalled system) (my 2nd system needed to add 2nd nic so there was a "slight" different update changing from the state it had with arpl, same result as with the 1st system, it was a new/different one in regard of dsm's internal view) in your case it would be no problem i guess, you could use the new usb drive with the arc loader and boot you original disks, that way the update will use all you settings even when dsm is reinstalled there would be no need to match to you old sn/mac, that kind of update is within synology's normal operations for dsm and would happen when your original hardware gets replaced, like in warranty case, wjth a new of the same model, the "old" HDD's would contain dsm with old sn/mac and the new hardware would have a new sn/mac in its usb DOM you can find a synology kb about that i guess even on model change (like 3617 to 3622) the settings would still be there as synology also supports that scenario (can be checked in synology's kb, there is a list and conditions for that - and from experience that will work with even more models and older dsm versions then what synology guarantees), the thing not supported is a model change from one with arm cpu to one with x64 cpu but as long as its with x64 it will cover most cases
  18. da fehlen ein paar sachen, welches dsm modell und welche cpu vorher drin war aber ich würde vermuten das es ein dsm modell was das im grinial eine intel cpu hat und du hattest vorher eine intel cpu? der dsm kernel ist jeweils für die cpu "optimiert", sieht man am jeweiligen namen von "Package Arch" in diesem link (in den meisten fällen sieht man das auch in den *.pat dateien https://kb.synology.com/en-global/DSM/tutorial/What_kind_of_CPU_does_my_NAS_have sol lange man kein intel qsv oder vmm nutzt kann man in der regel ein dsm modell das für intel gedacht ist auch mit amd nutzen sollte man vmm nutzen wollen ist ein modell wechsel (in loader) nötig, dann instaliert man ein cross update bei dem die dsm einstellungen übernommen werden r1000,v1000 und Epyc7002 sind amd, letztere hat sogar einen 5er kernel (ob man das dann in der performance merkt ist mir nicht bekannt, kann aber in sachen ootb treiber vorteile bringenm wobei es in den aktuellen loadern wir arc jede menge zusätzliche treiber gibt, selbst der igc 2.5G intel treiber wurde auf kernel 4.x als backport gebaut obwohl das intel nicht liefert/unterstützt)
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