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Found 9 results

  1. Hardware: C2Q Q6600 Intel MB 2x 2TB HDDs 2x2 GB DDR2 Setup was working fine for a week, then I upgraded RAM to 4x2 GB DDR2. Then system refused to boot. Tried 3 different pen drives to reinstall, but it stucks while booting TCRP at "Loading Kernel" then black screen and no Tiny Core GUI. System also not available on network. Tried same pen drive on my laptop and it works fine. Also removed both HDDs still same status. Any help would be highly appreciated.
  2. Hi, i have a nettop with Atom x5-Z8350 and i`ve tried to install xpenology in baremetal but it cannot boot from usb. There is a preinstalled win10 with uefi loader and there is no "legacy boot" option in bios. When i disable windows bootloader and keep just usb it boot in UEFI shell and skip usb loader without any message. Other linux images with grub2 works well. So.... Is it possible to make grub2 based loader for xpenology? Or maybe there is a way to determine why it does`t work? P.s. I`ve tried 1.02b and 1.04b loaders (ds3615 and ds918)
  3. Приветствую, уважаемые дамы и господа! Задумываюсь о покупке либо готового NAS Synology или сборки нового компьютера в корпусе MiniITX с интегрированным процессором уровня Celeron J4005/ Pentium J4205. С готовым решением всё понятно, у самого уже более 5 лет трудится Synology DS212J, проблем вообще не знал за всё время, но в связи с подключением видеонаблюдения на этом сервере он совсем стал неотзывчивым - дикие тормоза в интерфейсе, управлении, закачке и пересылке файлов. Установил на виртуалку Xpenology и запустил те же задачи, что крутятся на основном сервере - небо и земля, всё летает! Вопрос такого плана. Допустим, установил я свой сервер Xpenology 6.2 с соответствующим загрузчиком под него (6.2), всё настроил, флешка воткнута - отлично. Выходит новая версия DSM 7.0 и т.д. Что мне надо сделать, (вернее сказать, возможно ли это) чтобы обновить флешку на новый загрузчик и установить новую версию DSM и при этом не пришлось заново настраивать систему и не переносить всю накопленную информацию. Или прокатывает такой вариант: система загрузилась и работает (6.2 к примеру), я отключаю флешку со старым загрузчиком, подготавливаю на ней новый загрузчик под новую версию, вставляю её на сервер, а в самом загруженном DSM выполняю ручное обновление до новой версии и после перезагрузки загрузчик уже автоматом подхватит запуск системы? Заранее благодарю за ответы!!!
  4. I have a system with a j5005 motherboard, in the past (about a half year ago) i installed DSM on this system, i changed to OpenMedaVault but now i want to go back to DSM. What system (DS918+ or 36...) is the best to use? Also what is the newest DSM version to use?
  5. I've created an Ansible Playbook for creating an Xpenology USB. https://github.com/stevenhrabok/ansible-xpenology-usb Currently it's only written for Mac OSX. In future I may add the ability to create USB Devices in Linux if there is interest in using the tool. I wrote this to help automate the workflow and make the USB drive creation process more consistent. It also helps avoid forgetting a steps in the process. Features: Prompts for information serial number - changed in grub.cfg nic 1 mac address - changed in grub.cfg bootloader/synoboot filename - used to write synoboot.img to usb extra drivers filename (optional) - used to replace extra.lzma files in partition 2 of usb synology pat filename - used to replace rd.gz and zImage on partition 2 of usb Discovery of plugged in USB devices scans for all plugged in usb drives prompt for selection of usb drive to use collects pid and vid of usb - changed in grub.cfg formats usb drive Extract files extract bootloader/synoboot from zip extract extra drivers from zip (when provided) extract synology pat with 7zip Writes synoboot.img to USB Mounts USB partitions locally Changes to grub.cfg and file imports Prompt to make additional manual changes User can modify partition 1 and partition 2 files modify grub.cfg for custom settings (sataportmap, timeout, etc) import other files (custom drivers, etc) User can verify changes made Unmount of USB partitions Eject of USB drive Cleanup of working directory (extracted files and folders from playbook) I found there was very few guides related to OSX so hopefully this is helpful to any of the OSX users out there.
  6. currently I bought asrock j4205 mb and in-win ms04 chassis. I found that DS918+ 's CPU is j3455 (which is close to J4205). but there's no hack loader. so I mod the loader from Jun's ds916+ loader (v1.02b). I download the dsgpl kernel code: 4.4.15 version (which is the kernel used in 6.1.4 synology dsm) use this scripts: https://github.com/kref/scripts I build the kernel with following change: cp synoconfigs/apollolake .config Define XPENOLOGY macro tty: Enable virtual console .config: Enable more SATA controllers. Enable more ethernet drivers. Add kernel parameters to customize synoboot pid & vid. (support pid= and vid= ) config: Add support for OHCI driver Fix function exporting. - syno_libata_index_get disable write to GPIO in syno_sata_mv_gpio_write / syno_sata_mv_gpio_read function. ... also, I mod the grub.cfg , set the right vid and pid and mac1. also I change grub command param to: syno_hw_version=DS918+ then replace the extra.lzma of ds916+ loader (v1.02b) with the new generated jun.lzma and replace zImage with the build one. replace rd.gz with the one extracted from the newest ds918+ pat file. than I write to my sandisk USB disk and it boot successfuly. but when I upload the ds918+ pat file (the file is OK,I calculated the md5 checksum). when the upload is done, it start the installation and just failed. I got some related request and response from chrome dev tool: {"success": true, "data": {"stage": "install"}} {"success": false, "data": {}, "errinfo": {"sec": "wizard","key": "err_patch","line":13}} I do not know what the error "err_patch" mean. the web ui said that "Failed to install the file. The file is probably corrupted. (13)" , but I'm quit sure that my VID/PID is correct. pat file I used: https://global.download.synology.com/download/DSM/release/6.1.4/15217/DSM_DS918%2B_15217.pat I know that this error information was generated by /usr/syno/bin/scemd (install.cgi) I disambled the scemd elf file use IDA pro, but code is hard to read, and I can not find which function call get the "err_patch" error.
  7. Hi Folks, Apologies for my Noob questions (I'm not very techincal, so probably out of my depth in most of the forums). I have an N54L with Xpenology installed for 4+ years mainly using Plex and it worked beautifully, until I recently bent the USB Bootloader so the NAS no longer works I've had a look around the forums and on google, but I'm either a complete dullard (possible) or I'm overthinking things..... How do I recreate the bootloader without losing the contents of the NAS? I still have the original files I used to perform the install, however I don't recall whether I performed any DSM version updates. The original files are: gnoboot-alpha10.5 DSM_DS3612xs_4458.pat I tried to work out which version I was on, but I was unable to locate the version file or the system files using - I did find the following, but still wasn't sure whether it was what I needed - I can't be the only person that's encountered this problem, but I guess most Xpenology users are of a decent level of technical knowledge. Appreciate any assistance. Cheers
  8. Hi, I'm running DSM 6.1 and want to update to 6.2. I understand I need to update my bootloader, and my general question is what is the best method to do this? One specific question is: I understand JUN'S LOADER v1.03a2 supports DS918p. My current configuration is DS3615xs. If I make all the necessary changes in the bootloader to reflect this change will is adversely affect my system? If there is anything people think I should need to know or any alternative methods people can recommend I'd really appreciate to hear them... Cheers, Bhakta
  9. Hallo, ich hoffe es kann mir einer weiterhelfen. Und zwar habe ich mir einen schöne kleine NAS gebaut und wollte DSM 5.2 installieren. Das Problem ist, dass der Bootloader auf dem USB-Stick garnicht erst startet. Ich habe jetzt stundenlang versucht mit verschieden Versionen und BIOS Einstellungen das zum laufen zu bekommen. Jedes Mal wenn ich von USB Stick starten will, taucht ganz kurz ein schwarzer Bildschirm auf und es passiert nichts. Endweder springt er zurück ins BIOS oder in das Menü wo man das Bootmedium wählen kann. Wenn ich allerdings mit CM Compatibilität starte, dann steht dort USB... und nicht UEFI... , dann bleibt einfach der Bildschirm schwarz und es passiert garnichts. Wenn ich den Stick in meinen PC stecke, startet wie auch gewollt mit dem Bootloader. Das Mainboard ist ein Asrock J3455b-itx und alles andere, egal ob Linux, Windows oder sonst ein Betriebssystem startet von dem Stick. Ich weis echt nicht woran es liegen könnte und hoffe ihr habt eine Idee. Danke.
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