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Everything posted by Aigor

  1. Hi, what kind of update you intend? if you want update for exampe from 4.3-3810 to 4.3-3810 update 1, search on forum howto, if you want update from 4.3 to 5.0 beta, may you cant, not all packages from 4.3 are available for 5.0, so, you can break your sistem.
  2. For beta 5 i dont know if it's' possible use a real hardware, you have to use virtual solution to test, i dont have any hardware for testing.
  3. Hi thommy86 are you talking about what version of dsm? 5.0 beta or 4.3? for what i know 4.3 works fine on usb stick, version 5.0 beta, i dont know, i'm using it on VM installation it's' simple, download trantor distro, http://xpenology.trantor.be/xpenology.com/c0643dac6b8fc2fbd6c3f9a1514b9b69/52e68337/XPEnology_DS3612xs_3810-repack-trantor-v1.0.7z download original .pat file from synology web. Use some img writer to write trantor img file on usb stick, put usb stick on real pc, boot from usb, download synology assistant, install, discover new dsm system, click on it, and use original .pat file already downloaded, wait, reboot, enjoy
  4. why you dont use dns package and config like cache server?
  5. stupid thing, have you set different serial number for each one of machine? i'v read somewhere that HA checks for serial number
  6. Hi, it's simple, download gnoboot, download real dsm5-beta from link in thread, build VM with 3 disk, one, small for siste, and others two for volume. expand gnoboot file, boot VM with one live linuxdistro, i found very usefull gentoo-amd-64 minimal image, boot vm with this distro, scp or winscp gnoboot image already extracted into booted VM, in vm, launch this command dd=if/foldere_where_you_copied_gnoboot.img of=/dev/sda at the end of the operation, reboot vm and choice first voice in grub menu. download synnology assistant from synology web, install, launch and discover the VM already booted, clic on it and choice install from disk, point to the original .pat file downloaded from synology web, input new admin password and, if you want, new system name, wait until the end of the process.
  7. You know there is an easier way.... Just use starwind v2v converter. It will convert the .IMG to .vmdk which with is working fine for me on DSM 5 Thank You For the hint I'm interesting in developement, i would like to know howto start to plat with DSM, mi old project is add Ata Over Ethernet in DSM. It's' "simple", we have to enbale them on kernel, but, the hard part it's', for me, build userland part of it. Another question, could be possible pxe boot xpenology and install on real hardware? or in VM?
  8. Works ok for me in vmware workstation. For installing, you have to download original pat file, create a VM with 3 disk, one very small for operating system, the othres, for volume, boot with linux live, scp gnoboot file where you want in linux live, dd on first disk, reboot, launch assistant, install pat file previously downloaded, wait and enjoy
  9. What you intend for real mac address? the mac of your nic? or the mac you added via specific program? For real mac addres you have to read on nic card, or, boot with any live distribution, open a prompt and write: ifconfig, you can read real mac address
  10. Hi, same problem for me, check if you have download folder on usb stick instead in volume create on data disk.
  11. Hi, i think not, for what i saw dsm5 it's different then dsm 4.3 we have to do some tests to understand about it
  12. Can be possibile to have 32 bit version of this kind DSM?
  13. Aigor

    DSM 5.0 News

    Hi i just downloaded beta, but it's quiet different then previous version, it seems could be possible change many icons and wallpapers without needing to dig inside whole operating system, they have folder with images,it seems quiet different then previous version.
  14. Hi, have the server one rs232 interface? if yes, you can use a simple laptop with rs232 via cross cable
  15. I think you have to have some network problem, if you use gigabit link it's' weird you can saturate whole link, are you shure of your network infrastructure?
  16. Me too and i like xpenology. I havn't even tried to update xpenology. I thought that it will be be fully updated from 4.2 to 4.3. Could you explain how to install just patches? You cant update from 4.2 to 4.3 due to some security mechanism, but you can update 4.2 with recent patches for apps simply browse "app store" for synology, if there is new version of application, click update and that's it kernel and core system can be updated only if synology make patches, if you have needed skills you can use croostools and source from open sources parts to make your own patches and , for example, add new driver on kernel tree, recompile and install on old kernel. for wat i saw synology use dpkg system to update core system
  17. Do you mean patches for packages or patches for OS itself? If you dont update kernel, do you need to patch? i dont want push you to use xpenology, i'm only do a chat
  18. If you use 4.2 you receive all patches and you con update like original DSM
  19. Hi, why you dont use native DSM instead of virtual version? one very beautiful hack could be install xmbmc nativeli onto DSM but i dont know howto and if it's possibile i guess not.
  20. Hi, i can use FC ( Fiber Channel ) san to make some experiment, and i would like to know howto install xpenology directly into physical disk without use usb key, i have pxe boot environement to boot xpenology, but after booting, i cant install on physical disk, somen knows howto ?
  21. I'm not a programmer, but i start to follow you in "figth" with DSM4.3, can be possibile emulate bios ? build a sort of dummy dev that emulate bios flash with correct major and minor number. If i wrote useless words please, delete
  22. you have to keep in mind that xpenology it's software that drives SAN, so you have to use a board with several sata port, use mini-itx board, it's cheap then a dedicated board like rasperry
  23. Follow the thread "compile your kernel" during configuration via menuconfig you have to add module for your controller. Do you want install DSM on disks directly connected to DC7280 or do you want install DSM on regular hdd or usb stick and after dou you want to use disks connected to the controller? In first case it's little beat complicated, you have to add driver to boot image, in second case, you can install dsm and AFTER you can add module previusly compilated.
  24. maybe you have to check if there is modules about you raid controller, if not, you havo to compile by hand and add to boot image.
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