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Guide: Change serial number and MAC address


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Update 18/June/2015


* Generate your serial, change MAC address by follow this post viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3059



Step by step guidelines: Change serial number for XPEnology 5.0+

You can easy change serial number by edit file *.cfg in your boot disk/file.


First step: Use calculator by kmx23: http://1drv.ms/1Fz451J for generate your unique serial.


I. For ISO boot file

1. Install WinISO (http://www.winiso.com/products/standard.html).

2. Open XPE ISO boot file (eg. "XPEnoboot_DS3615xs_5.2-5565.2.iso") with WinISO.

3. Select file "isolinux.cfg" => right click => Extract => Choose your temporary folder (eg. Desktop).

4. Open "isolinux.cfg" with Notepad.

5. Edit serial by replace string after "sn=", all must be same. Save file.


6. Select and drop "isolinux.cfg" file from temporary folder into WinISO windows => Choice Overwrite => Save and quit WinISO.

7. Boot your XPEnology with edited ISO boot file.

8. Check your result.


II. For IMG boot file

1. Write image boot file to USB disk.

2. Open file "syslinux.cfg" on your USB disk by Notepad.

3. Edit serial by replace string after "sn=", all must be same. Save file. Eject USB disk.

4. Boot your XPEnology with *new* USB disk.

5. Check your result.



Update 15/May/2015


I'm so sorry. Currently I'm very very busy, so I can not maintain this thread.

You can check this guide: http://goo.gl/78vE1w

It better than my guide and always up to date.



>>>>>>> Guide below for DSM 4 only<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Why we should do it?


If DS Finder alerts some people just hack your XPEnology, or Syslog shows some "suspicious activities". Do you thinks there are back-doors on your XPEnology? Trust me, you just change serial and problems are gone. No back door and no one try to "hack" your XPEnology.

Because, your XPEnology used 'universal' serial. Therefore when DS Finder connect to Synology's server it will receive alerts from another XPEnology that use the same serial with yours.


And if you want to use 2 or more XPEnology in your LAN, their MAC address(es) should not be same. Furthermore, WOL will work only when your XPEnology have MAC address(es) same with the "true" address(es) of your hardware. Therefore you should edit MAC address(es) of your XPEnology.


Before you start:

1. Leave menu.lst and grub.conf as original, only edit "vender" file.

2. This guide comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. But report at this thread if you have problem. I will try to improve this guide.

3. Sorry for my terrible English. I'm Vietnamese :smile:




Step 1: Install Ext2Fsd on your Windows PC, restart PC after install. If you don't want to install ETX2 file system driver on your PC or Ext2Fsd is can not run on your PC, shift to step 3b.

Download Ext2Fsd: http://goo.gl/zPU5F.


Step 2: Open "ver2.xlsb", input your MAC address(es) then press F9 to general HEX codes

Download tool to general your HEX codes here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/237xzol4ct9coz5/ver2.zip





Step 3a: If you run XPEnology on a virtual machine, you have to mount (read/write) the virtual hard drive image (.img, .vdi, .vmdk...) on your host OS. Skip this step if you use *real* USB disk/stick as boot disk

Download ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver here: http://goo.gl/o8Ubu


Install ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver then mount the boot image.




Step 3b: If you don't want to mount (read/write) the virtual hard drive image or plug USB disk/stick to your PC

1: Use WinSCP, login to yous NAS as root

2: Download original "vender" file to your PC

3: Edit the "vender" file (step 4)

4: Upload it to you NAS

5: Reboot your NAS then go to step 7.




Step 4: Use HEX editor to edit "vender" file on the boot disk. Use HEX codes from Step 2.

Download HEX editor here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u0jg2qlbsswusus/hexedit.exe.

The "vender" file is a file on the boot disk (stick).




In the screenshot of hexedit software below MAC address No.1 to No.4 marked inside colorful rectangles and serial number inside the white rectangle.





OS will detect the actual number of nics and use MAC addresses from vender file in the order.

So, if you have "X" nics you just have to add your MAC addresses from No.1 to No.X, and leave the rest as original.


Step 5: Save overwrite "vender" file on USB.


Step 6: Boot your XPEnology and check your result.






Step 7: Report feedback at here.

Edited by Guest
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Thanks for the guide, but the Screenshots are gone. Could someone please provide them again, so we know which Values need to be changed in hex Editor.

Thanks you all for your hard work on this :smile:





Just update the image links now.

Please recheck.

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Thanks for the guide, but the Screenshots are gone. Could someone please provide them again, so we know which Values need to be changed in hex Editor.

Thanks you all for your hard work on this :smile:





Just update the image links now.

Please recheck.


Thanks a lot :grin:

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Thanks for the guide, but the Screenshots are gone. Could someone please provide them again, so we know which Values need to be changed in hex Editor.

Thanks you all for your hard work on this :smile:





Just update the image links now.

Please recheck.


What do you when you don't have 4 NICs? Do you leave the old MAC addresses there or enter 0?

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Thanks for the guide, but the Screenshots are gone. Could someone please provide them again, so we know which Values need to be changed in hex Editor.

Thanks you all for your hard work on this :smile:





Just update the image links now.

Please recheck.


What do you when you don't have 4 NICs? Do you leave the old MAC addresses there or enter 0?


OS will detect the actual number of nics and use MAC addresses from vender file in the order.

So, if you have "X" nics you just have to add your MAC addresses from No.1 to No.X, and leave the rest as original.

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OK thanks.

I don't have an USB stick, I have a VM on Hyper-V.


Step 1: Use WinSCP, login to yous NAS as root

Step 2: Download original "vender" file to your PC

Step 3: Edit the "vender" file

Step 4: Upload it to you NAS

Step 5: Reboot your NAS


Edited by Guest
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The file is in the vdi-boot-image.


I don't know how to edit a file inside a vdi-image.


Step 1: Use WinSCP, login to yous NAS as root

Step 2: Download original "vender" file to your PC

Step 3: Edit the "vender" file

Step 4: Upload it to you NAS

Step 5: Reboot your NAS



P.s post #1 was edited

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Ah ok, thx.

Makes sense with multiple installations and or internet connection.

But nothing i have to do until i finalized everything (and especially nothing thats needed for evaluation/functionality).


And the vender file is on the boot drive which does not show up usually, ok, thx:)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have Xpenology running fine on a micro server I am trying out before buying but having issues with the MAC address.


Am i right in saying that the server uses the mac address's listed in the vendor file?

Is there anywhere else that it can read the mac addresses from as each time I reboot my N54L I have a different mac and none of them are listed in the vendor file.


On another note when editing the vendor file in hex edit and adding the serial number hex code I always end up with extra characters on the serial number. When I boot up it lists all as invalid mac addresses :sad:




I am following this guide but somewhere I must be missing something. Any help would be much appreciated.



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If we're talking about the N54L Microserver, then you can see the MAC address on the first page in BIOS setup.


Your hex edit is missing the 69 after your first mac address. Every mac address is 7 characters long. That's why it isn't working for you.


Seems as though the 69 has been added by the ver2.xlsb calc. When you say every MAC address is 7 characters long I assume you mean 7 pairs of alpha/numerical.


The MAC address on every system on my lan is 6 pairs.


I'm even more confused now.

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