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Advanced Media Extension will not activate dsm7.1-42661

phone guy

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Can you update the patch script to support the newer AME version? Thanks!



Synology version: DS920+ DSM 7.2-64561

AME Version: 3.1.0-3005



libsynoame-license.so info:


root@dayu:/var/packages/CodecPack/target/usr/lib# ls -l libsynoame-license.so
-rw-r--r-- 1 CodecPack CodecPack 95779 May 28 00:38 libsynoame-license.so
root@dayu:/var/packages/CodecPack/target/usr/lib# md5sum libsynoame-license.so
bc48ac350efc3d065807173d4000b610  libsynoame-license.so


The file packed in .tar.gz is attached here.


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On 2023/5/28 at PM1点11分, zeroxia said:

你能更新补丁脚本以支持更新的 AME 版本吗?谢谢!


libsynoame-license.so 信息:




打包在 .tar.gz 中的文件附在此处。

许可证.so.tar.gz 35.3 KB · 12 次下载

Hello boss, can you provide an updated AME.py file or explain how to modify the old. py file? My system has been updated to 7.2, but the old file is no longer usable. I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Edited by nike wang
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On 5/31/2023 at 3:31 AM, nike wang said:

Hello boss, can you provide an updated AME.py file or explain how to modify the old. py file? My system has been updated to 7.2, but the old file is no longer usable. I am looking forward to hearing from you!

SAME!!! I'm on 7.2 and it broke my cameras ability to use H265

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On 6/7/2023 at 11:32 PM, sania-owner said:

why not use white SNs which solve this problem? [...]


Because if a serial number is used multiple times it get blacklisted by synology, there is no way we can get white numbers for all xpenology people out there witouth giving the same "white" to other users.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, killerzac said:

Here is the latest AME patch for version 1.1.0-51005
I'm replicating Wangsiji's work.



codecpatch.sh 15.56 kB · 4 downloads amepatch.py 2.15 kB · 5 downloads



/volume1/homes$ sudo ./codecpatch.sh -p

Detected DSM version: 7.2 64570-0

Patch for DSM Version (7.2 64570-0) not found.

Patch is available for versions: 


3622xy only version 7.2 64570-0


Patch 7.2 64570-1 



Edited by Sundevill
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I checked on a fresh 7.2 from redpill. The method from @killerzac works, but you have to execute in this order:


1. install AME
2. running codecpatch -p and selecting path 2. In this case, path 1 I already had patched, I don't know if this affects the method or not. 
3. opening ame - it asks for login - I guess this is optional.
4. running amepatch
5. opening AME
6. both codecs are there!


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ok, SS9 has H.265 playback disabled in the browser version. Most likely, this is due to the fact that different browsers on different systems support H.265 differently. But, the recommended solution: the Synology Surveillance Station Client works very well, and the SS9 interface looks identical to the browser version and has the same features. For mobile devices, H.265 viewing works on DS Cam. Unfortunately, Synology Surveillance Station Client does not have a Linux version available, but Wine runs it without a problem: https://davejansen.com/synology-surveillance-station-on-linux/

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On 6/23/2023 at 5:54 AM, wiuempe said:

I checked on a fresh 7.2 from redpill. The method from @killerzac works, but you have to execute in this order:


1. install AME
2. running codecpatch -p and selecting path 2. In this case, path 1 I already had patched, I don't know if this affects the method or not. 
3. opening ame - it asks for login - I guess this is optional.
4. running amepatch
5. opening AME
6. both codecs are there!


to me only appears HEVC

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On 6/24/2023 at 6:59 AM, wiuempe said:

ok, SS9 has H.265 playback disabled in the browser version. Most likely, this is due to the fact that different browsers on different systems support H.265 differently. But, the recommended solution: the Synology Surveillance Station Client works very well, and the SS9 interface looks identical to the browser version and has the same features. For mobile devices, H.265 viewing works on DS Cam. Unfortunately, Synology Surveillance Station Client does not have a Linux version available, but Wine runs it without a problem: https://davejansen.com/synology-surveillance-station-on-linux/

Hi, I'm afraid the codectool does not have H.265.( it is known as HEVC ). I have checked on the binary, these are the only supported codec.


LOAD:000000000000C360 off_C360        dq offset aAacDec       ; DATA XREF: main+3C8↑o
LOAD:000000000000C360                                         ; main+8D5↑o
LOAD:000000000000C360                                         ; "aac_dec"
LOAD:000000000000C368                 dq offset aAacEnc       ; "aac_enc"
LOAD:000000000000C370                 dq offset aVc1Dec       ; "vc1_dec"
LOAD:000000000000C378                 dq offset aVc1Enc       ; "vc1_enc"
LOAD:000000000000C380                 dq offset aH264Dec      ; "h264_dec"
LOAD:000000000000C388                 dq offset aH264Enc      ; "h264_enc"
LOAD:000000000000C390                 dq offset aMpeg4part2Dec ; "mpeg4part2_dec"
LOAD:000000000000C398                 dq offset aMpeg4part2Enc ; "mpeg4part2_enc"
LOAD:000000000000C3A0                 dq offset aHevcDec      ; "hevc_dec"
LOAD:000000000000C3A8                 dq offset aHevcEnc      ; "hevc_enc"
LOAD:000000000000C3B0                 dq offset aAc3Dec       ; "ac3_dec"
LOAD:000000000000C3B8                 align 20h


Edited by killerzac
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On 7/3/2023 at 8:17 PM, surgeon2 said:

Not working for me:

-ash: ./codecpatch.sh: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

this is due to the windows way of appending ^M at the end of each line.
You can always use editor to convert file back to UTF-8 


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On 6/24/2023 at 7:21 PM, donchico said:

Can I have  H.265 patch for DS3622xs+ DSM7.1.1-42962 Update 6 Please 


I'm afraid H.265 is not in the binary. H.265 is actually HEVC by the codectool. Please look at my previous comment

If you want, I can only do a normal patch for DS3622xs+ DSM7.1.1-42962 Update 6.

you can enable the encoding by adding the following to the license file, I have not tried it myself.
last script doesn't have "hevc_enc" in the license file.




Edited by killerzac
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  • 2 weeks later...

I can play HEVC videos now, but the CPU is maxed out, this is expected, right?

I suppose DSM can't access any HW acceleration technology and the CPU ends up doing all the heavy lifting.


Correct me if I'm wrong because I'd be interested in playing HEVC files without lighting the CPU on fire.

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20 минут назад, ner0 сказал:

I can play HEVC videos now, but the CPU is maxed out, this is expected, right?

I suppose DSM can't access any HW acceleration technology and the CPU ends up doing all the heavy lifting.


Correct me if I'm wrong because I'd be interested in playing HEVC files without lighting the CPU on fire.

You need:

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