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Everything posted by Polanskiman

  1. Pas de soucis. Je ne me sens pas attaqué. Je mets juste les choses au clair Une mise à jour n'écrase pas de données utilisateur sur DSM. Jamais vu ça et pour une bonne raison. Le système et les données sont sur des partitions différentes. En principe le système >> /dev/sda1 et /dev/sda2 -- les données >> /dev/sda3 Les pertes de données causées à cause d'un disque défaillant dans un RAID intelligemment configuré sont plutôt rare mais cela arrive. Plus que tout cela dépend du RAID qui a été mis en place. Pour Quicknick, oui on verra bien. Je l'aide à tester son loader depuis le départ mais dernièrement il n'est pas très actif.
  2. Modules are not compatible from one version of DSM to the other, thus they need to be recompiled for DSM 6. Not sure what is wrong in what I said. I say this because many people think that using compiled modules for DSM 5.2 can be used in DSM 6. That's just plain wrong. The loader has nothing to do with the above. The loader simply offers a plateform to launch DSM and compiled drivers. It is nothing more than a slave to the OS. If you have been compiling drivers for many years maybe you could offer your know-how to the community. I am sure people would be greatful since Jun's loader mainly contains default DSM modules and only a few others compiled by Trantor and Arcao. So yes Jun's loader desperatly needs some modules so that a broader range of hardware can be used with DSM 6. As far as I am aware Trantor's driver's request thread is specifically aimed at DSM 5. Don't get me wrong. If you are willing to contribute then it's most welcomed but if the point is to created yet another empty shell/thread, with the hopes that some dev might use it to compile drivers I think it just wont go anywhere. A dev willing to compile drivers will simply create his own thread from which he can control the OP.
  3. Le risque 0 n'existe jamais mais au moins vous avez le support de Synology en cas de problème. Un RAID n'est ABSOLUMENT pas un substitut de Sauvegarde. Le but d'un RAID est d'avoir des données disponibles H24 et protège contre un seul type de défaillance, la défaillance de disques. Voila son seul et unique but. Soyons clair. Si le fais d'avoir des To de données vous limite à faire des sauvegardes c'est que au finale vous accepter un risque supplémentaire de perdre des données. Ce n'est pas mal, c'est juste un choix. Les 72 pages comme vous dites sont remplies je dirais à hauteur de 85% de commentaires liés à une incapacité des gens à lire clairement ce qui est dit dans le tuto. Je sais de quoi je parle, je l'ai fais et je réponds aux questions des gens presque quotidiennement en me disant à chaque fois pourquoi je le fais si l'info est déjà présente dans le tuto. "Passer d'une simple clef USB à une usine a gaz"? Honnêtement c'est de la mauvaise fois. Pour DSM 6 il faut ni plus ni moins qu'une clef usb aussi. Que vous me disiez que le tuto n'est pas de votre goût ou qu'il est trop long ça je peux le comprendre mais techniquement ce loader n'est pas plus compliqué que les autres. Il a toujours été question de S/N, les MAC et vid/pid dans les loaders. La raison pour laquelle j'ai fais un tuto aussi complet c'était pour éviter les questions basiques mais clairement ça ne les empêche pas.
  4. Vos propos sont contradictoires. Si vous tenez à vos données comme vous le dites il aurait fallut dès le départ avoir une vrai box Synology. Tous les loaders passé et présent sans exception présentent des risques. Si vous avez utilisé ces loaders jusqu'à présent c'est que au final vous acceptiez le risque encouru. Le loader de Jun n'en présent ni plus ni moins. Ce loader a l'avantage d'exploiter une faille qui lui permet d'être toujours fonctionnelle meme après des mises à jour mineurs (update1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). Sur Xpenoboot je me souviens le loader devait être mise à jour presque à chaque fois qu'une mise à jour mineure était disponible. Donc en soit le loader de Jun me parait plutôt être plus performance que ses prédécesseurs. Maintenant je veux juste clarifier une ou deux choses. Le loader de Jun et celui de Quickcnick sont fondamentalement les mêmes. La seul différence c'est que Quicknick a développer un outil qui rend la vie facile à l'utilisateur et a aussi rajouté des drives mais en soit les deux utilisent la même exactement la même faille . Quand aux données il est TOUJOURS recommandé (même avec une vrai box Synology) de faire une sauvegarde des données avant de faire des upgrade de la sorte mais aussi de lire autant que possible avant de faire quoi que se soit.
  5. It doesn't matter what version of the loader you are running. What matters is the OS for which you are compiling the drivers for. In this case for DSM 6. That's the only requirement. The loader is not part of the mix nor it is required for the drivers to be compatible with the host OS. This being out of the way, will you be the one compiling the requested drivers? If so, then great initiative. If not (which I understood is the case) then this is as useless as it gets. Jun is clearly not interested in getting involved any further with XPEnology or at least with compiling extra drivers. On that he was very clear. As for Trantor and Arcao they have been quite inactive on that front for some time. Quicknick you say? Well he also doesn't seem very pro-active in fixing v2.2 and releasing v2.3. As for me, well my hands are already full with the 2 tutorials I made answering to people who just can't seem to be able to read. So unless someone else with some coding background decides to spare some of his daily/weekly time to read this thread and then compile drivers for the community I think this is just a dead end and to top this off the thread is misleading since drivers depends on the OS and not on the loader's version. There was already another thread on the matter. See where it got. I do understand you did this with a good intention, but at least I would recommend you editing the title of the thread and what you said in the OP since failing to do so will create even more confusion than there already is.
  6. Questions about QuickConnect and how to rape Synology will not be answered in the thread. Search the thread/forum you will see why.
  7. No one can answer? Have you searched the thread and forum? There are plenty of people who have migrated with gen8. There are even specific threads about gen 8 where people share their experiences.
  8. Your LAN controllers are i210 and the drivers are already included in the loader. I had explained how to load those drivers a few pages back >>> https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/7507-tutorial-installmigrate-dsm-52-to-602-juns-loader/?do=findComment&comment=62021
  9. I wouldn't see why not. What matters is the drivers of your NICs. Make sure they are included in the loader. Look at the tutorial, there is a list of the drivers that were compiled. EDIT: See below. someone already installed DSM on that same machine. So it seems you are good to go. Check out my signature at the bottom - this equipment works.
  10. Not that I know off. Drivers aren't included in Jun's loader.
  11. You don't actually need to change it. You can keep the same as the one you had on 5.2.
  12. Don't mean to be condescending here. Compiling drivers requires that you compile them against DSM source code and toolchain. You also might (may or even will) need to debug the driver's source code before compiling as DSM's OS is customised by Synology and sometimes standard drivers that would work fine on other unix flavoured OSes need to be adjusted accordingly to DSM. Then you also need to have the specific hardware for which the driver was compiled for in order to make sure that the module works which in some instances don't because of hardware and software specificities. So unless you have some coding background I suggest you let those who have the know-how to compile drivers. If you really want to try compiling drivers then search the forum. I think I saw one or two threads on the sort, but those were made by people who clearly have at best basic knowledge on unix. I studied them out of curiosity but soon understood that those who wrote them didn't know much what they were doing. There are other guides but they are never complete to the point where, from a layman's standpoint it can be replicated or fully understood. On Jun's main thread Arcao explains how to compile drivers. You could try that. You won't find tutorial on how to compile drivers from A to Z that suits your specific scenario because there are multiple variables that need to be considered and compiling needs to be adapted accordingly.
  13. Oui. Apres cela il y aura une option pour migrer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I haven't checked if those drivers are in the main ramdisk or the extra ramdisk. If they are in the extra ramdisk then you might need to modify the grub file as follows otherwise there is no need. In the gub file change the following line: initrd $img/ramdisk.lzma $img/$extra_initrd to: initrd $img/$extra_initrd $img/ramdisk.lzma
  15. Look at the tutorial in my signature. At the end of the OP I have listed the drivers that are included. You wont get any better than that as Jun has not published himself the list. I simply did a service to the community by grouping the posts relevant to the compiled drivers for Jun's loader. FYI some defaults drivers where compiled by Jun. Additional drivers were compiled by Trantor and Arcao.
  16. Did you check the included modules/drivers in the loader? They are stated in the tutorial.
  17. If you changed them in the grub file then they will be in the grub file. If you can changed them through grub as explained in the tutorial you will see the vid/pid in the grubenv file located in the same directory as the grub.cfg file. You can open it with a text editor and check the vid/pid are correct.
  18. I don't think there is a DSM check on an existing/legit serialnumber. Is there? Anyway, I just used the same serial as my previous XPEnology, DSM 5.2 installation. And updated the whole lot. Ok, you have some extra function when you use a mac and serial of a original Synology. WakeOnLAn and QuickConnect. Correct me if im wrong . Wrong. You can have WOL without the need to rape Synology. As for connecting from the outside use a DyDNS instead of QuickConnect. It's the same thing and you wont be flagged as trying to abuse Synology's services.
  19. Oui j'en ai une. Lisez le tuto en entier. Votre probleme y est clairement adressé. Merci pour cette réponse, j'ai bien lu tout le tuto, tu fais allusion à la note 5, mais comme le message n'était pas identique à celui mentionné je n'ai pas voulu prendre de risques. A moins que je ne me trompe complétement !!! Oui note 5. Faire un "Force install" si nécessaire. J'ai modifié la note 5 pour plus de clarté.
  20. Oui j'en ai une. Lisez le tuto en entier. Votre probleme y est clairement adressé.
  21. https://usdl.synology.com/download/DSM/ ... ck/8451-8/ Link to update 8 you can find all the previous updates there More precisely this one >>> https://usdl.synology.com/download/DSM/ ... 3615xs.pat
  22. Looks like those having the problem with Update 9 are those who had Jun's loader v.1.0 instead of v.1.01 Not sure if this is related but Ethernet Adapter E10G15-F1 was updated in Update 9. Did anyone already with V1.01 experienced problems when installing Update 9?
  23. The usb drive doesn't NEED to be USB 2. USB 3 drives will also work although I think it's just a waste of resources. The port however is recommended to be USB 2 as some motherboards are unable to boot from USB 3 ports.
  24. Or do I not understand you ??? Ask if you have a problem yes. But nowhere I say I will compile drivers. For your problem unless someone decides to compile those drivers I guess you are stuck.
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