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  1. Past hour
  2. Да все удалось полностью отдал контроллер под Xpenology
  3. Добрый день! Подскажите, вам удалось пробросить физические диски в Proxmox?
  4. Doesn't support making snapshots ?
  5. Today
  6. Какой загрузчик используете? Мне кажется тут проблема именно в том что плата двупроцессорная, и модули оперативной памяти разнесены про процессорам. Могу ошибаться но Хрень с двумя процами полноценно не работает (в работе по факту только один проц и соответственно оперативка которая в его слотах).
  7. Now updated to tcrp-mshell, but still not sure how to apply updates, or why it says that it is up-to-date?
  8. Yeah, I was root, but based on what I had been reading, the 7.1.1 and higher DSM doesn't allow people to mount the /dev/synoboot2 like we used to. I followed this guide to allow me to go back to 6.2, which did work: https://www.blackvoid.club/dsm-7-to-dsm-6-downgrade/ However, when i tried to drop the 4x specific DS1817+ files into the synoboot2 and rebooted, it never came up. I've tried a few times to reboot and it never comes up. I attempted to disassemble the NAS and unplugged the onboard USB board thing, so i will attempt to boot with the F000/F000 usbstick with the DS1813+ files, but any other advice would be amazing.
  9. So I found the tcrp-mshell, ran it and brought my system back online using that as a loader - nice! So now I am up and running again at 7.1.1 42962 U1, but I am not sure how I am supposed to apply updates past this, or know which updates are acceptable? In addition, if I need to do anything to the loader at some point is there anyway to do it WITHOUT having to be hands-on with the server? I administer a second server for my parents as well, and if I need to have a local keyboard and mouse to update the loader then it means I will need to travel. TIA
  10. Модель - НЕ ИМЕЕТ значения. Другие модели ведут себя точно также - НЕ ДАЮТ возможности пользоваться всем объемом физически имеющейся оперативной памяти. Просьба: - если меется вариант решения - напишите. Сообщения, типа "А зачем?", "Хм...", "Странно, а у меня работает", "Мало кто пользуется SA6400" - являются неконструктивными и не несут полезной информации, являясь попросту пустозвонством.
  11. As the title suggests, I got a old unit lying, that I want to use as NAS. I have gone through a variety of loaders, but all of them do the same thing. I am able to create the loader, but once booting it, it just won't find the DSM. Not sure about what's causing these issues. Just to try, I was able to install the TrueNAS Core in the first attempt on the server, so it should work. I just don't know what is causing the issue. The latest one I tried was the Arc loader, found here: https://github.com/AuxXxilium/arc?tab=readme-ov-file. But same issue when booting into DSM Mode. It won't show the IP, etc.
  12. Check, your bios contains a menu point UART. If yes, disable it.
  13. Hi, if your board same, as a topton r3 or t-bao r3, or aoostar, skybarium etc white "funnel style" nas with AMD cpu board, try to set that two line below, and dsm will boot and works good.. AMD CBS -> FCH common Option -> Uart Configuration Options disable uart AMD CBS-> FCH Common->Sata config options->Sata controller from auto to ENABLED!
  14. Таки в той же теме про "storage panel" и сказано
  15. Нужно подключить api для синхронизации библиотеки фильмов с базой данных. Есть в настройках ds video. Ничего сложного, одна регистрация на сайте, сайт вам выдаст Ключь, ключ вставляете в окошко в настройках ds video. Погуглите Synology video station api
  16. Hi I'm running Xpenenology with ARC loader in VM on Proxmox. So far everthing is working fine. But I have problems with Disk suspend. When I set HDD's to suspend after 10' doing nothing, the VM freezes and I cant wake it up by accessing DSM or files via SMB. I have to restart it. Is there a way to use Disk suspend in Xpenology on Proxmox without freezes?
  17. Thanks Peter, I'll take a look. Yes C1E is disabled. I was trying to work out how to update past 42962 U1. Is read that you can use friend to repatch the system, then rather than let it boot friend do a reboot a bit the "usb" version again. I was actually thinking of looking into doing an N54L version that would always run friend first, then reboot to "usb" rather than booting friend, but if you've already got something else I'll use that. Is it a straight swap from TCRP 10 to tcrp-mshell? TIA
  18. это - в Photos? нужен AME + amepatch + codecpatch + FFmpeg 4 - вроде это полный набор. Патчи есть в аддонах Arc (они нужны, если не используются валидные SN/MAC или Arc Patch)
  19. Are you "root" user in directory "/dev"? The described commands must be followed exactly and in the correct order.
  20. Use the following pat-file: https://global.synologydownload.com/download/DSM/release/6.2.4/25556/DSM_DS1817%2B_25556.pat
  21. Салют друзья! Как с этим бороться может кто подсказать? Раньше превью видио были, сейчас не отображаются. Пробовал переиндексировать, результата ноль.
  22. В общем для photos всех версий решение здесь https://github.com/jinlife/Synology_Photos_Face_Patch
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