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DSM on rasberry pi


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Hi i thinking about "nas" to home. Actually i'm on dell 1501 (AMD Turion 64 X +1gb ram) as nas(DSM4.2) and it is noisy. And i thinked about raspberry pi (ver. with 512ram) but i search about instalation but i get nothing. Maybe you can help me with that?


EDIT: sorry im looking different board like raspbrey pi because it have 10/100 mbit/s lan any suggestions?

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I've seen that has presented a new model of Rasperry and it seems that now will be compatible with:


Because it has an ARMv7 processor, it can run the full range of ARM GNU / Linux distributions, treats including Snappy Ubuntu Core, as well as Microsoft Windows 10.


Will now install the new version of Xpenology Rasperry?






Thank you for your work and help.

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That's interesting news on the Raspberry front thanks for the heads up. The Windows 10 news was errr disturbing it's like giving the local crack dealer the key to the school gate. MS will give away just enough to get people hooked and then suck them dry in proprietary software hell. :evil:


The new processor and extra ram is going to make the new version extremely useful in so many areas. :cool: The 10/100 NIC is a bit of a limitation for network abusers though.

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There is another arm7 board called Banana PI that it's more powerful then Raspberry, but i think that the problem still persist, bootloader like X86 Version


In terms of hardware has good performance, gigabit ethernet and one sata port, but i dont know if it's' enough for to build a SAN

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