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Posted (edited)
This post was recognized by Polanskiman!

Peter Suh was awarded the badge 'Helpful' and 5 points.



If you are using an existing 7.0.1 after the version of the Synology DSM was updated to 7.1, you may want to update to 7.1

or this is a guide for those who want to install 7.1 from the beginning.

For those who are new to this article, I will share it with you by adding and subtracting it from the existing 7.0.1 guide.

It is a translation from Korean to English using a translator.

Please understand if there is a slight misunderstanding.



Existing RedPill, released last year, can generate IMG files directly through the compilation process of the bootloader only if Linux is available separately

In the case of tinyCore RedPill, it comes completely with tinyCore Linux in the form of a USB boot image

It's much easier without having to install and prepare linux separately.




You can add the drivers you want to build after you select them and add them directly.

The latest version of tinycore supports a total of 7 models (DS3622xs+/DS918+/DS3615xs/DS3617xs/DS1621+/DS920+/DVA3221)

You can continuously change the boot loader on your own without re-imaging it (model/sn/mac, etc.)

Tinycore supports both img for native installation and vmdk for virtual environments.



1.Preparing Bootloader IMG


Use the Download button in the middle of the beam link below.Download the gz file

In it 0.4.6 version img.You can decompress the gz file one more time and use the img file.


(Full File)



(for LEGACY / EFI)



(for VMWARE)




2. Bootloader IMG File USB Recording


Use the above tinycore-redfill.v0.4.6.img file to burn it with USB with a convenient image tool such as WinImage or Rufus.

You don't need to adjust the configuration file in advance to modify the VID/PID/Serial/MAC/SATAPortMap like the JUN loader.


If you want to create a USB image on a Mac or Linux like me, you can use the DD command below in the terminal.

(Assuming that the DEVICE ID of the USB verified by diskutil is disk4)

sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk4
sudo dd if=/Users/MyAccount/Downloads/tinycore-redpill.v0.4.5.img of=/dev/disk4 bs=1m
sudo diskutil eject /dev/disk4



3.Starting TinyCore Linux


USB boot by plugging it into a PC for xpenology (UEFI 1 partition or USB CSM can be booted)

The tinyCore Linux (tinyCore Image Build menu) is running and appears.

Run the far right icon terminal app here.

Check the ip address automatically assigned an en0 LAN card with ifconfig.


[tinyCore Linux Screen]





4. Adjust CONFIG after SSH connection


Ssh connection with putty etc. from PC other than xpenology. ( id:tc / pass : P@ssw0rd )

I'm connecting.


Tinycore Redfill is stabilizing right now

PocoPico, the original author of this program, fixes bugs from time to time and announces rebuilding.

There's a possibility that this rebuild will happen from time to time

Even with the final image version of 0.4.6, changes can still be updated in real time over the Internet.

Sometimes the rploader.sh file itself changes if there is a bug.


If you've migrated from JUN xpenology,




Existing grub such as VID/PID/Sn/Mac/SataPortMap in user_config.json file.Refer to the cfg and move it as it is.

For new installers, perform serial GEN/USB VID, PID auto-detect, SataPortMap auto-detect, etc. as shown below.

For the next process, I will share the command focusing on the platform that I have completed the most normal verification.

tc@box:~$./rploader.sh serialgen (select one from DS3622x+/DS918+/DS3615xs/DS3617xs/DS1621+/DS920+/DV3221)
tc@box:~$ ./rploader.sh identifyusb now
tc@box:~$./rploader.sh satamap now (no HBA card user required)


You can see that the contents of user_config.json have been changed automatically.

Finally, the commonality of existing users and new installers is



If you assume that there are 4 internal Sata ports,

SataPortMap = "4",
DiskIdxMap = "00"


Please check if it's changed to the back.

After find.synology.com, you may not be able to find SATA HDDs during DSM installation.

The following is an example of a 6-port SATA additional expansion card.

SataPortMap = "46",
DiskIdxMap = "0000"


(Except for those who use H200, H310, H710, etc. cards, you don't have to clear the options for this SataPortMap and DiskIdxMap itself and use it.

Please erase the lines of the above two options with the vi editor and organize them well so that there are no Syntex errors. Of course.

./rploader.sh satamap now command is not required.)



5.BIOS Internal SATA Port Hot Plug disable -> enable Handling (Important)


To avoid temporarily reducing the number of SATA PortMap maps set above by the number of HDDs physically connected by the Sata cable during the DSM installation process:

Make sure to turn on the Hot Plug function.

This reduces the probability of encountering an error message stating that the above automatically recognizes the number of SATAPortMaps and the HDD is not found.

Please refer to the link below for the relevant details highlighted by TheSTREET.





6.Add boot loader extension driver after SSH connection (optional)


(You can skip this part. The required expansion driver is automatically discovered and received during BUILD 6 process.)

A detailed list of extension drivers can be found below.




The supported platforms are as follows: DS918 apollake, DS3615xs bromolow, DS3617xs broodwell, and ds3622xs+broadwellnk.

In my case, I added three types of extension drivers: Realtech, Intel LAN, and DELL PERC as follows.


tc@box:~$ ./rploader.sh ext broadwellnk-7.0.1-42218 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8101/rpext-index.json
tc@box:~$ ./rploader.sh ext broadwellnk-7.0.1-42218 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8125/rpext-index.json
tc@box:~$ ./rploader.sh ext broadwellnk-7.0.1-42218 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8152/rpext-index.json
tc@box:~$ ./rploader.sh ext broadwellnk-7.0.1-42218 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8168/rpext-index.json
tc@box:~$ ./rploader.sh ext broadwellnk-7.0.1-42218 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/r8169/rpext-index.json
tc@box:~$ ./rploader.sh ext broadwellnk-7.0.1-42218 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/igp/rpext-index.json
tc@box:~$ ./rploader.sh ext broadwellnk-7.0.1-42218 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/e1000/rpext-index.json
tc@box:~$ ./rploader.sh ext broadwellnk-7.0.1-42218 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/e1000e/rpext-index.json
tc@box:~$ ./rploader.sh ext broadwellnk-7.0.1-42218 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/mpt3sas/rpext-index.json



7.Build Boot Loader After SSH Connection (Two Step Update - TSU)


If you are done adding the above extension drivers, build the bootloader at the end.

After 7.0.1 build, check if the custom-module -> /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles directory is created well with the ll command.

Without this directory, the second 7.1.0 build will fail.

If you do not see the custom-module -> /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles directory,

Please do the 7.0.1 build again.



./rploader.sh update now
./rploader.sh fullupgrade now
./rploader.sh serialgen DS3622xs+
./rploader.sh identifyusb now
./rploader.sh satamap now
./rploader.sh build broadwellnk-7.0.1-42218
./rploader.sh clean now
./rploader.sh build broadwellnk-7.1.0-42661
./rploader.sh clean now; rm -rf /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles; rm -rf /home/tc/custom-module; ./rploader.sh backup now;




./rploader.sh update now
./rploader.sh fullupgrade now
./rploader.sh serialgen DS918+
./rploader.sh identifyusb now
./rploader.sh satamap now
./rploader.sh build apollolake-7.0.1-42218
./rploader.sh clean now
./rploader.sh build apollolake-7.1.0-42661
./rploader.sh clean now; rm -rf /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles; rm -rf /home/tc/custom-module; ./rploader.sh backup now;




./rploader.sh update now
./rploader.sh fullupgrade now
./rploader.sh serialgen DS3615xs
./rploader.sh identifyusb now
./rploader.sh satamap now
./rploader.sh build bromolow-7.0.1-42218
./rploader.sh clean now
./rploader.sh build bromolow-7.1.0-42661
./rploader.sh clean now; rm -rf /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles; rm -rf /home/tc/custom-module; ./rploader.sh backup now;



The last line doesn't get restored even if you reboot later


It is the process of organizing the folders where the pat file exists and reducing the capacity and completing the backup.



8-1.Using the bootloader (update user)


tc@box:~$ sudo poweroff


Place the 7.1 bootloader on the bottom well

In the existing 7.0.1 henol boot state, obtain the DSM 7.1.0-42661.pat file separately from the Sinology Download Center




Click the Control Panel -> Update and Restore -> DSM Update -> Manual DSM Update button and proceed with the update to the prepared pat file above.

If you are asked to wait 10 minutes after the update, use the telnet connection method that appears in the NAS column by searching for the title telnet

I'll power off.

-> using putty and telnet it using user=root without password.  after you type root then enter, it will goes to linux prompt.

By the way, if there are a lot of actual packages installed, it says that you have to wait 20 minutes.

Very few packages appear to wait 10 minutes.

If you don't want to let me go to the Wi-Telnet connection process, check the monitor to see if you want to power down when rebooting or when rebooting


I think you can change it quickly to enter TC Linux.




Replace the USB with the 7.1 boot loader prepared above and proceed with the boot


You can use it. (There's nothing else I can do for you.)




If you want to update from 7.0.1 to 7.1,

Process 8-1 in the guide above, and if you're using it, boot from USB and enter Tinycore Linux again

You can start from number 3. Tynicore Linux is the third menu, so you have to switch quickly in 4 seconds.

This is a method that can be carried out without preparing one more USB memory, but the existing 7.0.1 boot loader may be erased

You can use the new functions, backuploader now and restoreloader now action


8-2.Use bootloader (new installer)


After successfully completing the build above, reboot the xpenology with USB using the command below.


tc@box:~$ sudo reboot


The settings or ext drivers that were backed up remain the same

The setting values are restored from the mydata.tgz file and remain intact at the next Tiny Core Image Build boot for modification.

(The default setting for automatic entry within 4 seconds is USB, Verbose at the top. If you don't touch it with your keyboard, it will automatically enter USB mode.)




xpenology On-Screen After PC Boots

In the case of the existing RedPill, you will be asked to find it at find.synology.com like the existing Jun loader

For this tinyCore:

Decompressing Linux... Parsing ELF... done.

Booting the kernel.


This is the message. There is a delay of 1 to 2 minutes from the IP allocation, so please wait a little bit.

In this state, browse to find.synology.com on another PC and you will find the xpenology IP.

After that, you can proceed with the installation process of the Synology DSM as you are working on the existing xpenology.

Edited by Polanskiman
Added proper code tags and formatted post to make it more readable.
  • Like 4
  • Thanks 7

The guide says to run the 7.0.1 build once more, but it can be processed as follows.


(run if custom-module -> /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles is missing)

ll /mnt. (Check the 3rd partition in usb)

sudo ln -s /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles /home/tc/custom-module



Build / DSM installation / DSM boot successful.

HDD SHR status on HBA normal


No NVIDIA GPU specification or patch separately.




./rploader.sh update now

./rploader.sh fullupgrade now


./rploader.sh serialgen DVA3221

./rploader.sh identifyusb now

./rploader.sh satamap now


./rploader.sh build denverton-7.0.1-42218


(run if custom-module -> /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles is missing)

ll /mnt. (Check the 3rd partition in usb)

sudo ln -s /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles /home/tc/custom-module


./rploader.sh clean now

./rploader.sh build denverton-7.1.0-42661


./rploader.sh clean now;  rm -rf /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles;  rm -rf /home/tc/custom-module;  ./rploader.sh backup now;

Posted (edited)

Here I introduce TSU build process of another method excluding DSM 7.0.1 loader build process.


If you forcefully create an auxfiles folder for pat file processing and ignore the process of creating a custom-module link, an error occurs during 7.1 build.

@pocopico decided to check this part further and improve it.

Other platforms can be used in the same way.


In particular, in the case of ds920+ and ds1621+, the dtc(device-tree-compiler) method is used instead of sataportmap, and tc automatically finds and maps the related setting values.

In ds920+ and ds1621+, ignore sataportmap and don't care.




./rploader.sh update now

./rploader.sh fullupgrade now


./rploader.sh serialgen DS920+

./rploader.sh identifyusb now


(run if custom-module -> /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles is missing, Users who use TC for the first time do not originally have this directory and link.)

mkdir /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles;

sudo ln -s /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles /home/tc/custom-module;


./rploader.sh build geminilake-7.1.0-42661


rm -rf /home/tc/oldpat.tar.gz;./rploader.sh clean now;  rm -rf /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles;  rm -rf /home/tc/custom-module;  ./rploader.sh backup now;


Edited by Peter Suh
  • Like 1

(run if custom-module -> /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles is missing, Users who use TC for the first time do not originally have this directory and link.)

mkdir /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles;

sudo ln -s /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles /home/tc/custom-module;


tc@box:~$ mkdir /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles;
mkdir: cannot create directory '/mnt/sdb3/auxfiles': No such file or directory


The third partition of the USB Stick emphasized in red above may be different for each user.
So make sure to check the name of the partition using the command below, and if necessary,
Please modify it and use it.

tc@box:~$ ll /mnt
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Apr 17 04:38 sdb1/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Apr 17 04:38 sdb2/
drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 4096 Jan 1 1970 sdb3/

@pocopico is currently automating this part.


  • Like 1
On 4/13/2022 at 8:04 AM, Peter Suh said:

If you want to update from 7.0.1 to 7.1,

Process 8-1 in the guide above, and if you're using it, boot from USB and enter Tinycore Linux again

You can start from number 3. Tynicore Linux is the third menu, so you have to switch quickly in 4 seconds.

This is a method that can be carried out without preparing one more USB memory, but the existing 7.0.1 boot loader may be erased

You can use the new functions, backuploader now and restoreloader now action


One more time please.

If you want to update a Working 7.0.1 Bootloader to 7.1 You need to build a new Bootloader, right?

But you don't need to generate a new Serial or stuff?


going by the 3615...

./rploader.sh update now
./rploader.sh fullupgrade now

./rploader.sh build bromolow-7.0.1-42218

./rploader.sh clean now

./rploader.sh build bromolow-7.1.0-42661

./rploader.sh clean now; rm -rf /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles; rm -rf /home/tc/custom-module; ./rploader.sh backup now; 

does it need the FullUpgrade after the update?

the Build Bromwlow 7.0.1 was already done last time so no more need for that?

So why does it need a clean before building the new 7.1?

and the last line with the remove stuff is to keep the usb stick clean right?

12 minutes ago, haldi said:


One more time please.

If you want to update a Working 7.0.1 Bootloader to 7.1 You need to build a new Bootloader, right?

But you don't need to generate a new Serial or stuff?


going by the 3615...

./rploader.sh update now
./rploader.sh fullupgrade now

./rploader.sh build bromolow-7.0.1-42218

./rploader.sh clean now

./rploader.sh build bromolow-7.1.0-42661

./rploader.sh clean now; rm -rf /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles; rm -rf /home/tc/custom-module; ./rploader.sh backup now; 

does it need the FullUpgrade after the update?

the Build Bromwlow 7.0.1 was already done last time so no more need for that?

So why does it need a clean before building the new 7.1?

and the last line with the remove stuff is to keep the usb stick clean right?



If you want to update a Working 7.0.1 Bootloader to 7.1 You need to build a new Bootloader, right?

> Absolutely.

But you don't need to generate a new Serial or stuff?

> You'd better not do this. If the sereal is changed, difficult cases may occur.

  (For example, the target side of the shared folder synchronization recognizes the source side's serial.)

does it need the FullUpgrade after the update?

> Update the most important custom_config.json containing "7.1 Platform Information".

the Build Bromwlow 7.0.1 was already done last time so no more need for that?

> Even if you have already carried out it last time, please proceed according to the procedure again.

So why does it need a clean before building the new 7.1?

> If not cleaned, environmental information related to 7.0.1 will remain and interfere with the 7.1 build.

and the last line with the remove stuff is to keep the usb stick clean right?

> You can back up as it is, but perform a large-capacity backup including the downloaded pat file.

However, this pat file will not be restored at the next boot.
So I organize unnecessary files and back up only the essential parts.


Here I introduce TSU build process of another method excluding DSM 7.0.1 loader build process.


If you forcefully create an auxfiles folder for pat file processing and ignore the process of creating a custom-module link, an error occurs during 7.1 build.

@pocopico decided to check this part further and improve it.

Other platforms can be used in the same way.


In particular, in the case of ds920+ and ds1621+, the dtc(device-tree-compiler) method is used instead of sataportmap, and tc automatically finds and maps the related setting values.

In ds920+ and ds1621+, ignore sataportmap and don't care.




./rploader.sh update now

./rploader.sh fullupgrade now


./rploader.sh serialgen DS920+

./rploader.sh identifyusb now


(run if custom-module -> /mnt/sdb3/auxfiles is missing, Users who use TC for the first time do not originally have this directory and link.)

mkdir /mnt/"$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)3"/auxfiles; sudo ln -s /mnt/"$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)3"/auxfiles /home/tc/custom-module;


./rploader.sh build geminilake-7.1.0-42661


rm -rf /home/tc/oldpat.tar.gz;./rploader.sh clean now;  rm -rf /mnt/"$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)3"/auxfiles;  rm -rf /home/tc/custom-module;  ./rploader.sh backup now;


( I referenced the Pocopico script to dynamically find the third partition of the USB stick. )

Posted (edited)

The last modification I asked @pocopico was not completed yet

Deploy to use this shell script instead.

This is a shell script that performs 15 first guided "Tinycore DSM 7.1 Build" commands at once.

For the instructions on how to use the attached file, you can copy this file into TC LINUX's /home/tc and do it as below.

./m.sh DS918+

./m.sh DS3617xs

./m.sh DS3615xs

./m.sh DS3622xs+

./m.sh DVA3221

./m.sh DS920+

./m.sh DS1621+

Upload it to TC Linux with SCP

rm ./.ssh/known_hosts
scp ~/Downloads/m.sh.gz tc@

scp [download path]/m.sh.gz tc@

on tc Linux

tar -zxvf m.sh.gz

You can use the gz file after compressing it.



I made one more for those who don't even want to type in 'y'.


The usage of my.sh is the same.^^





Edited by Peter Suh
  • Like 2
  • Thanks 1

This is awesome work @Peter Suh! Thank you for putting in the time and dedication :)


Question #1

How would i change the MAC/SN before installation if for instance I have a valid set from a real box. 


Question #2 

Any chance you have a seperate step by step guide for Proxmox installation as well? 


I apologize if I somehow missed this in one of your earlier posts





Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, NooL said:

This is awesome work @Peter Suh! Thank you for putting in the time and dedication :)


Question #1

How would i change the MAC/SN before installation if for instance I have a valid set from a real box. 


Question #2 

Any chance you have a seperate step by step guide for Proxmox installation as well? 


I apologize if I somehow missed this in one of your earlier posts







Such work is not appropriate if you are mindful of the use of m.sh.
Directly modify the user_config.json file for Serial and Mac.

I have no experience with proxmox.
Baremetal is confident.

Edited by Peter Suh
  • Thanks 1

I have tried following these instructions for updating to DSM 7.1 from 7.0.1 using Proxmox. 

Unfortunately after hours of attempts this morning I wasn't able to get it working.

So I decided to wipe Proxmox and go Bare Metal with DSM 7.1.

Then following these instructions worked perfectly without any headaches. 


Since DSM is installed on the hard disk I did not lose any data converting from Proxmox to Baremetal.

The only thing that has changed is having to leave a USB stick plugged in at all times. 


Thanks Peter Suh for the amazing instructions and on top of that for providing the shell script above!

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, nabito said:

I finally can load to the DSM install part but it's say No drives detect, 

Please help image.thumb.png.11aa7f85fe7dd8b2a88bc20d72ce98d1.png


Send a log of the two commands below from the TC Linux prompt.

lspci -tvnnq




If you followed my instructions and completed the backup,

The /home/tc/redpill-load directory would have been erased.

Then, do the rebuild as below and send the dts file contents




mkdir /mnt/"$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)3"/auxfiles; sudo ln -s /mnt/"$(mount | grep -i optional | grep cde | awk -F / '{print $3}' | uniq | cut -c 1-3)3"/auxfiles /home/tc/custom-module;


./rploader.sh build geminilake-7.1.0-42661

cat /home/tc/redpill-load/ds920p.dts

Edited by Peter Suh
2 hours ago, Peter Suh said:

The last modification I asked @pocopico was not completed yet

Deploy to use this shell script instead.

This is a shell script that performs 15 first guided "Tinycore DSM 7.1 Build" commands at once.

For the instructions on how to use the attached file, you can copy this file into TC LINUX's /home/tc and do it as below.

./m.sh DS918+

./m.sh DS3617xs

./m.sh DS3615xs

./m.sh DS3622xs+

./m.sh DVA3221

./m.sh DS920+

./m.sh DS1621+

Upload it to TC Linux with SCP

rm ./.ssh/known_hosts
scp ~/Downloads/m.sh.gz tc@

scp [download path]/m.sh.gz tc@

on tc Linux

tar -zxvf m.sh.gz

You can use the gz file after compressing it.



I made one more for those who don't even want to type in 'y'.


The usage of my.sh is the same.^^



m.sh.gz 701 B · 9 downloads

my.sh.gz 707 B · 2 downloads


This way to download is simpler.


wget https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/tinycore-redpill/raw/main/m.sh.gz; tar -zxvf m.sh.gz;

wget https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/tinycore-redpill/raw/main/my.sh.gz; tar -zxvf my.sh.gz;

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

The last modification I asked @pocopico was not completed yet

Deploy to use this shell script instead.

This is a shell script that performs 15 first guided "Tinycore DSM 7.1 Build" commands at once.

For the instructions on how to use the attached file, you can copy this file into TC LINUX's /home/tc and do it as below.

./my.sh DS918+

./my.sh DS3617xs

./my.sh DS3615xs

./my.sh DS3622xs+

./my.sh DVA3221

./my.sh DS920+

./my.sh DS1621+


on tc Linux


wget https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/tinycore-redpill/raw/main/m.sh.gz; tar -zxvf m.sh.gz;

wget https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/tinycore-redpill/raw/main/my.sh.gz; tar -zxvf my.sh.gz;

Edited by Peter Suh
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Hi, after wipe my usb and install via the latest script you post above.
I still can boot to loader but I can't found diskstation IP, I've waiting about 7 minutes.

I install it on my old PC running Gigabyte B75 and Intel i3-2120. Using ethernet on mainboard.

My previous time I tried to install It show no drive connected but this time I can find the IP

Edited by nabito
Posted (edited)

@nabito You need to provide more information in order for the community to assist you. Is it Baremetal, is it a VM? Are you using an integrated ethernet card or not?

Edited by gadreel
  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, gadreel said:

@nabito You need to provide more information in order for the community to assist you. Is it Baremetal, is it a VM? Are you using an integrated ethernet card or not?

After few I tried to re install using Ds920+, I finally see the IP. But again, it show no drive detected. 

Last time I tried it Ds918+, I can't find the IP


1 minute ago, nabito said:

After few I tried to re install using Ds920+, I finally see the IP. But again, it show no drive detected. 

Last time I tried it Ds918+, I can't find the IP


DS920+ does not even work for me due to that DTS thingy... DS918+ will not work on your system. It requires 4th Gen Intel and above. You have 2nd Gen.


I think is best if you start with DS3615xs or DS3617xs...

  • Thanks 1
24 minutes ago, gadreel said:


DS920+ does not even work for me due to that DTS thingy... DS918+ will not work on your system. It requires 4th Gen Intel and above. You have 2nd Gen.


I think is best if you start with DS3615xs or DS3617xs...

I've tried both version you recommend but still no drives detected :( 
I can lunch Ds3617xs on VMware 16 win 10 on the same PC but when I tried to run direct via USB, It can't 

Posted (edited)

@nabito verify in bios, your sata is set to ahci (not raid or other options) and if you have a hot swap option, set to on/enable.


dont mess the 920 yet, its not quite ready yet. do as @gadreel suggests, try 3615 or 3617

Edited by phone guy
1 hour ago, gadreel said:

 DS918+ will not work on your system. It requires 4th Gen Intel and above. You have 2nd Gen.

I was unaware of that. I might have a i3 2120, I'll have to check.

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