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4.3 issues


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Yes same here


I test my "pre" 4.3 build on 2 platform : intel (asus pk5pl-am se which use ata_piix driver) and amd (zotac AD01 minipc)

Test with blank disk and with 4.2-3211 on it : same issue (install ok reboot syno assistant happy, log into DSM all is working exept this volume/disk error)

No error on screen neither in logs :sad:

Compiled modules (like ethernet/raid) loads and work.


I have try to just repack originals files with just pacthed synobios. But even if I include sata driver as module in rd.gz, I'm unable to install because no disk detected

The idea is to test with original kernel and modules if it working.


I will post it if you want to test


To build 4.3 :

- Tool Chains (DSM 4.3 ) / Intel x86 Linux 3.2.40 (Bromolow) x64

- Kernel source from Synology GPL / 3776branch (synogpl-3776-bromolow.tbz) with patch from andy's git




This build is not working and it's for debug and testing purpose only

Here it is : 4.3 Test Build




fdisk -l return nothing...

When DSM is started, I plug USB drive, it's mounted and available (fdisk see it) but after 10-15sec it's unmouted (fdisk return nothing).

It seem something is running and auto unmout drive.


It's very strange because USB drive are still mounted in /volumeUSB* but not in DSM.

I will try to kill some main DSM services to see if I can remount volume.

Maybe Kanedo can do his "voodoo magic" and compare source code from 3.2.30 and 3.2.40 kernel ?


In /var/log/message I get:

Aug 29 12:53:06 DiskStation dnsdsm: Check failed.

Aug 29 12:53:07 DiskStation initdata.cgi: disk_info_get.c:76 Failed to open /dev/sda, errno=No such file or directory

Aug 29 12:53:07 DiskStation initdata.cgi: disk_info_enum.c:42 Failed to get disk information sda

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                       case -ENOENT:
                               /* IDENTIFY was issued to non-existent
                                * device.  No need to reset.  Just
                                * thaw and ignore the device.
#ifdef MY_ABC_HERE
                               ata_link_err(link, "Issued IDENTIFY to non-existent device ?!\n");
                               goto err;


I get this error during booting.

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Unfortunately, I can't get network up and running using your 4.3 test build. I have Nvidia NIC. Did you add support for that in .config?




My bad. Forgot to add network drivers ^^

Kernel with lot of network drivers (as usal replace it on your USB stick)


Yes VeNoM this part of code is not present in 4.2 (especially goto err;).

I start to compare sources file between 4.2 and 4.3, but got massive headache...

I will try to built 4.3 kernel without this part of code later

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The problem is in rc = sata_pmp_attach(dev). This function returns -ENOENT

                      if (dev->class == ATA_DEV_PMP)
                               rc = sata_pmp_attach(dev);
                               rc = ata_dev_read_id(dev, &dev->class,
                                                    readid_flags, dev->id);

                       /* read_id might have changed class, store and reset */
                       ehc->classes[dev->devno] = dev->class;
                       dev->class = ATA_DEV_UNKNOWN;

                       switch (rc) {
                       case 0:
                               /* clear error info accumulated during probe */
                               new_mask |= 1 << dev->devno;
                       case -ENOENT:
                               /* IDENTIFY was issued to non-existent
                                * device.  No need to reset.  Just
                                * thaw and ignore the device.
#ifdef MY_ABC_HERE
                               ata_link_err(link, "Issued IDENTIFY to non-existent device ?!\n");
                               goto err;
                               goto err;

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I manualy create /dev/sda[12], open the storage manager, then /dev/sda[12] is deleted and the folowing message gets logged.


Aug 30 10:44:00 DiskStation43 dnsdsm: Check failed.
Aug 30 10:44:01 DiskStation43 dnsdsm: Check failed.
Aug 30 10:44:01 DiskStation43 storagehandler.cgi: disk_info_get.c:76 Failed to open /dev/sda, errno=No such file or directory
Aug 30 10:44:01 DiskStation43 storagehandler.cgi: disk_info_enum.c:42 Failed to get disk information sda
Aug 30 10:44:01 DiskStation43 storagehandler.cgi: storagehandler.cpp:474 CszBuf't get the current buzzer bitmap
Aug 30 10:44:30 DiskStation43 SystemInfo.cgi: disk_info_get.c:76 Failed to open /dev/sda, errno=No such file or directory
Aug 30 10:44:30 DiskStation43 SystemInfo.cgi: disk_info_enum.c:42 Failed to get disk information sda
Aug 30 10:44:30 DiskStation43 SystemInfo.cgi: disk_info_get.c:76 Failed to open /dev/sda, errno=No such file or directory
Aug 30 10:44:30 DiskStation43 SystemInfo.cgi: disk_info_enum.c:42 Failed to get disk information sda

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DiskStation43> cat /usr/syno/etc/dnsdsm






















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Is the DNSDSM service even relevant? I think all it does is to register the device to a (D)DNS service, and it fails the check, irrelevant to the disks inserted. Though I might be wrong.


What I think is, that the devices are dismounted because of a different check, possibly made by synobios, and it instructs the SATA controller to drop all devices.

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Well, the problem is in /usr/syno/webman.

I just replaced the 4.2 webman in the 4.3 firmware and the /dev/sda[12] doesn't get deleted.

So Synology implemented a security check on the interface in the .cgi binaries.


later edit:

On restart the dev/sda[12] are deleted.

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Just little feedback:

I manage to boot system without scemd nor /usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d/* scripts but fdisk still empty.


When booting with blank drive, log directly on xpenology console, fdisk detect all drives


EDIT: Build kernel with libata-eh.c pacthed (removed the new part of code), same issue.


The problem is in rc = sata_pmp_attach(dev). This function returns -ENOENT


Where do you find this ? /etc/rc ?

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Just little feedback:

I manage to boot system without scemd nor /usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d/* scripts but fdisk still empty.


When booting with blank drive, log directly on xpenology console, fdisk detect all drives


EDIT: Build kernel with libata-eh.c pacthed (removed the new part of code), same issue.


The problem is in rc = sata_pmp_attach(dev). This function returns -ENOENT


Where do you find this ? /etc/rc ?


The kernel in ./drivers/ata/libata-eh.c

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If you want debug..


DiskStation> cat /proc/partitions

major minor #blocks name


8 0 8388608 sda

8 1 2490240 sda1

8 2 2097152 sda2

9 0 2490176 md0

9 1 2097088 md1

DiskStation> mknod /dev/sda b 8 0



Now after few secs /dev/sda dissapears. We need figure out why this happens.

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k3dt synobios's patched file (this file in use in 4.3 test build):

.text:00000000000025C8 loc_25C8:                               ; CODE XREF: SetMicropId+3Aj
.text:00000000000025C8                 mov     rsi, offset aR  ; "R"
.text:00000000000025CF                 mov     rdx, rsp
.text:00000000000025D2                 mov     ecx, 8
.text:00000000000025D7                 mov     rdi, rsi
.text:00000000000025DA                 call    ReadUart
.text:00000000000025DF                 test    eax, eax
.text:00000000000025E1                 mov     edx, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:00000000000025E6                 xor     rax, rax
.text:00000000000025E9                 mov     al, 42h ; 'B'
.text:00000000000025EB                 nop
.text:00000000000025EC                 xor     edx, edx
.text:00000000000025EE                 mov     cs:MpId_20839, eax
.text:00000000000025F4                 jmp     short loc_25AC
.text:00000000000025F4 SetMicropId     endp


synobios file from 1511+ qnology (here or here. Thanks google trad ^^)

.text:00000000000029C8 loc_29C8:                               ; CODE XREF: SetMicropId+3Aj
.text:00000000000029C8                 mov     rsi, offset aR  ; "R"
.text:00000000000029CF                 mov     rdx, rsp
.text:00000000000029D2                 mov     ecx, 8
.text:00000000000029D7                 mov     rdi, rsi
.text:00000000000029DA                 call    ReadUart
.text:00000000000029DF                 test    eax, eax
.text:00000000000029E1                 mov     edx, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:00000000000029E6                 nop
.text:00000000000029E7                 mov     eax, 36h ; '6'
.text:00000000000029EC                 xor     edx, edx
.text:00000000000029EE                 mov     cs:MpId_20839, eax
.text:00000000000029F4                 jmp     short loc_29AC
.text:00000000000029F4 SetMicropId     endp


Some differences in registers and operations...



And yes as tsygam mention 36 is MicroID for 1511+:

MICROP_ID_710p = 0x31, /* '1' */
MICROP_ID_411p = 0x33, /* '3' 411+II is the same*/
MICROP_ID_1010p = 0x32, /* '2' */
MICROP_ID_1511p = 0x36, /* '6' */
MICROP_ID_810p = 0x35, /* '5' */
MICROP_ID_810rp = 0x34, /* '4' */
MICROP_ID_2211p = 0x37, /* '7' */
MICROP_ID_2211rp = 0x38, /* '8' */
MICROP_ID_2411p = 0x39, /* '9' */
MICROP_ID_3411xs = 0x43, /* 'C' 3412xs is the same */
MICROP_ID_3411rpxs = 0x41, /* 'A' 3412rpxs is the same */
MICROP_ID_3611xs = 0x42, /* 'B' 3612xs is the same*/
MICROP_ID_712p = 0x44, /* 'D' */
MICROP_ID_412p = 0x45, /* 'E' */
MICROP_ID_1512p = 0x47, /* 'G' */
MICROP_ID_1812p = 0x46, /* 'F' */
MICROP_ID_812p = 0x48, /* 'H' */
MICROP_ID_812rp = 0x49, /* 'I' */
MICROP_ID_2212p = 0x4A, /* 'J' */
MICROP_ID_2212rp = 0x4B, /* 'K' */
MICROP_ID_2413p = 0x4C, /* 'L' */
MICROP_ID_10613xsp = 0x4d, /* 'M' */
MICROP_ID_3413xsp = 0x4e, /* 'N' */
MICROP_ID_713p = 0x50, /* 'P' */
MICROP_ID_1513p = 0x51, /* 'Q' */
MICROP_ID_1813p = 0x52, /* 'R' */
MICROP_ID_RS2414p = 0x53, /* 'S' */
MICROP_ID_RS2414rpp = 0x54, /* 'T' */
MICROP_ID_RS814p = 0x55, /* 'U' */
MICROP_ID_RS814rpp = 0x56, /* 'V' */
MICROP_ID_RS3614xsp = 0x57, /* 'W' RS3614xsp */
MICROP_ID_RS3614xs = 0x57, /* 'W' RS3614xs */
MICROP_ID_RS3614rpxs = 0x57, /* 'W' RS3614rpxs */
MICROP_ID_1814p = 0x58, /* 'X' */

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