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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. Within the same box is not a backup, hardware failure/fire etc... Backup is on different system our even better: different location Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. hier noch ein beispiel: http://xpenology.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=20216&p=85189#p85189
  3. Ist das nicht ein 5,25 Slot? Trotzdem Vorsicht, der odd ist nur 3gb/s und nicht 6 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. so wie ich die englischen threads verstanden habe ja. Wen man den loader benutzt erkennt er bij de installation das schn daten drauf sind, mittels migraton sollte das gehen. Steht aber weiter nicht viel druber im forum, backup machen und probieren ? Du willst den server auch Bare Metal betreiber oder esxi ?
  5. Wie läuft es jetzt? - Baremetal - ESXi Wenn ESXi: - Virtual drives - Rdm - Passtruth Bisschen zu wenig Info um was sinnvolles zu sagen Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. You don't have this tab? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. would like to know this too....
  8. sounds like what you are looking for is shared folder sync (replicate 1:1 to another NAS): https://www.synology.com/en-uk/knowledg ... foldersync For the backup NAS i woudnt use a raid 1 setup as its the backup devicec you just need the storage capacity, or you want to go double save
  9. VID/PID correct configured? Sata port mapping correct ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Let's assume we do have a working XPEnology 5.2 installation running with PCI-E Pass-through storage controlller, will a migration from 5.2 to 6 be possible with a new VM? So follow your installation steps for ESXi but PCI-E Pass-through the existing storage controller from old VM XPEnology 5.2 to new VM XPEnology 6 and it will detect a migration? I would say yes from theory perspective as the disk will be recognized. Didn't test it ever, Theory should be ok. Maybe someone has experience with this, bassist same as moving disk from a physical synology device to another hardware behavior is same Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Dutchman

    DSM 6.1.x Loader

    don't expect this to happen from Synology side as SHR is one of the USP's they use for their systems. I understand the raid part for more commercial hardware and systems with large amount of disks as SHR takes more CPU/Mem load and its not enterprise advised. But still this should not go in the direction to remove SHR total out of DSM, in 6 its still supported but not on all types of machines. But ok, thats all assumptions we will see....
  12. Dutchman

    Working DSM 6

    Here we go: SHR will never work standard as the emulated DS1815+ is not supporting SHR in DSM 6 but there is a workarround ! The loader (2.2 has it already) can activate SHR for you, on other versions you can edit the config file of you Xpenology system to activate SHR (i used that!) You dont need a DS1815+ for SHR support just edit /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf comment out/delete supportraidgroup="yes" then add [b]support_syno_hybrid_raid="yes"[/b] press F5 on you web browser Waiting for 2.3 too, my NIC's are not recognized on Bare metal installation this will be an interesting week Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. +1 confirmed Juno loader, ESXi updated by webgui without any issues
  14. Juno loader läuft gut habe damit keine Migration Erfahrung. Wenn du auf Nummer sicher gehen willst warte auf 2.3. Und sowieso: immer Backup von wichtigen Daten machen! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Dude it's Christmas also for you to relax and enjoy, we can wait some days to get it right And people who can't wait, find something else this is community effort! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Manchmal ist das so, schön dass es geklappt hat Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Dsm 6 mit juno Loader läuft problemlos Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Dutchman

    Working DSM 6

    And for shr you can adjust your config file so this virtual model will support it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I tried running on FreeNAS but was unable to get the various packages to work together (nzbget, sonarr, transmission) and I find the DSM interface to be much better. I had previously installed DSM 5.2 but now want the DSM 6 since it has some nice features added. quicknick, when will v2.3 be released? with that hardware i would really advice you to take virtualisation as an option and make yoiur virtual machines handling different duty's between the capacity you have. DSM can do a lot, the question is should you focus all on one. I have several VM's running to make this split and assign resource according my needs (as example)
  20. I am now copying from NAS to NAS by using Win 10 (so copy network drive to network drive) Here I have a speed rate of average 50MB writing which makes sense (50 read + 50 write = 100 MB/s on gig lan) Looks like I have to do it like this, but still annoying that the web file browser only kicks up to 150kb by using CIFS mapping.... Getting lost in this behavior Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Schließe ich mich an, selber Diskussionen sieht man über SAS und SATA. Klar in enterprise nimmt man SAS, aber wir sind ja alle hobbyisten [emoji12] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Hmm not tested by myself but have it running on same baremetal but than passing the disks to xpenology by RDM so can't help in troubleshoot. But... Any reason you use the internal raid? Xpenology (and shr) is much more flexible. Sure you have ilo so if raid fails you can still connect remote and troubleshoot. But I would like to understand why you would use the low performing internal controller above dsm? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. If that is true, how does the synology FS3017 have Intel Xeon E5-2620 v3 (two of them)? so does this product not utilize all cores then? to bad i cant find the post back somewhere here in the forum, there is a hard limit for amont of CPU all other wil be ignored. This was a limitation by DSM as far i understood. The WHY question related to FS3017 is not answered by this i understand, but still its for sure there is a hard limit. I think Juno or quicknick provided that reply but not sure (as i cant find it back )
  24. The lsi cards mostly work as I see I other topics, all assumptions until it out and tested maybe the maker can clarify Differences are mentioned in different topics, highest benefit I see is the loader accessible by ssh to handle tasks and a lot automation (set vid / pid, serie number etc,) and update of the boot loader online XPEnology bootloader for DSM 6.0.2-8451.5 Welcome everyone to a new bootloader for Synology DSM 6.0.2-8451. There are many enhancements in this bootloader to make it more robust and feature rich. Included in this bootloader is a brand new purpose built configuration tool which will be discussed later in this post. Additionally, drivers have been compiled to ensure everyone can utilize this with great success. This suite, comprised of bootloader and configuration tool has been thoroughly tested and vetted to provide the XPEnology community with a reliable NAS solution. I have to give major credit to @jun for providing information and insight on his module and Synology's kernel/code safety mechanisms. His work makes XPEnology installations pretty legit. I also have to give credit to the original XPEnology dev team. While they haven't assisted me directly, indirectly they have left some nuggets of information here and there, not to mention the ideas left in XPEnoboot. In addition to the great work @jun and @XPEnology dev team has done, I have added numerous compilations, tweaks and script edits to make this loader work better. Please read this thread thoroughly prior to posting questions, especially the FAQs and Installation Guide Synology Hybrid Raid (SHR is enabled by default). You can disable it by using XPEnology Configuration Tool. XPEnology Configuration Tool XPEnology Configuration Tool is a complete set of utilities within XPEnology that facilitate out of box setup with many additional features. The inception of this came about when seeing so many have difficulty in preparing their systems for XPEnology. No longer do you need to boot to Linux/MAC/Windows to configure grub.cfg or other settings within Synology DSM. Now you can configure everything from a nice graphical menu. For those of you without serial ports or capability to access the console, do not worry. This boot loader includes telnetd and sshd out of the box. Please see the FAQs section for more information on this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Already answered several times in this topic..... Yes you can if the drivers you need are in (my NIC for example is not) 2.2 > 2.3 just update the loader by that time Btrf wil work see roadmap, already works with juno loader(iam using atm) Regards, Dutch Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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