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  2. I need to install a fully functioning version of DSM (not the Virtual DSM available from Synology). Long story, but in short I need to restore an "Entire System" Hyper Backup from my RS1221+ in order to go through the postgres database of that backup. The Virtual DSM available from Synology does not allow to restore "Entire System". Through trial and error, I've been able to get close. I create a new vm in Synology VMM by importing the TCRP vmdk image and adding 3 more sata drives. The process breaks during the DSM Installation. Here below is a summary of the VM I create: Import a virtual machine Summary Item Value Storage HDD VM Storage Name vdsm5 CPU(s) 4 Memory 8 GB Video Card vga CPU Relative Weight Normal Description - Enable CPU compatibility mode Disabled Reserved CPU Threads - Virtual Disk 1 10 GB (SATA) Virtual Disk 2 100 GB (SATA) Virtual Disk 3 200 GB (SATA) Virtual Disk 4 300 GB (SATA) Auto Switch Disabled Network Default VM Network (e1000) Autostart No Keyboard Layout Default Virtual USB Controller Disabled Firmware Legacy BIOS ISO File Unmounted, Unmounted Users with permissions - Groups with permissions administrators I boot up the VM and ssh into TinyCore, then do the following: sudo ./rploader.sh update sudo ./rploader.sh fullupgrade sudo ./rploader.sh serialgen DS1621+ realmac sudo ./rploader.sh satamap sudo vi user_config.json <-- here I change the model and the version sudo ./rploader.sh listmods ds1621p-7.1.1-42962 sudo ./rploader.sh ext ds1621p-7.1.1-42962 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/e1000/rpext-index.json sudo ./rploader.sh ext ds1621p-7.1.1-42962 add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pocopico/rp-ext/master/v9fs/rpext-index.json sudo ./rploader.sh build ds1621p-7.1.1-42962 sudo ./rploader.sh backup sudo vi user_config.json <-- just to make sure everything looks good sudo exitcheck.sh reboot During the above steps, when I do 'sudo ./rploader.sh satamap', I get a warning saying "Other drives are connected that will not be accessible!": tc@box:~$ sudo ./rploader.sh satamap Machine is VIRTUAL Hypervisor=KVM Found "00:1a.0 Intel Corporation 82801IR/IO/IH (ICH9R/DO/DH) 6 port SATA Controller [AHCI mode] (rev 02)" Detected 6 ports/4 drives. Mapping SATABOOT drive after maxdisks WARNING: Other drives are connected that will not be accessible! Computed settings: SataPortMap=1 DiskIdxMap=10 Should i update the user_config.json with these values ? [Yy/Nn] y Done. tc@box:~$ Here is what my user_config.json looks like. I changed the hashes, sn, and mac1. { "general": { "model": "DS1621+", "version": "7.1.1-42962", "smallfixnumber": "0", "zimghash": "XXXXXXX", "rdhash": "XXXXXXX", "usb_line": "earlyprintk syno_hw_version=DS1621+ console=ttyS0,115200n8 netif_num=1 synoboot2 pid=0xa4a5 earlycon=uart8250,io,0x3f8,115200n8 mac1=1234567890 sn=1234567890 SMBusHddDynamicPower= "sata_line": "earlyprintk syno_hw_version=DS1621+ console=ttyS0,115200n8 netif_num=1 synoboot2 pid=0xa4a5 earlycon=uart8250,io,0x3f8,115200n8 synoboot_satadom=2 mac1=1234567890 sn=1234567890 S "redpillmake": "prod", "friendautoupd": "true", "staticboot": "false", "hidesensitive": "false" }, "ipsettings": { "ipset": "", "ipaddr": "", "ipgw": "", "ipdns": "", "ipproxy": "" }, "extra_cmdline": { "pid": "0xa4a5", "vid": "0x0525", "sn": "1234567890", "mac1": "1234567890", "netif_num": "1", "SataPortMap": "1", "DiskIdxMap": "10" }, "synoinfo": { "internalportcfg": "0xffff", "maxdisks": "16", "support_bde_internal_10g": "no", "support_disk_compatibility": "no", "support_memory_compatibility": "no", "maxlanport": "8", "netif_seq": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" }, "ramdisk_copy": {} } After I boot up, I select the 'RedPill DS1621+ 7.7.1-42962 (SATA, Verbose)' option. After this I go to https://find.synology.com/ and select the one that shows the IP address of the vm, accept the EULA, then I get the Synology NAS Welcome Screen, I click Install, then it asks me to Manually upload a .pat file from my computer, which I do as shown below. The file is downloaded from https://global.download.synology.com/download/DSM/release/7.1.1/42962/DSM_DS1621%2B_42962.pat When I click next, I get the following screen, showing the VM is recognizing all 4 drives: If I click the checkbox and continue, the installation begins, but it fails at around 56% and I get the following message saying the file is probably corrupted. I tried doing this whole same process with DSM 7.2 and got the same message with that different file. I doubt it's the file. After I click OK, it takes me back to the screen where it asks to manually upload .pat file from my computer. When I do that, however, there is a small change from before: It seems it's only recognizing 1 drive, not 4 like the previous attempt, as shown here: After clicking the checkbox and continue, the process fails once again at the same point and I get the same Fail screen: If I force reboot the VM, it doesn't boot up. What am I doing wrong? What do I need to do in order to go through with the installation properly? Thank you.
  3. there is no script...that's right...you need to download an installer, then install the system on a usb/disk...modify the values...and ready you are.... btw....this is fully upgradable ...just installed on one of my test systems qnap 5.2 beta flawless
  4. I went through it already but: - dont see a bootloader script like RedPill / ARPL - from what I read - it's proxmox/virtualisation-based vs what you suggested => bare-metal?
  5. И вам вечера доброго Китайские платы это .... , но , если установки БИОС_а правильные, то ....посмотрите тему, возможно поможет https://bafista.ru/kak-ustanovit-xpenology-dsm-7-v-proxmox/
  6. Today
  7. sure...just read the topics above...it's all about bare-metal and not vm
  8. День добрый, прошу помощи с решеним проблемы. Процессор: Xeon e5 2670 v3 Мат. плата: Huananzhi QD4 x99 Загрузчик: Arc 24.5.5 Выбранная модель: RS4021xs+ Версия DSM: 7.2 Столкнулся с проблемой что в DSM при попытке запустить виртуальную машину появляется сообщение "Не удалось включить виртуальную машину". Не могу понять в чем дело, пробовал собирать загрузчик под разные модели и отключать все дополнения, использовать реальный mac адрес оборудования и сгенерированный, проверил в биосе включенную вирутализацию, удаляются виртуалки без поблем, но к сожалению так и не понял в чем дело.
  9. thanks, I just sold y QNAP and moved to TerraMaster where the software is limited compared to QTS. So, just jumped on DSM, yet still missing QTS if there's a change in getting QTS on my TerraMaster that would be just great
  10. I don't think so since QNap has not release there code under the GPL lic. Which is not good for the lic part. On another note. I have 3 QNap Nas's they will not show up under Linux desktop network browser. This DSM will. I filled a ticket and the India programmers are stumped as to why. So much for buying a Nas and getting support. Yes I know you can \\ip address and get there, but with all the stuff going on with MS these days more people might switch to Linux and there produces should work like 1,2,3.
  11. I was able to boot is using arpl-i18n-23.10.4.img DMS is up&running. Is there a similar way to run QNAP QTS?
  12. hi all, a quick question - is there a way to install QTS on USB in a similar way than DSM? I'm not looking to VM solution but booted directly from disk/usb.
  13. Try @Peter Suh Redpill. He has a great document online at git hub. His worked really great for me. It was as easy was 1,2,3.
  14. additiona info - I have booted from debian live cd and checked using efibootmgr - I dont see any DSM-related boot entry with this its unable to load althouth the DSM installation finished succesfully. Question - how to correct the boot now?
  15. additiona info - I have booted from debian live cd and checked using efibootmgr - I dont see any DSM-related boot entry with this its unable to load althouth the DSM installation finished succesfully. Question - how to correct the boot now?
  16. Non les données étant sur des partitions totalement distinctes. Oui clairement Pas nécessairement reste sur le DS3622XS+. Vu le bazar avec le rachat de Broadcom sur VMWare, il préférable selon moi de partir sur Proxmox. Pour tes questions précédentes ça ne change rien à mes réponses!
  17. There is a new (pruple) version of this board comming: 2 less ethernet ports, but pcie 3.0 upgraded from x1 to x4 Sata: ASM1166 instead of the JMB585 I'm wondering what idle power consumption this board will have. https://forums.servethehome.com/index.php?threads/12gen-n-series-nas-motherboard-topton-cwwk.42432/page-20
  18. Hi, I did follow the tutorial and used both RedPill & ARL &m-shell options. I tried multiple times installing DS918+/DS920+/DS3622xs+ and everytime installig DSM via IP::5000/web_index.html succeded, eg. However. after rebooting - I could not boot the machine. Are there any additional steps I need to do or is there a way to check/correct the DSM bootloader from disk? Regards
  19. Hi, I did follow the tutorial and used both RedPill & ARL options. I tried multiple times installing DS918+/DS920+/DS3622xs+ and everytime installig DSM via IP::5000/web_index.html succeded. However. after rebooting - I could not boot the machine. Are there any additional steps I need to do or is there a way to check/correct the DSM bootloader from disk? Regards
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  21. hello @Rick4, I am having this same issue. Where do I need to go to disable uart? I tried the bios but did not find this option. Thanks in advance!
  22. Yesterday
  23. Personne n'a d'avis ? Y'a t'il un vraiment intérêt à passer sur un t110 a la place de mon n40l ?
  24. I had the same issue. Upgraded Arc Loader from 24.1.6 to 24.5.4 first. After boot Control Panel didn't open. Tried "Force-Reinstall DSM", and after many trials got errors like: "Failed to install the file. The file is probably corrupted." "Failed to upload the DSM installation file. Please check the network connection and try again." "Available system space is insufficient." According to the instructions above (thank you 😊) I deleted the content of: - /@autoupdate/ - /upd@te/ - /root/Xpenology_backup/ (100MB+) This gave me 780MB of free space which was enough to reinstall DSM. Before I wiped "/root/Xpenology_backup/" folder there was 680MB of free space and this was still not enough to reinstall DSM! I still got errors around 40% - 55%.
  25. I also found that simply deleting the .pat is not enough. Something else is eating up too much space. Anyone have an idea what I can safely remove?
  26. https://blog.thomasmarcussen.com/synology-nas-recovery-password-telnet/ The password is no longer blank. Refer to this for the password. It may be default or it may be the date. See link.
  27. Member 161 #4 Posted February 14, 2022 (edited) what is the default password? use root as login withou password Sadly, this is no longer true. Or at least it is not true for me. It says: Login incorrect. So Synology has changed it. Now to find out the new default password. Maybe synology? I'm off to find it. I will try to remember to come back with the answer. I'm up to my arm pits in alligators right now.
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