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Everything posted by Polanskiman

  1. Every person that has updated to u2 has had no problem as far as I know. Agreed. Question. When do we have an official 6.1 loader? I think, after a month, it's a right time to launch it. When Jun decides so. Our opinion is irrelevant on that matter.
  2. Welcome to the forum, No where in the tutorial is there a mention of changing DS3615xs by DS3612xs in the grub file, so leave it as it was originally. Also Leave the serial as is or generate one here: https://xpenology.github.io/serial_generator/serial_generator_new.html In the future please provide more details if you need some help. Hardward information could be a start.
  3. dsm shows what inside a real 3615/3617, just a fake "picture", has nothing to to with the hardware linux in the background is using, when you check the logs you will see that processor and ram are recognised and used Regarding the CPU, that is correct. The CPU model is hardcoded in DSM but the kernel should be using the full capacity of the actual CPU you have install. You can run the following command to check your CPU specs and speed: sudo dmidecode -t 4 If you install Debian Chroot, log in Debian and then configure it, you can also run the following command: watch -n1 "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep \"^[c]pu MHz\"" This will show you the speed in real time of all cores. Launch some CPU intensive application in DSM and you will see the speed go up and down. Regarding the RAM, it should actually show the actual installed RAM capacity. What's your processor? And are you sure the RAM sticks are all working properly and compatible? As you can see in my signature I have 16GB of RAM installed and all is seen and reported correctly by DSM:
  4. Some things are not clear. 1) Logs show your IP is 169.x.x.x. That's an internal MAC address. How are you able to access the box on your network and start the install? 2) Please use your REAL NIC MAC address. No need to actually populate all 4 NIC MAC addresses. MAC1 is enough. (Note: using Synology's MAC addresses (00:11:32:xx:xx) in order to use QC and abuse Synology is a violation of Synology's Services). 3) I am seing in the consol log the following: vid=0xABCD pid=0x1234 which do not seem to be a valid VID/PID. Make sure your VID/PID are correct then try again. Please send logs when all above is corrected.
  5. Il s'est passé que suffisamment de personne ont appliqué l'update 11 sans problèmes majeure. Voir le tuto qui a été mis à jour.
  6. Short and long answer. No. Volume needs to be created with the desired file system from scratch.
  7. Yes that was for v1.02a2. The model (3615 or 3617) is irrelevant. Btw 3.10. should not be calling for b fw It seems so. But since that is what your logs where showing that's what I added without looking into detail the firmware correspondance. Vanilla kernel 3.10.102 should be asking for either of the following firmwares: bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-09ax-6.0.17.fw bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-09-6.0.17.fw bnx2/bnx2-mips-09-6.2.1a.fw bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-06-6.0.15.fw bnx2/bnx2-mips-06-6.2.1.fw You could try the following: https://unix.stackexchange.com/question ... -6-2-1b-fw Let us know how it goes.
  8. The use of QuickConnect with an Xpenology box is a violation of Synology's services. QC is aimed exclusively to Synology's customers. Using QC with Xpenology simply destroys this project and give us a bad reputation. I highly recommend you do not use QC. Any discussion on how to abuse Synology will be closed. Simply use your real NIC MAC address by modifying the grub.cgf file in your USB boot drive and then set up a custom DDNS instead of QuickConnect. Have a read at the tutorial >>> viewtopic.php?f=2&t=22100
  9. Thanks but no need. We do this for the pleasure and to help, not to make money. Because SHR is meant for lower end models. Purpose of SHR is to be able to mix different sized HDDs and to t disk space. Pro models are aimed at a pro-summer/corporate market and pros simply don't play at mixing HDD sizes, but enabling SHR in those models as I stated above works perfectly fine. Have a read: https://www.synology.com/en-global/know ... _raid_type
  10. This is a Realtek RTL8211B and after reading a bit on internet it's a PHY NIC, meaning a driveless NIC. I am not sure of what was mentioned by IG-88 will work but you can give it a try. Replace the extra.lzma ramdisk inside the loader by the one in the link.
  11. Non, pas de tuto récents mais faites des recherches sur le forum. Pas mal de personnes utilisent ESXI et il y a ci et là des infos sur comment configurer le système.
  12. If you want to put a serial I recommend you at least use a proper format serial. Use the generator I posted. SHR is not available on 3615xs and all high end models of Synology. You can however activate it: SSH in your box and just edit with vi /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf comment out or delete the following line: supportraidgroup="yes" then add: support_syno_hybrid_raid="yes" then refresh the page. SHR will now be available.
  13. Is it UEFI only? I thought either would work It's a hybrid loader. It will boot in legacy (BIOS) or UEFI enabled motherboards.
  14. Oui je pense que c'est ce qu'il y a de mieux étant donné les circonstances.
  15. Y a t-il un mode AHCI dans le bios sur ce serveur? Si oui, il faut le mettre en mode AHCI.
  16. Que je sache toutes les personnes qui ont installé la mise à jour 2 de DSM 6.1 n'ont eu aucun problème. Au contraire cela a résolue l'affichage à l'écran d'une fenêtre disant que le(s) volume(s) étaient dégradés. Quel est votre souci?
  17. Every person that has updated to u2 has had no problem as far as I know.
  18. There is a good reason why the AMD line and boot sequence is commented out in v1.02a. It's not hidden, it simply isn't fully functional or maybe Jun didn't go through the code to make sure it is working as expected with AMD based hardware. This loader is already an alpha so I do not recommend you host important data on the box if you are planning on using the loader on an AMD based machine.
  19. J'ai l'impression que cette carte mere ne marche que en mode IDE et si c'est le cas il sera impossible d'utiliser le dernier loader en date car il ne contient pas de pilote pour de l'IDE. Essayez le mode "Nvida Raid Function" mode mais je pense que cela ne marchera pas non plus.
  20. apparemment ma carte mère ne support pas l'ahci je peut seulement désactiver le contrôleur IDE Désactivez moi ça et réessayez.
  21. La réponse était dans ce tuto même, ici >>> https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/6367-tuto-installermigrer-dsm-52-à-602-loader-jun/?do=findComment&comment=55946 Seuls les dispositifs USB ont un VID/PID. Les lecteurs de carte sont des dispositifs USB donc ils en ont, tout comme les clefs USB. Les cartes (SD, CF, MMC, XD, Memory Stick etc etc) ne sont pas des dispositifs USB donc ils n'en ont pas.
  22. vid/pid are not unique from a unit standpoint. They are unique from brand/model standpoint. Meaning all usb keys from the same manufacturer and which are the same model will have the same vid/pid. - For the serial number simply leave the one that is already in the grub file or generate a new one from here if your really want to. (Note: changing the Serial Number is purely for your pleasure and aesthetics as it wont change ANYTHING to how DSM runs). - For the MAC address use the real MAC address of your NIC. It can usually be seen in the BIOS or on a sticker on the mother board next to the NIC or somewhere on the case of the box. Alternatively you can also boot some ubuntu live CD or whatever OS pleases you and check it out from there. That's entirely normal because the CPU model is hard coded, hence you see the CPU model that normally comes with a genuine 3615xs. However your CPU should normally be running as expected at full capacity.
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