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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2022 in Posts

  1. The files provided in the flat archive work as is. There is absolutly nothing to convert. You put the 2 files from it in your datastore and voilà.
    2 points
  2. Short answer is no unfortunately.
    1 point
  3. I realize that AMD does not support transcoding (or from what I've read as of late), and I must've just been lucky by just so happen to be using Intel back when. But does Surveillance Station require an Intel CPU to serve up video and function as normal, or can I get away with an AMD Ryzen? If so, what special things might I need for this to be worthwhile?
    1 point
  4. Sorry, I should have updated this thread. It works perfectly fine on my AMD CPU-based server.
    1 point
  5. Yes! I'm using arpl-1.0-beta3.img.zip
    1 point
  6. Имено так. Какую модель в загрузчике указали, ту DSM картинку и показывает и вообще считает, что на этой моделе DS работает.
    1 point
  7. Just in case user doesn't have a serial port The following 2 logs that occur in Junior state Copy it to a specific space on the USB I'm thinking of a way to reboot Tinycore linux again and see this log. /var/log/linuxrc.syno.log /var/log/messages Also, I thought it would be good to use the tcrp-diag that pocopico made 8 months ago, It failed because there was no method or guide on how to use it properly. https://github.com/pocopico/rp-ext/tree/main/tcrp-diag It would be good to create one in the form of a separate extension driver for the above-mentioned process, or to supplement the script to the existing operating bundle driver. However, none of the three most important USB partitions were mounted in junior. If this part is resolved, it may be possible. This script seems to have a solution. It actually mounts the 3rd partition of the USB, creates the /tcrp directory and stores something. Let's use this part to implement the logic to copy the log even if there is no NIC. https://github.com/pocopico/rp-ext/blob/main/tcrp-diag/src/tcrp-diag.sh
    1 point
  8. - Outcome of the update: SUCCESSFUL - DSM version prior update: TCRP v0.9.2.6 DS3622xs+ DSM 7.1.1-42962 Update 1 - Loader version and model: TCRP v0.9.2.9 DS3622xs+ DSM 7.1.1-42962 Update 2 - Using custom extra.lzma: no - Installation type: BAREMETAL [Asrock C2550D4I - 12 HHDs (2 x vol. SHR-1&2)] - Additional comments: 1: update manual on DSM dashboard for syno version update and wait reboot 2: boot into TCRP and run -> ./rploader.sh update ./rploader.sh fullupgrade sudo ./rploader.sh postupdate broadwellnk-7.1.1-42962 exitcheck.sh reboot
    1 point
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