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Everything posted by supajason

  1. Installing on baremetal (without GPU). ./rploader.sh update now ./rploader.sh serialgen DVA3221 now ./rploader.sh satamap now ./rploader.sh identifyusb now ./rploader.sh build denverton-7.0.1-42218 Boots up and I'm able to select the pat file with completes without errors. Once it boots I get the recover screen: I just get into a loop after trying to recover and it loads the same page after rebooting/ EDIT Ignore this I was using the wrong pat file....
  2. Utilisez-vous N54l ? si oui quel modèle utilises-tu ? Je suis sur DS3615xs et je n'ai pas de chance. Il suffit de réinitialiser et de réessayer.
  3. Exécution de DSM7 sur N54l mais la détection de visage ne fonctionne pas dans Photos. Quelqu'un a-t-il eu le même problème?
  4. I've had the same issue. I'm pretty sure that this is linked to CPU core count. When running via ESXi this issue is fixed by up'ing the core count. This can't be done with the N54l as it only has the 2 cores... I read somewhere that this was introduced in an update so it maybe possible by running the 'right' version. Jason
  5. running chmod +x redpill-load/config/_common/iosched-trampoline.sh does the trick
  6. I'm having real trouble now using Esxi 6.5 with redpill-DS3615xs_6.2.4-25556. Looking at serial output it no longer shows that redpill is loaded. rp.ko is present in usr/lib/modules/ and I can lnsmod it It seems that the new method for loading rp.ko isn't working for me: [ 4.983894] I/O scheduler elevator not found modprobe is located in the sbin folder and I can cat it's contents but when I try and run it I get permission denied. serial2.outserial1.out
  7. @RedwinX I'm getting the same issue; When I download the boot image from ESXi it's been formatted. When I click to install the pat file it shows (me anyway) 3 disks that be formatted. 2 yes but the 3rd must be the boot image so I'm guess the VID & PID are wrong(?) I'm going to run the loader again with the PID & VID from juns loader to see if that helps.....nope..no change I am using the original VMDK from juns loader that maps to the img file but that should matter right? Logs: https://pastebin.com/2szJ58zc
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