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  1. The OX image installs the virtio driver ! The original/pocopico does not so than use e1000e....
  2. Hallo zusammen I was able to install QTS 5.0.1 (TS-X53B) on kvm/qemu using the pocopico image. Cannot install virtio drivers but e1000e works fine! Have added a 30Gb virtual sata disk, but cannot select it to create a storage pool. Is there a minimum size ?
  3. Yep! If you look at add_init_hardware in the additional folder the virtio drivers don't seem to get included also not in depmod...
  4. @Galaxian79Good job ! @h3llfire8309 I'm still trying using the pocopico img. Anyone knows how I can load the virtio network driver ?
  5. Thanks your reply! The bootdisk gets an ip (dhcp) when using the virtio network driver and I can install the firmware (QTS 5.0.1) Than if I start the nas to install the nas through the web gui there is no network and I have to select e1000e and restart. Now I can install the web gui so network works ! Than after a succesfull install and shutdown I cannot reboot. It seems the web installer destroyed the bootsector of the first drive /dev/sda1. Will try again later. Goodluck!
  6. Problem is the install runs fine using e1000e, but qnap 5.01 destroys the bootdisk as it sees it as first data disk and than the boot is FU! I changed model.conf to skip the first (boot) disk, but next problem is the additional modules don"t seem to work in firmware 5.01 so no network if. What VM are you using? @pocopico: kindly request to recompile the additional modules for qnap v5 ? Thank you...
  7. Today installed this on qemu using v1.0 bootdisk model TS-453B and latest 5.01 firmware. Install works fine, but after firmware install the bootdisk is not booting anymore. Strange! Any ideas ?
  8. Have a look at synoinfo.conf. I remember tried this sometime ago, but was not able to get it working... Look here:
  9. I have been following this thread from the start and big thanks to @ThorGroup , @haydibe , @pocopico , @jumkey and others ! @RedwinX Appreciate your efforts to have synology publish the kernel sources for v.7.0.1 I can tell you that I have tried in the past to have synology publish genuine kernel sources on sourceforge and that they have not done so alltough they are obliged to do so according to the linux gpl. I suspect their reason for not publishing or publishing incomplete non-compiling sources is to protect their business and prevent projects like RP to be succesfull as it will make it possible to run their software on generic hw. BTW If you have some funds to spare you could off course take legal action... My2cents
  10. Try this: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/script-repack-zimage-sh-unpack-and-repack-a-zimage-without-kernel-source-v-5.901152/
  11. Try f11 at startup to select boot from usb...
  12. Probably a driver problem. Check the nic specs of the F2-422 as it's realtek and what driver is in the extra.lzma. Weird booting uefi, would think you have to boot legacy ! Also check your dhcp for problems.
  13. Follow this guide: https://forum.terra-master.com/en/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1546
  14. Post a picture and try to reset bios. If not possible to boot legacy mode the bootloader must be installed on efi partition ! Doesn't look promising:
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