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Everything posted by fma965

  1. Ok so people seem to want a guide specific to not using ESXi, i will see what i can do, as for fresh installs... well i can't seem to get that working, my best answer is just install gnoboot, once its booted to synology "desktop" shut it downa dn replace gnoboot with nanoboot then select upgrade/downgrade etc. etc.
  2. gnoboot and trantor have always been x64, nanoboot x64 wud be the best to use, x86 was added to support older/slower hardware
  3. *waiting patiently for the HP Microserver guide* --- it's essentially the same just don't use the vmdk and instead write the img to usb with win32diskimager. not sure on whats different but at a guess i would say it's patched to work with non synology hardware, but with later versions of nanoboot the patching is done on the fly and stock pat file is used... for neive people who think using official file is more secure... well it's not, the file can be modified at run time and a averge user wouldn't know, not saying it is done or that it's done with malicious intent just saying. AFAIK they are the same, i don't get all the complaining about me using the install option before as it worked fine for me yet people carried on complaining.
  4. it probably doesn't have drivers for that NIC, also what do you mean by "From the guide off cyanlabs, the execution line should be: /usr/syno/sbin/minissdpd -i eth0 -i eth1"?
  5. read the bottom part of my tutorial it's the VMDK file once again, best bet would be to convert to a read only format but i haven't the time currently. if you set the vdmk at IDE, and then rmmod=ata_piix it would solve it most likely. Right now removing ata_piix is broken, since it's compiled into the kernel rather than a kernel mod. The creator will fix it next release. Yeah i know thanks though, Obviously since it's broke in this realease it seems pointless mentioning that
  6. read the bottom part of my tutorial it's the VMDK file once again, best bet would be to convert to a read only format but i haven't the time currently.
  7. Great, From what i can tell thats due DSM installing it self over the VMDK file. So close to beating my visitor count on my website
  8. i believe it was for me atleast, it makes sense since he posted it in all the same places i did Why? why would you even want to?
  9. in my opinion gnoboot is dead, no activity from him in a while, nanoboot is faster and is based on 5.0 source so better... but its ofcourse up to you xD but since you commented on my site im guessing your tempted haha xD
  10. or just use the provided vmdk file? or doesn't vmdk work on virtualbox?
  11. he literally wrote that in like 4 different posts.... some people....... no comment.... moving on... nothing to see here... RAGE!
  12. spam much? MY GUIDE IS UPDATED, SORRY BUT I CANT READ F***KING CHINESE/JAPANESE SO DIDN'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. ok no need to cry like a little baby about it... aka large and red text. geez. i didn't even know that cuz i dont read fricken chinese/japanese
  14. Essentially you could just press down and enter and guess the key combination or ofcourse the better idea is to use ESXi since that is managed remotely from another system, hence why many are using it with headless severs Either way i have guides on how to install gnoboot on both esxi and without and nanoboot, they technically require a monitor but it's essentially down enter or down down enter just look at the pictures , my tutorials can be found
  15. Yeah i also have some spk's compiled, i can compile any you want just send me a message on here/or cyanlabs facebook/twitter/g+
  16. Does not work on vmware esxi for me also (no disk detected) follow my guide it works fine. http://cyanlabs.co.uk/tutorials/synolog ... o-nanoboot MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW IT EXACTLY
  17. Agreed nanoboot works fine as a drop in replacement - viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3068 < -- my new guide
  18. UPDATING FROM GNOBOOT TO NANOBOOT - http://cyanlabs.co.uk/tutorials/synolog ... o-nanoboot NO DATA WAS LOST DURING THE UPDATE, BUT BACKUP! EDIT: yes it's a link to my site, it's easier to maintain, update and manage. Feel free to leave comments as a reply here or on my site, my site will prob be responded to quicker since i get almost instant notifications.
  19. you meant this right? i use cores never experimented with v sockets though.
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