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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2023 in all areas

  1. Тоже ковырялся долго, слетал с1е на enabled и система не грузилась. Так и не понял с чем связано.. В порядке бреда, есть подозрение, что при правильном завершении работы (через вебморду синолоджи), оригинальная система пишет мини лог на свою родную флешку. По адресам которой на старых системах висит биос)) Или специальная падляна от разработчика. Дергаешь из розетки - биос не сбрасывается. Держишь отключенным по полдня - всё ок. Как только ребут или шатдаун из интерфейса - правь настройки биоса. У меня методом тыка вылечилось установкой пароля на биос. И на старом s775 сервачке - тоже. Попробуйте, вдруг поможет..
    1 point
  2. A toute fin utile : Synology recommande une étape intermédiaire 7.0.1 ...
    1 point
  3. oui . Une fois le nouveau loader construit puis chargé au démarrage, DSM devrait retrouver les disques et proposer une "migration" - puisqu'il va voir que tu passes d'un 3615XS à un 3622. Suffit de répondre oui ! Si toutefois ça plante, au pire il faudra reconfigurer l'OS mais tes données seront toujours là! Donc à mon sens la seule sécurité à faire est de sauvegarder la config depuis le panneau de configuration avant de te lancer. c'est tout à fait ça. DSM est s'installe sur une partition de chacun des disques afin qu'il puisse toujours démarré malgré une défaillance d'un autre disque ou volume.
    1 point
  4. they already are at dedicated hardware and have build in limits into the kernels they release for models the thing they could do would be to rely on TPM's and secure boot with there own certs in the future but afaik we have not seen anything like that and they would still need to support "old" hardware they sold for 3-5 years, so i dont think we will seen drastic changes in a short time frame that would lock us out for now they just officially get rid of stuff they already not supporting anymore, anyone with a original hardware should at least use 6.2.4 or above if they want security updates PS: there are also alternatives like open media vault anyone can switch to on the fly by just booting omv from usb or a disk, the (software) raid and file system will be recognized and it will be usable nearly ootb (volume names might need some tweaking to mount afair, i did a thing here about that and its still my personal fall back i have around as a omv5 boot stick), the one exception i know about is raid F1 for ssd's as its synology specific but i guess very few will use that as its only available in business units and for all flash configurations
    1 point
  5. I went ahead and rebuilt the virtual disks (as single RAID 0 disks) in the RAID controller and tried from scratch with Beta13 and the BNX2 disabled but the drives are not found after boot. I also tried multiple models with no success / same issue. Weird because the drives were found previously.
    1 point
  6. Some additional info to previous. Right after SAS HBA detection and HDD-s on it detection there is a big pause in unworking versions (at least beta13 but also most previous ones) and short pause in working version. Unworking version: Working version: It is difficult to show the same lines here... But unworking version ends on 2.49s or so on HDD-s on SAS HBA, then come many lines from redpill module, then pause up to 48s and watchdog finally... There is also pause for 0.5s in working version, but it doesn't make a problem.
    1 point
  7. Why are you trying outdated version 6.2.4? Do you think it's because your PC's specifications are too low? Rather, try the latest version, 7.1.1-42962, and try migrating to the latest optimized loader. I also migrated from 6.2.3 to 7.0 and have been using it for a year without any problems. For the loader, please try the M SHELL for TCRP FRIEND in the link below. It has a user-friendly menu that is easy to use. https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/tinycore-redpill/releases/tag/v0.9.3.0-1
    1 point
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