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Everything posted by wjz304

  1. 23.8.8 has some issues with DS2422+, try 23.8.7
  2. due to due to the resolution of the GUI, I cannot write too detailed on that window, which will make reading difficult Additionally, due to language barriers, I am currently unable to express their role very clearly. But they have little to do with your problem. You can get the logs? https://github.com/wjz304/arpl-i18n/issues/173
  3. To add, DS3615 is too old, and arpl-i18n has plans to remove all models and versions of kernel v3
  4. They are not related, suggest trying to replace the boot device (USB flash drive)
  5. https://github.com/wjz304/arpl-i18n/wiki/关于-"启动"-后无法找到DSM My English is also very poor, I don't know if you can understand this after translation
  6. Recently, many people have reported this issue, but there seems to be no feedback from Chinese users,
  7. To be honest, there are other Confounding in China, because there are independent mirror sources in China
  8. What about third-party software sources?
  9. The same applies to reinstallation, so it is not related to caching.
  10. Can't you open the software center?
  11. This error doesn't seem to matter much. Every time I open the software center, I will generate this log, but the display/installation of the software center is normal
  12. Yes, but it seems that fbelavenuto has only retained the three related to rss from the beginning, and has not made any modifications to the others. And Jumkey has also removed their modifications in the jun mode.
  13. There are no software source related modifications in the bootloader. Early bootloaderwas targeted at specific version numbers, so "update7. synonymy. com" was blocked or directed to github, But in arpl-i18n, I have removed the pointing of guthub.
  14. Please on your PC ping update7.synology.com ping pkgupdate7.synology.com
  15. seems it that a Syno certified brand's SSD is necessary? To be honest, I don't have much research on this.
  16. This is just a replacement of the U1 library file. If it is used as a storage pool, the previous cracking process still needs to be operated
  17. 现在,我们可以先使用 u1 的 libsynonvme.so.1。 curl -kLO https://github.com/wjz304/arpl-i18n/files/12193690/libsynonvme.so.1.gz && gzip -d libsynonvme.so.1.gz mv -f libsynonvme.so.1 /usr/lib/libsynonvme.so.1 && chmod a+r /usr/lib/libsynonvme.so.1 7.2u2 NVME (DT) ·问题 #140 ·WJZ304/ARPL-I18N (github.com)
  18. I am currently on vacation and haven't turned on my computer in the past few days.
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