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Everything posted by Polanskiman

  1. Sorry but you can't expect the community to help with so little information. Be a bit more thorough.
  2. By the looks of your experience I recommend you stay a bit longer with 1.01. The latest 1.02 is an alpha version. Come back in 2/3 weeks once more feedback has come through and that I update the tutorial. Just to answer your question. You need to update the loader first then do the DSM upgrade and not the other way around.
  3. No need for the colon. I answered to the previous user already indicating him to read the tutorial. If you read the tutorial it's all there and clear. What's in the tutorial is accurate. What's in the grub file is accurate. Just follow the steps like 100's of people have already and you will be fine. Not sure why you need me to repeat myself. I do not promote the rape of Synology. Use the SN of the grub file and the MAC address of your NIC.
  4. Simply: "Yes" if you meant to change the grub.cfg Thanks for the response! Yes, I was referring to the grub file. The other person said No, and you say yes, I don't know whats right now D: I know I can generate a new SN and MAC from a website, but I am not sure if that would allow me to upgrade my existing setup without overwriting everything. I am trying to use the same Mac and SN as my 5.2 setup Use the same. No problem at all. Look at the grub.cfg file for how the MAC address is formated. By the looks of your question you don't seem to have read the tutorial. Do so before you do anything.
  5. Avis à tous: Jun vient de mettre à jour son loader à la version 'V1.02a'. Cette nouvelle version du loader vous permet de mettre DSM à jour à la version 6.1 ATTENTION: Ce loader est, dans les termes de Jun, une version alpha et NE SUPPORTE PAS les plateformes AMD pour l'instant. Si vous vous sentez de l'essayer je recommande fortement de le faire sur une machine test et non sur votre box de production. "Pour les courageux seulement!"
  6. To everyone: Jun has issued an updated loader; namely, 'V1.02a' build which allows you to update to DMS 6.1 WARNING: This loader is an alpha build. You get what it means. Also it does not support AMD at the moment. If you really want to try it out I recommend you do so on a test instance of DSM. "For brave guys only". ENJOY!
  7. J'ai rajouté un lien miroir au tuto. Ce dernier lien est maintenu par Trantor.
  8. Search the thread. The solution has been discussed. Edit: well well I did a search myself and noticed it didn't come up or at least not directly in this thread. Here is the solution: https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/6253-dsm-6xx-loader/?do=findComment&comment=55067
  9. Lisez ce post que j'ai fait et suivez la meme procedure: https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/6367-tuto-installermigrer-dsm-52-à-602-loader-jun/?do=findComment&comment=63415
  10. Sur les serveurs de Synology: https://usdl.synology.com/download/DSM/criticalupdate/update_pack/8451-9/synology_bromolow_3615xs.pat NE PAS METTRE A JOUR A DSM 6.1
  11. Pouvez faire un test SVP? Remplacez le fichier "extra.lzma" qui se trouve sous /image/DS3615xs dans le loader par celui ci: https://mega.nz/#!KUxmhY7R!FYOSzesxdUjPlynO4YDvSu4LKfFkFk9eBvkUD9AGS04 Essayez d'installer DSM 6 et dites moi si la machine est reconnue sous le réseau. Merci d'avance. Note à moi même: ce ramdisk contient "forcedeth.ko" en plus uniquement. Les autres modules sont ceux d'origine rajouté par Jun. Bonjour, Je me suis permis de faire la même manipulation car a priori j'ai un soucis aussi au niveau de la carte réseau. Exactement les mêmes symptômes que fredo0000. Synology Assistant ne trouve pas mon NAS, alors qu'en 5.2-5967 aucun soucis. J'ai un Aspire 7250-e304g32mnkk Par contre je n'ai aucune info concernant la carte réseau... Pensez-vous qu'il serait possible d'intégrer le driver ce celle-ci pour que cela fonctionne ? Merci ! Si je ne me trompe pas votre controleur réseau et un Atheros AR8152/8158. Le module pour ce controleur n'est pas inclus dans le loader de Jun ni dans Xpenoboot pour DSM 5.2 (si je me réfere au pilote inclu par Trantor). Connectez vous a DSM 5.2 via ssh avec l'utilsateur root et tappez les lignes de commande suivantes: dmesg | grep eth suivi de: lsmod | grep alx Copiez le resultat ici et SVP mettez le entre 2 balises CODE
  12. A ce niveau étant donné que vous avez une sauvegarde de toute la configuration je recommande de faire une reinstallation en mettant tous les disques initiaux dans la machine d'abord. Choisissez la ligne "Reinstall" dans le menu Grub.
  13. Read above.
  14. And if they do, they only have themselves to blame. I got no sympathy for 90% of the lazy community here that cannot even be bother to make a cursory Google search for ANYTHING. Sure I agree its true they have to blame themselves, but its no so black white as you say. Update 9 was also mentioned here by few that they upgraded and was successful. I'm also on U9 but after a while Polanskiman reported that its better to stay at U8 because there are some issues with U9. But see thats the problem some report it works and others start to upgrade so its never failsafe because not everything can be tested. And you didn't make a mistake in your life? And was that mistake not searchable by Google? I'm always a little bit cautious with targeting people to be stupid without google searching. There is a difference between update 9 and DSM 6.1. The announcement I made for update 9 was a recommendation following reports of people being unable to reboot their boxes. It was merely a recommendation since some people (and myself included) were able to apply update 9 without major problems. On the other hand DSM 6.1 is a entirely different thing. I did not issue a recommendation; I issued a clear "NO GO, danger zone, hell broke loose waning". Update to DSM 6.1 and you WILL have a bricked box permanently unless you are able to revert to DSM 6.0.2 update 9. Hopefully Jun will update the loader once the source code of DMS 6.1 is out, or someone else is able to come with a new loader, who knows. For now people, STAY on DSM 6.0.2 Update 9. DO NO update to DSM 6.1
  15. 6.1 is an absolute no go with the current v1.01 loader. Unless Jun or someone else come with a new loader, DSM 6.0 update 9 is as far as we can update DSM 6. Update 9 has been problematic to some people (only after it being applied) but it seems that most of them were able to make their box work again either by re-writing the image to their usb drive and configuring the grub.cfg file again or simply by hard rebooting their box after applying update 9. That's all there is to it.
  16. You are actually not providing any information on your hardware. That would have been useful to everyone. If the AMD option worked it's because your CPU is AMD. Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-C1007UN (Built in with an Intel® Dual-core Celeron® 1007U processor), 8Gb ram, 4Tb hdd + 2*2Tb hdd, St-lab A224 PCI Raid (Doesn't work on DSM 6, have 4 useless hhd's connected to raid controller). I stand corrected. Strange though that the AMD selection would work on an intel cpu. Would you mind looking at the grubenv file in the loader and tell me what's in it?
  17. Yes please do enlighten us on your procedure as I am getting the uneasy feeling that many people will start updating to 6.1 and then start crying like babies. I am currently advising this method viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13288 by adapting the version numbers but since I haven't tried it myself I can vouch for that.
  18. To everyone: DO NOT UPDATE DSM TO VERSION 6.1 I have edited the tutorial accordingly.
  19. You are actually not providing any information on your hardware. That would have been useful to everyone. If the AMD option worked it's because your CPU is AMD.
  20. Essayer de suivre cette procedure pour revenir à 6.0.2: https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/5442-downgrade-from-dsm-60/ Adaptez la en fonction de votre version. Je ne garanti en rien le résultat.
  21. La sensación sera muy amarga. No lo hagas.
  22. Je ne vois pas ou est le souci. Envoyez une capture d'écran avec votre problème.
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