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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2021 in all areas

  1. the included driver is e1000e. You can edit the vmx file with a text editor and where is says e1000 change it to e1000e
    1 point
  2. yep, you're right, but according to this post "USB devices are also SCSI-based (like SATA):" and need to be counted
    1 point
  3. maybe they have been put off by the frustration of replying to dozens and dozens of mindless requests from posters requesting step by step install instructions, can they have a full install image regardless of being told dozens of time its includes propriety Synology code, how to get face recogonition working or a number of other out of place posts which dont add anything to the project moving forward in a developer section when THOR Group and others have said all along it isnt even in Beta stage yet. The same fate will fall to anyone else taking this on unless the Developer topic is kept right on track and we, including myself, who dont have the coding or analytiucal skills have the patience to leave it to the experts to hopefully bring it to a satisfactory conclusion.
    1 point
  4. It is always very heartening to receive sincere comments at over here, these are the few very genuine in helping, engaging in a dialog even knowing you are giving more than receiving. I am referring especially to people such as IG-88, ThorGroup, even urundai & several others. On the matter about trusting USB boot device for xpen/redpill --- i am abit OCD (it is true i do read the specifics how little write goes into usb-boot & how unlikely it will fail). my OCD was trigger when i received a write-failure msg from my loader on ancient USB drive (that comes with a write-protect switch, accidently put into protected-mode). IG-88, I found you always share at great length & depth, with your experience sincerely addressing each point with clarity, even trying out things to benefit others! Earlier on I was searching for sata card, if not for you -- I would have bought those "popular" Marvell based card. I gotten JMB585 instead after reading your recommendation, the experience was simply wonderful! Thank you all!
    1 point
  5. У меня на железе стоит 7.0.1-42218 с неделю. Воткнул флешку с обновленным загрузчиком. Убрал основные диски. Подключил пустой диск. установил систему и подсунул 1 рабочий диск. Система определила его и подняла все данные (ничего не потерто).
    1 point
  6. Упс. Давайте еще потыкаем вашу систему. Удалите VB. Перезагрузитесь. Поставьте пакет PHP PEAR. Поиграйте галкой Включения WEB сайта (Панель управления - Веб-службы). Еще как то раз из-за истязаний над NAS были проблемы из-за .htaccess . Его по моему можно просто удалить в папке web и перезагрузиться. Выложите скрин Панель управления - Веб-службы Настройки PHP с развернутым списком PHP extention так чтобы все влезло. Поиграйте там галками сброса и Настроить PHP open_basedir. Попробуйте др. браузер или сбросьте кэш. Выключите NAS на минутку из эл. сети (лучше корректно) и потом опять включите. Проверьте права группы http. Другие веб службы из папки web работают? (Веб морда трансмишен и т.п.) Я правильно понимаю что пятый виртуалбокс совсем не стартует? Или ошибка при старте вирт. машины? PS Перед играми забекапьтесь. Народ подтягивайтесь. Первая линия ТП выдохлась и достигла своего уровня некомпетентности.
    1 point
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