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Everything posted by fbelavenuto

  1. Maybe same trouble: Please try the last release with fresh install (re-burn the media with img). I'll investigate the why eudev is missing for some people!!
  2. Some bug into loader!! I'll investigate, thanks.
  3. The trouble is here! For some reason the "eudev" binary do not exists!!! "eudev" daemon is the guy that detect HW and load modules! Try to download the last img from github and test with a fresh install!
  4. Please, rebuild the loader configuring lkm to "prod" and capture again. Prod version produces less data
  5. The drivers exists. In the unraid is possible add a serial port and see the DSM logs, or interact with shell?
  6. Nop! The correct steps: - Boot to loader and update everything (loader, modules, addons) - Boot into DSM - Into DSM control panel go to update and update to new release (Giving the correct file or letting it download automatically.) - Reboot the DSM and wait.
  7. The modules is detected during DSM boot, not before! Jus do not worry about this. Just rebuild a loader with the same serial number and buildnumber.
  8. You don't have to worry about drivers, the modules already exist and are automatically loaded when booting DSM, so you don't need to add any addons. The addon system I created is not compatible with redpill extensions.
  9. The driver for this card, "mpt3sas", already exists and is supposed to work! I purchased a Dell Perc H310 and it worked perfectly!
  10. I don't know what happened! The correct thing is to update the loader, boot the current DSM, update the build by the DSM itself (control panel) and restart. The loader must recognize the update and do everything itself.
  11. Oops, I see now!! Please forgot the last question!
  12. Some bug in the driver of netcard inside the DSM!! Please confirm vendor and model of your netcard.
  13. Please is it possible for you to add a serial port and open the xterm.js console and post the DSM boot result here?
  14. From the manufacturer's website, is the network card the Realtek RTL8111E model?
  15. I also manually uploaded the binaries: https://github.com/fbelavenuto/arpl/releases/tag/v0.4-alpha6
  16. It is not necessary! You also don't need to run anything after the release update, the loader will do it automatically.
  17. Yes, I didn't quite understand what happened! I manually uploaded the binaries to the latest release.
  18. Guys, alpha versions 4 and 5 are having problems with the framebuffer drivers and the self-update. I've uploaded the fixes to github and actions is compiling a new release that should solve these latest issues. Wait a few hours!
  19. Other people have complained of problems with this type of server. I still don't know what the problem is!
  20. Maybe your previous version is much older. Please burn your media with the last image. Sorry, the github actions is still running, my bad! https://github.com/fbelavenuto/arpl/actions/runs/2993472808 Please wait to finish.
  21. Update the loader for the v0.4-alpha5 version, I've added the new buildnumber.
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