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Everything posted by fbelavenuto

  1. Yes, is necessary rebuild the loader
  2. Hi, it's possible it's causing a kernel panic, so it doesn't work. I will recompile this module for you to test. Thank you for the informations
  3. Thanks. There is an addon called maxdisks that adjusts the amount of disks automatically. You can set a value manually by going to the "synoinfo" menu, option "set maxdisks manually".
  4. What is your controller model (complete chip number)?
  5. I'll change the method of work with synoinfo entries, then will be possible your request
  6. for this peripheral the correct module is "mptspi.ko", which I recently added, update the modules or test with the latest image
  7. In this specific case, the user modified the MAC Address, which is changed by the DSM scripts, so the loader receives an IP with the original MAC of the netcard and then receives another IP with the MAC manually defined. The correct thing is I change the MAC of the loader according to the MAC defined by the user so the DHCP server will provide the same IP for both environments.
  8. I didn't anticipate this situation, thanks for the report, I'll fix it in a future release.
  9. Noted! I never had the opportunity to have/access an original Synology product so I learn by reading the forum. I will modify the files to use the third partition and keep the first two equal in size and smaller, to avoid this suggested problem. Thanks again for your help. (Alpha releases are just like that, they modify a lot until they reach a more stable point for beta release, so sorry for several changes)
  10. Hi pocopico, I used the kmod package which provides the "depmod" utility to create the dependencies and aliases files and dynamic libraries to facilitate other utilities to load the modules. The buildroot already does the processes automatically, it installs the modules in the /lib/modules/<kver>/ directory, calls depmod to generate the dependencies and aliases (modules.dep[.bin] files, modules.aliases[.bin] ). Inside the .aliases contains all the PCIIDS extracted from the .ko files. The "eudev" project is compiled with the kmod libraries, receives from the kernel (via netlink socket) the PCIIDs of the devices, calls the "modprobe" via the library and the kmod project searches in the "modules.aliases.bin" file which module should be loaded and loads it if it exists. It also reads dependencies from the modules.dep file and loads them if they exist. This whole process I applied to the DSM. I compiled the modules using synology's gpl source, others I compiled using the toolkit and others I took from their repository. I modified the kmod project to read the modules from the directory "/lib/modules", I compiled the eudev for the DSM and when creating the loader I unzip the ramdisk in a temporary folder, I unzip the modules in the folder "<tmp>/lib /modules" and call depmod in this folder to generate the necessary files. This way when starting the DSM kernel I call eudev manually which performs the same procedure explained above but within the DSM environment. In short, buildroot and DSM have their own modules, independently of each other. As the buildroot uses a newer kernel, it may happen that a peripheral is recognized in the loader but not in the DSM! I've configured the kernels to have the same modules, but it can happen that the buildroot module supports more PCIIDs than the DSM module. Anyway, I believe I managed to explain, but if you have more questions (mainly due to my difficulty in the English language) you can ask.
  11. Thanks, vmxnet3 causes a kernel panic!
  12. Hello, these modules already exist, they should work (be loaded automatically)! Could you send the serial log?
  13. Very good!!!!! I thank you for donations, my paypal: belavenuto@gmail.com This problem is with the loader flash drive! Please test on another USB port on your PC.
  14. @pocopico Thank you so much for letting me know!
  15. https://github.com/fbelavenuto/arpl/suites/7421648940/artifacts/302973023
  16. 😕!! What DSM model are you testing? I manually compiled version 41.xx for all platforms (except bromolow), I'm confused now!
  17. Please try this image: https://github.com/fbelavenuto/arpl/suites/7410175112/artifacts/302203231
  18. Please give more details. USB flashdrive, SATA DoM, motherboard model, etc...
  19. I'll compile from the source for all models (minus bromolow)
  20. Thanks. In the next version I will add a menu entry to set custom MAC and set cmdline entries correctly
  21. Try update arpl, addons and modules (or burn last image)
  22. This error "insmod: can't insert '/lib/modules/etxhci-hcd.ko': No such file or directory" is normal, it can be ignored. The problem is in the "addons.sh called with params early" line, it should load the "eudev" addon at this point, but it didn't. Try with: https://github.com/fbelavenuto/arpl/releases/tag/v0.3-alpha2 The loader can be updated (arpl, addons, modules)
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