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Everything posted by fbelavenuto

  1. Hi, thanks. What is the model of your network card?
  2. Thanks for the report. Can you send me this image?
  3. Thanks for all the cpufreq diagnostics! I fixed the misc addon, now I mount the /sys partition, load the acpi-freq module (with modprobe, the processor.ko module is loaded too) and test the directory, then unmount /sys.
  4. Guys, please do a test who has an HP microserver and who has a performance problem: Activate "Direct Boot" within the "Advanced menu". Just active and boot, is not necessary to rebuild the loader.
  5. Device-tree models do not works with SataPortMap and friends!! For DT models the HDs will be put in sequence.
  6. Yes, it works, but your system needs to support it. If you use a MAC different from your network card you may have problems if your machine has just turned on, because the MAC is changed by software and a DSM boot is necessary for this. I recommend not changing the MAC, only change it if you have a valid MAC/SN set. In this case try waking up your machine with its original MAC and the modified MAC, one of them will work according to the current status of the microcomputer.
  7. Can you explain more about this bug, please?
  8. Modules are pluggable pieces of kernel software. Addons are scripts/software that are run during DSM startup to do something specific, not just install modules.
  9. Yes, return to loader, add the "dbgutils" addon, rebuild the loader and boot it. After problem shutdown your machine and get "logs" folder into first partition of USB flash drive
  10. Device-tree models only works with native SATA ports
  11. I removed it because it caused severe problems on some user installs.
  12. Hi guys, I released beta8 today: https://github.com/fbelavenuto/arpl/releases/tag/v1.0-beta8 The novelty is an option that is in the advanced menu, which tries to retrieve information from a DSM already installed on the HDs and define some settings automatically.
  13. Hello guys, I've released ARPL v1.0-beta7. Some menu options from main menu have been moved into "Advanced Menu". I get all modules from beta3 (more stable) and put into this release. If you update the modules the beta3 modules will come.
  14. Try enable only "powersched". This addon was installed automatically and now I left it optional, it serves to configure the PC's RTC to start if you use the "power schedule" of DSM
  15. LKM (prod)uction produces less log. No real difference between dev and prod. Direct boot is an attempt to see if the loader boots on some machines, no need to activate if ARPL works without it.
  16. Try to remove "reducelog" addon (rebuild the loader after)
  17. I'm sorry, I don't know what could have happened! I just tested it and it's working!
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