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Xpenology and SAS Controller - HBA

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Xpenology and SAS HBA Controller Guide


Here is a brief guide as to how I managed to get this working


My Configuration


Case = Supermicro sc933t-r760b

http://www.supermicro.com/products/chas ... t-r760.cfm

Motherboard = Gigabyte P55-UD3R – Bios Ver F8

http://www.gigabyte.com/products/produc ... x?pid=3162

CPU = Xeon X3450

http://ark.intel.com/products/42929/Int ... e-2_66-GHz

Memory = 16Gb


Nvidia GeForce MX 4400 - PCI

Dell H200 SAS Controller Flashed to LSI-9211-8i IT Firmware

Dell H310 SAS Controller Flashed to LSI-9211-8i IT Firmware

4 x SFF-8087 to SATA Breakout Cables

15 x 1TB SATA Drives



Motherboard only has 2 x PCI-E Slots, so I had to use a PCI card to get video working.


Motherboard has the following Ports


2 x White SATA Ports (G-SATA)

6 x Blue SATA Ports

2 x E-SATA Ports

1 x IDE Port


Initially had troubles with the ordering and naming of ATA / SCSI devices

So in the Bios I disabled the G-SATA and the E-SATA Ports


Leaving Just the 6 x SATA and IDE Running


OK on to the installation


Download Trantors Beta 4.3-3810-pre-v1.1_v4

here viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1361&start=200#p9722


Download Trantors DS3612xs DSM 4.3 build 3810++ (repack v1.0)

here viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1700


Download Synology Assistant from the Synology website and install it


Write the boot/image .img file to a USB Stick



If you already have an Xpenology up and running and have not changed the MAC address or Serial number from the default, then you will need to change this one before proceeding.


If this will be the only Xpenology, then it's fine and you can change these setting later if you like



Set your computer boot order to boot from USB 1st


Place in the USB stick in Computer boot



Depending on how many drives you have connected, it will take a long time for it to complete the boot process.



Open Synology Assistant and wait for the new system to appear (refresh it every 3 minutes or so)


Once it boots you can click on connect and it will open a web browser window, and you can go through the installation process


(Don't worry that it cannot find all your drives in this step.... as we will be erasing the volume after it reboots)


On my system it only found 6 of the 15 installed drives at installation time....

Let it install DSM to how ever many drives it initially finds.


Installation should take only 1-2 minutes and the system will reboot....



Leave the Web Browser window open and it will refresh when the Xpenology is alive (if it keeps the same IP Address)....


If you didn't change the MAC Address, then it might be allocated a new one from DHCP... so you will have to find it again in the Synology Assistant



Wait Wait again for it to go through the long boot process


Log in to the system


Open the “Storage Manager” and remove Volume 1

Select the “HDD Management” Tab

And take note of how many drives are detected


Leave this web browser window open, as it can automatically refresh (if it doesn't you can select the Volume Tab and HDD Management Tab again... or select refresh Button)


Once back in

If I look in "Storage Manager", under HDD Management I see 6 Disk only.... starting at Disk Number 7



I removed the Volume 1



Now comes the manual configuration side... and a bit of frustration as you need some hardware information


Open a SSH session to your Xpenology (its better to open 2 or 3 sessions as you will be able to see more of whats going on)



ssh root@


now we want to see what the system detected at boot time

so you can either do the following


type in the command dmesg and a whole heap of stuff will scroll up the screen


output the dmesg to a file and download this file for easier reading (my preferred way)


dmesg > /tmp/dmesg.txt


download the file


scp root@ /home/yourusername/Desktop/


Sections we are interested in are


any lines with “ata”



ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0xf800 ctl 0xf700 bmdma 0xf400 irq 19
ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0xf600 ctl 0xf500 bmdma 0xf408 irq 19




any lines with either scsi 6:0:1:0 (SCSI ID) or sdf sdg (SCSI Disk name) etc


which on my system looked like


[   48.951449] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg] Attached SCSI disk
[   64.175853] sd 6:0:1:0: [sdh] Attached SCSI disk
[   81.747607] sd 6:0:2:0: [sdi] Attached SCSI disk
[   96.979070] sd 6:0:3:0: [sdj] Attached SCSI disk
[  112.225771] sd 6:0:4:0: [sdk] Attached SCSI disk
[  127.505919] sd 6:0:5:0: [sdl] Attached SCSI disk
[  142.699620] sd 6:0:6:0: [sdm] Attached SCSI disk
[  147.877444] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdn] Attached SCSI disk
[  162.870125] sd 7:0:1:0: [sdo] Attached SCSI disk
[  177.689232] sd 7:0:2:0: [sdp] Attached SCSI disk
[  192.850133] sd 7:0:3:0: [sdq] Attached SCSI disk
[  207.879982] sd 7:0:4:0: [sdr] Attached SCSI disk
[  223.134753] sd 7:0:5:0: [sds] Attached SCSI disk
[  238.134077] sd 7:0:6:0: [sdt] Attached SCSI disk
[  253.164540] sd 7:0:7:0: [sdu] Attached SCSI disk


which equals

7 drives on 1st SAS controller (sdg to sdm)

8 drives on second SAS controller (sdn to sdu)


ATA drives sda sdb sdc sdd sde sdf are missing... as I do not have any drives connected to the 6 x Onboard Motherboard SATA Ports


Good all drives connected to the SAS Controller are detected by the system


Now we need to work out how many USB ports the system found, which on my system was 9


Now comes the fun part (as I am not very good at binary calculations)


This is how I found best to do is like so


Write down (or type into a text editor) something similar to this

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 USB PORTS
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 DRIVE PORTS


as it will help unscramble the mystery


Now from the info we gathered out of dmesg we can work out ports



on my system there was found 22 Drive Ports

(6 x SATA on Motherboard + 16 x SAS Ports)

and 9 USB Ports


so I changed


0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 USB PORTS
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 DRIVE PORTS




0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 USB PORTS
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 DRIVE PORTS


22 “Ones” counting from the right


Which when you lookup somewhere like here http://www.vlsm-calc.net/decbinhex.php

I converted to mean 3fffff


0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 USB PORTS
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 DRIVE PORTS = 3fffff


then same for the USB ports......


** Though we cannot have any “ones” occupying the same space **


0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 USB PORTS
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 DRIVE PORTS = 3fffff
changes into
0000 0000 0000 0111 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 USB PORTS = 7fc00000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 DRIVE PORTS = 3fffff


now we have some hex codes to work with




we can edit the synoinfo.conf files (there are 2 of them)


located @





edit the etc.defaults file


scroll down and find the 3 lines




which I changed to what I calculated above

esataportcfg=”0x0000” <<< (no E-SATA Ports)
usbportcfg="0x7fc00000"  <<< (9 USB Ports)  
internalportcfg=”0x3fffff” <<< (22 Internal Drive Ports)


Save the file, and you should see in your web browser the “Storage Manager” HDD Management tab change.....if not within HDD Management press the refresh button


Now it shows



Which on my system was close, but in the HDD Management it showed my USB Stick as Drive number 22 and it being an SSD


some hair pulling and changing of synoinfo.conf file later I came up with


esataportcfg=”0x0000” <<< (no E-SATA Ports)
usbportcfg="0xff000000"  <<< (8 USB Ports)  
internalportcfg="0xdfffff" <<< (23 Internal Drive Ports)

0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 USB PORTS = ff000000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1101 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 DRIVE PORTS = dfffff


Still trying to understand why that worked best??


15 Drives appear in HDD Management


Can create a Volume







It Sometimes can survives a reboot.... though not always


My grub.conf file was changed to (hiding the MAC Addresses)


#serial --unit=0 --speed=115200
#terminal serial
default 0
timeout 3
fallback 0

title DSM 4.3-3810 - v1.0
       root (hd0,0)
#       vender /vender show
#       hw_model
       kernel /zImage root=/dev/md0 ihd_num=22 netif_num=2 syno_hw_version=DS3612xs mac1=XXXXXXXX mac2=XXXXXXXX sn=B3J4N00355
       initrd /rd.gz


I changed some other sections of the synoinfo.conf file as well



Edited by Guest
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It Sometimes can survives a reboot.... though not always


What happend when system do not reboot ? Where it's stuck ? Any error in console/dsm ?

Can you give the output of : cat /proc/mdstat when system doesn't boot ?


Did you try playing with the maxdisks (default 12) parameter in synoinfo.cfg ?

This maybe help the system to find and assemble properly md devices.


I will try tomorrow to build a kernel without the while function (want_idx messages)

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I recompiled a kernel without the want_idx while function:



Tested on my LSI 9211-4i with 2 disks and everything is ok.

Can you test it on your system to see if it optimize/fix boot/reboot ?


Try to edit maxdisks parameter, but md drives are still xx/12 disks... will try to edit this on the ramdrive later.

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It Sometimes can survives a reboot.... though not always



What happend when system do not reboot ? Where it's stuck ? Any error in console/dsm ?

Can you give the output of : cat /proc/mdstat when system doesn't boot ?


It's a bit hard to catch.... seems to just about make it through boot up...


Then you hear the HDD's spin down (like a normal shutdown would on a LSI SAS controller)


Then it performs a normal shutdown... and turns off... so can't actually grab an error in the console or grab a /proc/mdstat output


Did you try playing with the maxdisks (default 12) parameter in synoinfo.cfg ?

This maybe help the system to find and assemble properly md devices.


No I had not seen that line before.... will give it a try later


Tho I did notice, whilst looking through some old source code (not 4.3)

That there is also a MAX disks in



// Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Synology Inc. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __SYNO_LIMITS_H_
#define __SYNO_LIMITS_H_

#define SYNO_DISK_MAX 16 // Max count of disks for the products until now.

#endif // __SYNO_LIMITS_H_


I will try tomorrow to build a kernel without the while function (want_idx messages)


Is there a way to understand the structure of






I mean, which comes first...then second... then third. In the binary order?


Internal, then usb, then esata

Internal then esata, then usb? << and if you do not have esata... do you have to skip one?


As looking at default settings I am guessing Internal, esata then usb


0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111

0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000

0000 0000 1111 1111 1110 0000 0000 0000

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System boot really fast now :shock:


Trying again with maxdisks = 34


When not able to survive a reboot


MD combined all 15 disks......no problem

not long after.... system reboots

no kernel panic, couldn't see any error :???:


tried with new zImage again......


hmmm wonder how I can capture the dmesg at boot.... to find out what is going on? :?:






[ 39.314061] md: Waiting for all devices to be available before autodetect
[ 39.314154] md: If you don't use raid, use raid=noautodetect
[ 39.314348] md: Autodetecting XPEnology RAID arrays.
[ 39.314434] md: Scanned 0 and added 0 devices.
[ 39.314518] md: autorun ...
[ 39.314595] md: ... autorun DONE.
[ 39.314704] RAMDISK: lzma image found at block 0
[ 40.532034] VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) on device 1:0.
[ 40.536694] Loading modules backported from Linux version v3.12-0-g5e01dc7
[ 40.536788] Backport generated by backports.git v3.12-1-0-g9ae6b6c
[ 40.539090] e1000e: Intel® PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.5.4-NAPI
[ 40.539182] e1000e: Copyright© 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
[ 40.542661] r8168 Gigabit Ethernet driver 8.037.00-NAPI loaded
[ 40.542771] r8168 0000:03:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
[ 40.542881] r8168 0000:03:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 40.542940] r8168 0000:03:00.0: irq 46 for MSI/MSI-X
[ 40.543583] eth%d: 0xffffc9000007a000, 00:24:1d:d6:77:28, IRQ 46
[ 40.544009] r8168: This product is covered by one or more of the following patents: US6,570,884, US6,115,776, and US6,327,625.
[ 40.544153] r8168 Copyright © 2013 Realtek NIC software team
[ 40.544154] This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details, please see .
[ 40.544156] This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see .
[ 40.547909] mpt2sas version loaded
[ 40.548107] scsi6 : Fusion MPT SAS Host
[ 40.548545] mpt2sas 0000:01:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16
[ 40.548651] mpt2sas 0000:01:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 40.548656] mpt2sas0: 64 BIT PCI BUS DMA ADDRESSING SUPPORTED, total mem (16434660 kB)
[ 40.548808] mpt2sas0: MSI-X vectors supported: 1, no of cores: 8, max_msix_vectors: -1
[ 40.548971] mpt2sas 0000:01:00.0: irq 47 for MSI/MSI-X
[ 40.549005] mpt2sas0-msix0: PCI-MSI-X enabled: IRQ 47
[ 40.549092] mpt2sas0: iomem(0x00000000fbaf0000), mapped(0xffffc90000060000), size(65536)
[ 40.549216] mpt2sas0: ioport(0x000000000000ae00), size(256)
[ 40.621941] mpt2sas0: sending message unit reset !!
[ 40.623939] mpt2sas0: message unit reset: SUCCESS
[ 40.668347] mpt2sas0: Allocated physical memory: size(7445 kB)
[ 40.668437] mpt2sas0: Current Controller Queue Depth(3307), Max Controller Queue Depth(3432)
[ 40.668562] mpt2sas0: Scatter Gather Elements per IO(128)
[ 40.727243] mpt2sas0: LSISAS2008: FWVersion(, ChipRevision(0x03), BiosVersion(
[ 40.727373] mpt2sas0: Dell 6Gbps SAS HBA: Vendor(0x1000), Device(0x0072), SSVID(0x1028), SSDID(0x1F1C)
[ 40.727500] mpt2sas0: Protocol=(Initiator,Target), Capabilities=(TLR,EEDP,Snapshot Buffer,Diag Trace Buffer,Task Set Full,NCQ)
[ 40.728187] mpt2sas0: sending port enable !!
[ 40.731662] mpt2sas0: host_add: handle(0x0001), sas_addr(0x5d4ae5206468f300), phys(8)
[ 40.738879] mpt2sas0: port enable: SUCCESS
[ 40.742999] scsi 6:0:0:0: Direct-Access WDC WD10EAVS-00D7B1 1A01 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 40.743554] scsi 6:0:0:0: SATA: handle(0x0009), sas_addr(0x4433221101000000), phy(1), device_name(0x0000000000000000)
[ 40.743687] scsi 6:0:0:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5206468f300), slot(2)
[ 40.743889] scsi 6:0:0:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 40.744015] scsi 6:0:0:0: serial_number( WD-WCAU47730474)
[ 40.744104] scsi 6:0:0:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 40.744357] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 40.744446] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 40.744532] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 40.744618] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 40.744703] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 6
[ 40.744785] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 6
[ 40.744883] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 6
[ 40.744968] sd_probe: index=6
[ 40.745046] sd_format_disk_name()=sdg
[ 40.745299] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg] Spinning up disk...
[ 40.992828] scsi 6:0:1:0: Direct-Access WDC WD10EAVS-00D7B1 1A01 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 40.993451] scsi 6:0:1:0: SATA: handle(0x000a), sas_addr(0x4433221102000000), phy(2), device_name(0x0000000000000000)
[ 40.993585] scsi 6:0:1:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5206468f300), slot(1)
[ 40.993789] scsi 6:0:1:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 40.993915] scsi 6:0:1:0: serial_number( WD-WCAU49539149)
[ 40.994004] scsi 6:0:1:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 40.994271] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 40.994359] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 40.994446] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 40.994530] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 40.994615] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 6
[ 40.994698] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 7
[ 40.994791] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 6
[ 40.994875] sd_probe: index=7
[ 40.994954] sd_format_disk_name()=sdh
[ 40.995206] sd 6:0:1:0: [sdh] Spinning up disk...
[ 41.245829] scsi 6:0:2:0: Direct-Access ATA ST31000340NS SN06 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 41.247876] scsi 6:0:2:0: SATA: handle(0x000b), sas_addr(0x4433221103000000), phy(3), device_name(0x0000000000000000)
[ 41.248010] scsi 6:0:2:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5206468f300), slot(0)
[ 41.248214] scsi 6:0:2:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 41.255031] scsi 6:0:2:0: serial_number( 9QJ3TFCW)
[ 41.255121] scsi 6:0:2:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 41.255378] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 41.255466] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 41.255552] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 41.255641] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 41.255725] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 6
[ 41.255808] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 8
[ 41.255891] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 6
[ 41.255976] sd_probe: index=8
[ 41.256054] sd_format_disk_name()=sdi
[ 41.256319] sd 6:0:2:0: [sdi] Spinning up disk...
[ 41.495223] scsi 6:0:3:0: Direct-Access ATA ST31000340NS SN06 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 41.497211] scsi 6:0:3:0: SATA: handle(0x000c), sas_addr(0x4433221104000000), phy(4), device_name(0x0000000000000000)
[ 41.497344] scsi 6:0:3:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5206468f300), slot(7)
[ 41.497554] scsi 6:0:3:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 41.497680] scsi 6:0:3:0: serial_number( 9QJ3Z1FH)
[ 41.497769] scsi 6:0:3:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 41.498021] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 41.498110] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 41.498196] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 41.498280] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 41.498365] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 6
[ 41.498447] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 9
[ 41.498539] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 6
[ 41.498623] sd_probe: index=9
[ 41.498702] sd_format_disk_name()=sdj
[ 41.498949] sd 6:0:3:0: [sdj] Spinning up disk...
[ 41.745076] scsi 6:0:4:0: Direct-Access ATA ST31000340NS SN06 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 41.745327] .
[ 41.747083] scsi 6:0:4:0: SATA: handle(0x000d), sas_addr(0x4433221105000000), phy(5), device_name(0x0000000000000000)
[ 41.747285] scsi 6:0:4:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5206468f300), slot(6)
[ 41.747495] scsi 6:0:4:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 41.747620] scsi 6:0:4:0: serial_number( 9QJ3XPZ3)
[ 41.747709] scsi 6:0:4:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 41.747968] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 41.748056] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 41.748142] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 41.748226] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 41.748311] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 6
[ 41.748402] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 10
[ 41.748486] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 6
[ 41.748570] sd_probe: index=10
[ 41.748649] sd_format_disk_name()=sdk
[ 41.748890] sd 6:0:4:0: [sdk] Spinning up disk...
[ 41.995148] scsi 6:0:5:0: Direct-Access ATA ST31000340NS SN06 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 41.995196] .
[ 41.997290] scsi 6:0:5:0: SATA: handle(0x000e), sas_addr(0x4433221106000000), phy(6), device_name(0x0000000000000000)
[ 41.997492] scsi 6:0:5:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5206468f300), slot(5)
[ 41.997696] scsi 6:0:5:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 41.997821] scsi 6:0:5:0: serial_number( 9QJ3Z4RA)
[ 41.997910] scsi 6:0:5:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 41.998170] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 41.998264] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 41.998350] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 41.998435] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 41.998519] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 6
[ 41.998602] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 11
[ 41.998685] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 6
[ 41.998770] sd_probe: index=11
[ 41.998849] sd_format_disk_name()=sdl
[ 41.999111] sd 6:0:5:0: [sdl] Spinning up disk...
[ 42.245364] scsi 6:0:6:0: Direct-Access ATA ST31000340NS SN06 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 42.247416] scsi 6:0:6:0: SATA: handle(0x000f), sas_addr(0x4433221107000000), phy(7), device_name(0x0000000000000000)
[ 42.247550] scsi 6:0:6:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5206468f300), slot(4)
[ 42.247754] scsi 6:0:6:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 42.247879] scsi 6:0:6:0: serial_number( 9QJ3Z366)
[ 42.247969] scsi 6:0:6:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 42.248234] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 42.248322] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 42.248408] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 42.248492] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 42.248577] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 6
[ 42.248659] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 12
[ 42.248743] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 6
[ 42.248827] sd_probe: index=12
[ 42.248906] sd_format_disk_name()=sdm
[ 42.249157] sd 6:0:6:0: [sdm] Spinning up disk...
[ 42.249348] scsi7 : Fusion MPT SAS Host
[ 42.250116] mpt2sas 0000:04:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16
[ 42.250226] mpt2sas 0000:04:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
[ 42.250231] mpt2sas1: 64 BIT PCI BUS DMA ADDRESSING SUPPORTED, total mem (16434660 kB)
[ 42.250390] mpt2sas1: MSI-X vectors supported: 1, no of cores: 8, max_msix_vectors: -1
[ 42.250582] mpt2sas 0000:04:00.0: irq 48 for MSI/MSI-X
[ 42.250604] mpt2sas1-msix0: PCI-MSI-X enabled: IRQ 48
[ 42.250695] mpt2sas1: iomem(0x00000000fbcf0000), mapped(0xffffc90000020000), size(65536)
[ 42.250822] mpt2sas1: ioport(0x000000000000be00), size(256)
[ 42.256051] .
[ 42.323015] mpt2sas1: sending message unit reset !!
[ 42.325013] mpt2sas1: message unit reset: SUCCESS
[ 42.369670] mpt2sas1: Allocated physical memory: size(7445 kB)
[ 42.369760] mpt2sas1: Current Controller Queue Depth(3307), Max Controller Queue Depth(3432)
[ 42.369885] mpt2sas1: Scatter Gather Elements per IO(128)
[ 42.428380] mpt2sas1: LSISAS2008: FWVersion(, ChipRevision(0x03), BiosVersion(
[ 42.428509] mpt2sas1: Dell 6Gbps SAS HBA: Vendor(0x1000), Device(0x0072), SSVID(0x1028), SSDID(0x1F1C)
[ 42.428637] mpt2sas1: Protocol=(Initiator,Target), Capabilities=(TLR,EEDP,Snapshot Buffer,Diag Trace Buffer,Task Set Full,NCQ)
[ 42.429339] mpt2sas1: sending port enable !!
[ 42.433166] mpt2sas1: host_add: handle(0x0001), sas_addr(0x5d4ae5208a846400), phys(8)
[ 42.439952] mpt2sas1: port enable: SUCCESS
[ 42.445623] scsi 7:0:0:0: Direct-Access ATA ST31000340NS SN06 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 42.447441] scsi 7:0:0:0: SATA: handle(0x000b), sas_addr(0x4433221102000000), phy(2), device_name(0x5000c50014db0372)
[ 42.447574] scsi 7:0:0:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5208a846400), slot(1)
[ 42.447779] scsi 7:0:0:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 42.447905] scsi 7:0:0:0: serial_number( 9QJ3Z2N3)
[ 42.447999] scsi 7:0:0:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 42.448253] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 42.448342] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 42.448428] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 42.448512] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 42.448597] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.448679] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 13
[ 42.448763] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.448847] sd_probe: index=13
[ 42.448926] sd_format_disk_name()=sdn
[ 42.451422] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdn] 1953523055 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 42.454973] scsi 7:0:1:0: Direct-Access ATA ST31000340NS SN06 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 42.456731] scsi 7:0:1:0: SATA: handle(0x0009), sas_addr(0x4433221100000000), phy(0), device_name(0x5000c50014da8dca)
[ 42.456865] scsi 7:0:1:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5208a846400), slot(3)
[ 42.457072] scsi 7:0:1:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 42.457197] scsi 7:0:1:0: serial_number( 9QJ3Z17W)
[ 42.457286] scsi 7:0:1:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 42.457530] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 42.457619] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 42.457705] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 42.457790] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 42.457874] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.457962] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 14
[ 42.458046] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.458130] sd_probe: index=14
[ 42.458209] sd_format_disk_name()=sdo
[ 42.460633] scsi 7:0:2:0: Direct-Access ATA ST31000528AS HP22 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 42.460700] sd 7:0:1:0: [sdo] 1953525168 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 42.461274] scsi 7:0:2:0: SATA: handle(0x000a), sas_addr(0x4433221101000000), phy(1), device_name(0x5000c50018ad82b6)
[ 42.461408] scsi 7:0:2:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5208a846400), slot(2)
[ 42.461610] scsi 7:0:2:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 42.461735] scsi 7:0:2:0: serial_number(6VP1JS3Y )
[ 42.468529] scsi 7:0:2:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 42.468773] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 42.468861] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 42.468956] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 42.469040] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 42.469124] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.469207] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 15
[ 42.469290] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.469375] sd_probe: index=15
[ 42.469453] sd_format_disk_name()=sdp
[ 42.470160] sd 7:0:2:0: [sdp] 1953525168 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 42.475564] scsi 7:0:3:0: Direct-Access ATA ST31000340NS SN06 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 42.477354] scsi 7:0:3:0: SATA: handle(0x000c), sas_addr(0x4433221103000000), phy(3), device_name(0x5000c50014db1b5b)
[ 42.477487] scsi 7:0:3:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5208a846400), slot(0)
[ 42.477693] scsi 7:0:3:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 42.477818] scsi 7:0:3:0: serial_number( 9QJ3YVFN)
[ 42.477908] scsi 7:0:3:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 42.478157] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 42.478246] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 42.478332] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 42.478417] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 42.478501] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.478584] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 16
[ 42.478667] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.478752] sd_probe: index=16
[ 42.478830] sd_format_disk_name()=sdq
[ 42.481015] sd 7:0:3:0: [sdq] 1953525168 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 42.484676] scsi 7:0:4:0: Direct-Access ATA ST31000340NS 43W BB12 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 42.486344] scsi 7:0:4:0: SATA: handle(0x000d), sas_addr(0x4433221104000000), phy(4), device_name(0x5000c5001492a4f3)
[ 42.486478] scsi 7:0:4:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5208a846400), slot(7)
[ 42.486680] scsi 7:0:4:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 42.486806] scsi 7:0:4:0: serial_number( 9QJ3JWXQ)
[ 42.486895] scsi 7:0:4:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 42.487147] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 42.487236] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 42.487322] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 42.487406] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 42.487490] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.487573] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 17
[ 42.487656] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.487741] sd_probe: index=17
[ 42.487820] sd_format_disk_name()=sdr
[ 42.489907] sd 7:0:4:0: [sdr] 1953525168 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 42.491040] scsi 7:0:5:0: Direct-Access ATA HUA721010KLA330 43W AB4A PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 42.491848] scsi 7:0:5:0: SATA: handle(0x000e), sas_addr(0x4433221105000000), phy(5), device_name(0x5000cca21ed960fb)
[ 42.491982] scsi 7:0:5:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5208a846400), slot(6)
[ 42.492188] scsi 7:0:5:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 42.492313] scsi 7:0:5:0: serial_number( GTA060PBHTURHE)
[ 42.492403] scsi 7:0:5:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 42.492648] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 42.492736] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 42.492822] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 42.492906] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 42.493002] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.493085] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 18
[ 42.493169] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.493257] sd_probe: index=18
[ 42.493336] sd_format_disk_name()=sds
[ 42.494227] sd 7:0:5:0: [sds] 1953525168 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 42.496534] scsi 7:0:6:0: Direct-Access ATA HUA721010KLA330 43W AB4A PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 42.497343] scsi 7:0:6:0: SATA: handle(0x000f), sas_addr(0x4433221106000000), phy(6), device_name(0x5000cca21ed96345)
[ 42.497477] scsi 7:0:6:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5208a846400), slot(5)
[ 42.497678] scsi 7:0:6:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 42.497803] scsi 7:0:6:0: serial_number( GTA060PBHTVADE)
[ 42.497892] scsi 7:0:6:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 42.498144] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 42.498232] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 42.498317] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 42.498401] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 42.498486] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.498568] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 19
[ 42.498652] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.498736] sd_probe: index=19
[ 42.498815] sd_format_disk_name()=sdt
[ 42.499778] sd 7:0:6:0: [sdt] 1953525168 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 42.499918] .
[ 42.502156] scsi 7:0:7:0: Direct-Access ATA HUA721010KLA330 43W AB4A PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[ 42.503041] scsi 7:0:7:0: SATA: handle(0x0010), sas_addr(0x4433221107000000), phy(7), device_name(0x5000cca21ed96526)
[ 42.503174] scsi 7:0:7:0: SATA: enclosure_logical_id(0x5d4ae5208a846400), slot(4)
[ 42.503381] scsi 7:0:7:0: atapi(n), ncq(y), asyn_notify(n), smart(y), fua(y), sw_preserve(y)
[ 42.503507] scsi 7:0:7:0: serial_number( GTA060PBHTVUXE)
[ 42.503596] scsi 7:0:7:0: qdepth(32), tagged(1), simple(0), ordered(0), scsi_level(7), cmd_que(1)
[ 42.503841] syno_disk_type_get: SYNO_DISK_UNKNOWN -> SATA
[ 42.503935] syno_disk_type_get: Fusion MPT SAS Host,0
[ 42.504021] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; synodisktype : 1
[ 42.504105] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; syno_index_get : 0
[ 42.504189] XPENOLOGY DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.504271] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; index : 20
[ 42.504355] XPENOLOGY while DEBUG ; want_idx : 7
[ 42.504439] sd_probe: index=20
[ 42.504518] sd_format_disk_name()=sdu
[ 42.505406] sd 7:0:7:0: [sdu] 1953525168 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 42.521800] sd 7:0:2:0: [sdp] Write Protect is off
[ 42.521887] sd 7:0:2:0: [sdp] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 42.522657] sd 7:0:2:0: [sdp] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 42.557477] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdn] Write Protect is off
[ 42.557564] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdn] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 42.560883] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdn] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 42.567779] sd 7:0:1:0: [sdo] Write Protect is off
[ 42.567866] sd 7:0:1:0: [sdo] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 42.571060] sd 7:0:1:0: [sdo] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 42.588491] sd 7:0:3:0: [sdq] Write Protect is off
[ 42.588577] sd 7:0:3:0: [sdq] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 42.589273] sdp: sdp1 sdp2 sdp3 < sdp5 >
[ 42.591779] sd 7:0:3:0: [sdq] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 42.600892] sd 7:0:4:0: [sdr] Write Protect is off
[ 42.600979] sd 7:0:4:0: [sdr] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 42.604067] sd 7:0:4:0: [sdr] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 42.647343] sd 7:0:2:0: [sdp] Attached SCSI disk
[ 42.685416] sdn: sdn1 sdn2 sdn3 < sdn5 >
[ 42.691209] sdo: sdo1 sdo2 sdo3 < sdo5 >
[ 42.695220] sd 7:0:5:0: [sds] Write Protect is off
[ 42.695310] sd 7:0:5:0: [sds] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 42.698336] sd 7:0:6:0: [sdt] Write Protect is off
[ 42.698424] sd 7:0:6:0: [sdt] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 42.700889] sd 7:0:5:0: [sds] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 42.701202] sd 7:0:7:0: [sdu] Write Protect is off
[ 42.701289] sd 7:0:7:0: [sdu] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 42.704198] sd 7:0:6:0: [sdt] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 42.709773] sdq: sdq1 sdq2 sdq3 < sdq5 >
[ 42.712815] sd 7:0:7:0: [sdu] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 42.733885] sdr: sdr1 sdr2 sdr3 < sdr5 >
[ 42.745782] ..
[ 42.802236] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdn] Attached SCSI disk
[ 42.824824] sd 7:0:3:0: [sdq] Attached SCSI disk
[ 42.845728] sd 7:0:1:0: [sdo] Attached SCSI disk
[ 42.862095] sd 7:0:4:0: [sdr] Attached SCSI disk
[ 42.913142] sds: sds1 sds2 sds3 < sds5 >
[ 42.916128] sdt: sdt1 sdt2 sdt3 < sdt5 >
[ 42.933044] sdu: sdu1 sdu2 sdu3 < sdu5 >
[ 42.995653] ..
[ 43.125513] sd 7:0:5:0: [sds] Attached SCSI disk
[ 43.128839] sd 7:0:6:0: [sdt] Attached SCSI disk
[ 43.154086] sd 7:0:7:0: [sdu] Attached SCSI disk
[ 43.249506] .......................................ready
[ 48.749259] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg] 1953525168 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 48.751479] .
[ 48.756604] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg] Write Protect is off
[ 48.756758] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 48.758482] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 48.787321] sdg: sdg1 sdg2 sdg3 < sdg5 >
[ 48.797827] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdg] Attached SCSI disk
[ 48.998367] .ready
[ 48.999175] sd 6:0:1:0: [sdh] 1953525168 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 49.002365] .
[ 49.007208] sd 6:0:1:0: [sdh] Write Protect is off
[ 49.014052] sd 6:0:1:0: [sdh] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 49.015235] sd 6:0:1:0: [sdh] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 49.037902] sdh: sdh1 sdh2 sdh3 < sdh5 >
[ 49.048647] sd 6:0:1:0: [sdh] Attached SCSI disk
[ 49.252232] ............ready
[ 51.262183] sd 6:0:2:0: [sdi] 1953525168 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 51.374086] sd 6:0:2:0: [sdi] Write Protect is off
[ 51.374172] sd 6:0:2:0: [sdi] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 51.377307] sd 6:0:2:0: [sdi] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 51.504005] .ready
[ 51.505995] sd 6:0:3:0: [sdj] 1953525168 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 51.506222] sdi: sdi1 sdi2 sdi3 < sdi5 >
[ 51.607986] sd 6:0:3:0: [sdj] Write Protect is off
[ 51.608074] sd 6:0:3:0: [sdj] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 51.611084] sd 6:0:3:0: [sdj] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 51.635326] sd 6:0:2:0: [sdi] Attached SCSI disk
[ 51.735964] sdj: sdj1 sdj2 sdj3 < sdj5 >
[ 51.752874] .ready
[ 51.754863] sd 6:0:4:0: [sdk] 1953525168 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 51.856607] sd 6:0:4:0: [sdk] Write Protect is off
[ 51.856693] sd 6:0:4:0: [sdk] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 51.859726] sd 6:0:4:0: [sdk] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 51.860789] sd 6:0:3:0: [sdj] Attached SCSI disk
[ 51.989319] sdk: sdk1 sdk2 sdk3 < sdk5 >
[ 52.003730] .ready
[ 52.005806] sd 6:0:5:0: [sdl] 1953525168 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 52.109404] sd 6:0:4:0: [sdk] Attached SCSI disk
[ 52.119661] sd 6:0:5:0: [sdl] Write Protect is off
[ 52.119752] sd 6:0:5:0: [sdl] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 52.122946] sd 6:0:5:0: [sdl] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 52.253595] .ready
[ 52.255652] sd 6:0:6:0: [sdm] 1953523055 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
[ 52.266160] sdl: sdl1 sdl2 sdl3 < sdl5 >
[ 52.360385] sd 6:0:6:0: [sdm] Write Protect is off
[ 52.360472] sd 6:0:6:0: [sdm] Mode Sense: 7f 00 10 08
[ 52.363634] sd 6:0:6:0: [sdm] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
[ 52.405941] sd 6:0:5:0: [sdl] Attached SCSI disk
[ 52.494726] sdm: sdm1 sdm2 sdm3 < sdm5 >
[ 52.613329] sd 6:0:6:0: [sdm] Attached SCSI disk
[ 52.614172] megasas: 06.601.06.00 June. 17, 17:00:00 PDT 2013
[ 52.615640] rr272x_1x: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
[ 52.615732] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
[ 52.616772] rr272x_1x:RocketRAID 272x_1x controller driver v1.5 (Nov 30 2013 15:00:35)
[ 53.446087] rr272x_1x:no controller detected.
[ 53.455970] Adaptec aacraid driver 1.2-1[30300]custom
[ 53.471632] RocketRAID 3xxx/4xxx Controller driver v1.9
[ 53.472274] stex: Promise SuperTrak EX Driver version: 4.6.0000.4
[ 53.473327] ipr: IBM Power RAID SCSI Device Driver version: 2.5.2 (April 27, 2011)
[ 53.481174] 3ware 9000 Storage Controller device driver for Linux v2.26.02.014.
[ 53.481982] LSI 3ware SAS/SATA-RAID Controller device driver for Linux v3.26.02.000.
[ 53.482744] 3ware Storage Controller device driver for Linux v1.26.02.003.
[ 53.485974] aic94xx: Adaptec aic94xx SAS/SATA driver version 1.0.3 loaded
[ 53.489251] md: md0 stopped.
[ 55.490205] md: md1 stopped.
[ 57.497317] md: Autodetecting XPEnology RAID arrays.
[ 57.521987] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.526832] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.557459] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdg5
[ 57.557546] md: sdg5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 57.574264] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.586390] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.613802] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdh5
[ 57.613888] md: sdh5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 57.622771] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.632533] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.649763] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdi5
[ 57.649849] md: sdi5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 57.666527] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.673999] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.691666] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdj5
[ 57.691753] md: sdj5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 57.704062] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.710574] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.729915] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdk5
[ 57.730002] md: sdk5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 57.742668] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.746418] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.765672] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdl5
[ 57.765758] md: sdl5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 57.781084] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.786109] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.808977] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdm5
[ 57.809064] md: sdm5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 57.823440] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.834026] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.852245] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdn5
[ 57.852332] md: sdn5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 57.865488] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.872312] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.897145] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdo5
[ 57.897231] md: sdo5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 57.916038] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.925966] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.948503] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdp5
[ 57.948590] md: sdp5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 57.960435] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.965036] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 57.983230] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdq5
[ 57.983316] md: sdq5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 58.001000] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 58.005105] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 58.026731] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdr5
[ 58.026817] md: sdr5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 58.040130] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 58.046593] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 58.062611] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sds5
[ 58.062698] md: sds5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 58.076625] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 58.083086] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 58.103209] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdt5
[ 58.103296] md: sdt5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 58.118600] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 58.125062] blDenyDisks: ALLOW
[ 58.140892] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdu5
[ 58.140978] md: sdu5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
[ 58.141074] md: Scanned 45 and added 30 devices.
[ 58.141158] md: autorun ...
[ 58.141236] md: considering sdg1 ...
[ 58.141320] md: adding sdg1 ...
[ 58.141404] md: sdg2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.141490] md: adding sdh1 ...
[ 58.141571] md: sdh2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.141656] md: adding sdi1 ...
[ 58.141737] md: sdi2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.141822] md: adding sdj1 ...
[ 58.141903] md: sdj2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.141988] md: adding sdk1 ...
[ 58.142069] md: sdk2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.142155] md: adding sdl1 ...
[ 58.142235] md: sdl2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.142321] md: adding sdm1 ...
[ 58.142404] md: sdm2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.142490] md: adding sdn1 ...
[ 58.142570] md: sdn2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.142656] md: adding sdo1 ...
[ 58.142736] md: sdo2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.142822] md: adding sdp1 ...
[ 58.142902] md: sdp2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.142988] md: adding sdq1 ...
[ 58.143068] md: sdq2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.143154] md: adding sdr1 ...
[ 58.143235] md: sdr2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.143320] md: adding sds1 ...
[ 58.143403] md: sds2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.143489] md: adding sdt1 ...
[ 58.143569] md: sdt2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.143655] md: adding sdu1 ...
[ 58.143735] md: sdu2 has different UUID to sdg1
[ 58.143842] md: created md0
[ 58.143920] md: bind
[ 58.144007] md: bind
[ 58.144090] md: bind
[ 58.144172] md: bind
[ 58.144255] md: bind
[ 58.144338] md: bind
[ 58.144425] md: bind
[ 58.144508] md: bind
[ 58.144591] md: bind
[ 58.144674] md: bind
[ 58.144757] md: bind
[ 58.144840] md: bind
[ 58.144923] md: bind
[ 58.145006] md: bind
[ 58.145089] md: bind
[ 58.145172] md: running:
[ 58.152752] bio: create slab at 1
[ 58.152895] md/raid1:md0: active with 12 out of 12 mirrors
[ 58.153004] md0: detected capacity change from 0 to 2549940224
[ 58.153143] md: considering sdg2 ...
[ 58.153226] md: adding sdg2 ...
[ 58.153307] md: adding sdh2 ...
[ 58.153396] md: adding sdi2 ...
[ 58.153479] md: adding sdj2 ...
[ 58.153560] md: adding sdk2 ...
[ 58.153641] md: adding sdl2 ...
[ 58.153722] md: adding sdm2 ...
[ 58.153803] md: adding sdn2 ...
[ 58.153884] md: adding sdo2 ...
[ 58.153964] md: adding sdp2 ...
[ 58.154045] md: adding sdq2 ...
[ 58.154126] md: adding sdr2 ...
[ 58.154207] md: adding sds2 ...
[ 58.154288] md: adding sdt2 ...
[ 58.154369] md: adding sdu2 ...
[ 58.154651] md: kicking non-fresh sdp2 from candidates rdevs!
[ 58.154741] md: export_rdev(sdp2)
[ 58.154826] md: kicking non-fresh sdo2 from candidates rdevs!
[ 58.154914] md: export_rdev(sdo2)
[ 58.154996] md: kicking non-fresh sdn2 from candidates rdevs!
[ 58.155084] md: export_rdev(sdn2)
[ 58.155165] md: created md1
[ 58.155243] md: bind
[ 58.155328] md: bind
[ 58.155416] md: bind
[ 58.155500] md: bind
[ 58.155583] md: bind
[ 58.155666] md: bind
[ 58.155748] md: bind
[ 58.155831] md: bind
[ 58.155914] md: bind
[ 58.155997] md: bind
[ 58.156079] md: bind
[ 58.156162] md: bind
[ 58.156244] md: running:
[ 58.157030] md/raid1:md1: active with 12 out of 12 mirrors
[ 58.157139] md1: detected capacity change from 0 to 2147418112
[ 58.157277] md: ... autorun DONE.
[ 58.157505] md1: unknown partition table
[ 58.158429] synobios: load, major number 201
[ 58.158514] Brand: Synology
[ 58.158674] Model: DS-3612xs
[ 58.158794] set group disks wakeup number to 4, spinup time deno 7
[ 58.162517] synobios: unload
[ 58.214853] md0: unknown partition table
[ 58.826999] EXT4-fs (md0): synoacl module has not been loaded. Unable to mount with synoacl, vfs_mod status=-1, ext4_mod status=-1
[ 58.839962] EXT4-fs (md0): barriers disabled
[ 58.862003] EXT4-fs (md0): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts:
[ 60.240291] Adding 2097084k swap on /dev/md1. Priority:-1 extents:1 across:2097084k
[ 65.641839] synobios: load, major number 201
[ 65.641948] Brand: Synology
[ 65.642133] Model: DS-3612xs
[ 65.642266] set group disks wakeup number to 4, spinup time deno 7
[ 65.645054] synobios: unload
[ 70.538491] synoacl module [synoacl_ext4] is not loaded
[ 70.538580] synoacl module [synoacl_vfs] is not loaded
[ 70.568756] EXT3-fs (md0): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (2c0)
[ 70.594919] EXT4-fs (md0): synoacl module has not been loaded. Unable to mount with synoacl, vfs_mod status=-1, ext4_mod status=-1
[ 70.605029] EXT4-fs (md0): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: barrier=1
[ 70.605157] VFS: Mounted root (ext4 filesystem) readonly on device 9:0.
[ 70.605249] Trying to move old root to /initrd ... okay
[ 70.607767] Freeing unused kernel memory: 508k freed
[ 70.607926] Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 8192k
[ 70.612495] Freeing unused kernel memory: 1956k freed
[ 70.613771] Freeing unused kernel memory: 372k freed
[ 70.946160] EXT4-fs (md0): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
[ 72.149779] sd 6:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
[ 72.149943] sd 6:0:1:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0
[ 72.150123] sd 6:0:2:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0
[ 72.150289] sd 6:0:3:0: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 0
[ 72.150451] sd 6:0:4:0: Attached scsi generic sg4 type 0
[ 72.150622] sd 6:0:5:0: Attached scsi generic sg5 type 0
[ 72.150797] sd 6:0:6:0: Attached scsi generic sg6 type 0
[ 72.150957] sd 7:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg7 type 0
[ 72.151110] sd 7:0:1:0: Attached scsi generic sg8 type 0
[ 72.151271] sd 7:0:2:0: Attached scsi generic sg9 type 0
[ 72.151443] sd 7:0:3:0: Attached scsi generic sg10 type 0
[ 72.151611] sd 7:0:4:0: Attached scsi generic sg11 type 0
[ 72.151780] sd 7:0:5:0: Attached scsi generic sg12 type 0
[ 72.151948] sd 7:0:6:0: Attached scsi generic sg13 type 0
[ 72.152101] sd 7:0:7:0: Attached scsi generic sg14 type 0
[ 72.323085] md1: detected capacity change from 2147418112 to 0
[ 72.323178] md: md1: set sdg2 to auto_remap [0]
[ 72.323262] md: md1: set sdh2 to auto_remap [0]
[ 72.323347] md: md1: set sdi2 to auto_remap [0]
[ 72.323431] md: md1: set sdj2 to auto_remap [0]
[ 72.323515] md: md1: set sdk2 to auto_remap [0]
[ 72.323600] md: md1: set sdl2 to auto_remap [0]
[ 72.323690] md: md1: set sdm2 to auto_remap [0]
[ 72.323774] md: md1: set sdq2 to auto_remap [0]
[ 72.323859] md: md1: set sdr2 to auto_remap [0]
[ 72.323943] md: md1: set sds2 to auto_remap [0]
[ 72.324027] md: md1: set sdt2 to auto_remap [0]
[ 72.324112] md: md1: set sdu2 to auto_remap [0]
[ 72.324196] md: md1 stopped.
[ 72.324284] md: unbind
[ 72.336643] md: export_rdev(sdg2)
[ 72.336730] md: unbind
[ 72.352634] md: export_rdev(sdh2)
[ 72.352719] md: unbind
[ 72.368623] md: export_rdev(sdi2)
[ 72.368708] md: unbind
[ 72.378627] md: export_rdev(sdj2)
[ 72.378714] md: unbind
[ 72.378819] md: export_rdev(sdk2)
[ 72.378907] md: unbind
[ 72.380629] md: export_rdev(sdl2)
[ 72.380716] md: unbind
[ 72.380820] md: export_rdev(sdm2)
[ 72.380906] md: unbind
[ 72.381662] md: export_rdev(sdq2)
[ 72.381748] md: unbind
[ 72.381848] md: export_rdev(sdr2)
[ 72.381932] md: unbind
[ 72.382666] md: export_rdev(sds2)
[ 72.382750] md: unbind
[ 72.382850] md: export_rdev(sdt2)
[ 72.382937] md: unbind
[ 72.384620] md: export_rdev(sdu2)
[ 73.128936] md: bind
[ 73.129130] md: bind
[ 73.129475] md: bind
[ 73.129818] md: bind
[ 73.130159] md: bind
[ 73.131999] md: bind
[ 73.132514] md/raid1:md1: not clean -- starting background reconstruction
[ 73.132608] md/raid1:md1: active with 6 out of 12 mirrors
[ 73.132712] md1: detected capacity change from 0 to 2147418112
[ 73.132880] md: resync of RAID array md1
[ 73.132965] md: minimum _guaranteed_ speed: 1000 KB/sec/disk.
[ 73.133054] md: using maximum available idle IO bandwidth (but not more than 200000 KB/sec) for resync.
[ 73.133186] md: using 128k window, over a total of 2097088k.
[ 73.133416] md1: unknown partition table
[ 73.230671] Adding 2097084k swap on /dev/md1. Priority:-1 extents:1 across:2097084k
[ 73.262538] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[ 73.290046] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[ 73.290285] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[ 73.290472] usbcore: registered new interface driver ethub
[ 73.290656] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[ 73.344139] Monitor-Mwait will be used to enter C-1 state
[ 73.344144] Monitor-Mwait will be used to enter C-2 state
[ 73.344148] Monitor-Mwait will be used to enter C-3 state
[ 73.344156] ACPI: acpi_idle registered with cpuidle
[ 73.531773] Intel AES-NI instructions are not detected.
[ 73.577791] fuse init (API version 7.17)
[ 73.581599] dca service started, version 1.12.1
[ 73.590424] Intel® Gigabit Ethernet Network Driver - version 5.0.6
[ 73.590515] Copyright © 2007-2013 Intel Corporation.
[ 73.599362] ixgbe: Intel® 10 Gigabit PCI Express Network Driver - version 3.6.7-k
[ 73.599485] ixgbe: Copyright © 1999-2011 Intel Corporation.
[ 73.641280] Btrfs loaded
[ 73.667596] synobios: load, major number 201
[ 73.667681] Brand: Synology
[ 73.667844] Model: DS-3612xs
[ 73.668007] set group disks wakeup number to 4, spinup time deno 7
[ 74.220161] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[ 75.980349] md: md2 stopped.
[ 75.998166] md: bind
[ 75.998538] md: bind
[ 75.998853] md: bind
[ 75.999180] md: bind
[ 75.999500] md: bind
[ 75.999748] md: bind
[ 76.000241] md/raid:md2: not clean -- starting background reconstruction
[ 76.000343] md/raid:md2: device sdg5 operational as raid disk 0
[ 76.000433] md/raid:md2: device sdl5 operational as raid disk 5
[ 76.000522] md/raid:md2: device sdk5 operational as raid disk 4
[ 76.000611] md/raid:md2: device sdj5 operational as raid disk 3
[ 76.000719] md/raid:md2: device sdi5 operational as raid disk 2
[ 76.000811] md/raid:md2: device sdh5 operational as raid disk 1
[ 76.001487] md/raid:md2: allocated 15854kB
[ 76.001607] md/raid:md2: not enough operational devices (9/15 failed)
[ 76.001788] md/raid:md2: starting dirty degraded array - data corruption possible.
[ 76.001911] md/raid:md2: raid level 5 active with 6 out of 15 devices, algorithm 2
[ 76.002033] RAID conf printout:
[ 76.002034] --- level:5 rd:15 wd:6
[ 76.002035] disk 0, o:1, dev:sdg5
[ 76.002036] disk 1, o:1, dev:sdh5
[ 76.002037] disk 2, o:1, dev:sdi5
[ 76.002038] disk 3, o:1, dev:sdj5
[ 76.002039] disk 4, o:1, dev:sdk5
[ 76.002040] disk 5, o:1, dev:sdl5
[ 76.002059] md2: detected capacity change from 0 to 13934988361728
[ 76.002406] md2: crashed, stop sync
[ 76.002564] md2: unknown partition table
[ 76.004681] md2: detected capacity change from 13934988361728 to 0
[ 76.004776] md: md2: set sdg5 to auto_remap [0]
[ 76.004860] md: md2: set sdl5 to auto_remap [0]
[ 76.004944] md: md2: set sdk5 to auto_remap [0]
[ 76.005028] md: md2: set sdj5 to auto_remap [0]
[ 76.005112] md: md2: set sdi5 to auto_remap [0]
[ 76.005195] md: md2: set sdh5 to auto_remap [0]
[ 76.005279] md: md2 stopped.
[ 76.005358] md: unbind
[ 76.020649] md: export_rdev(sdg5)
[ 76.020737] md: unbind
[ 76.035893] md: export_rdev(sdl5)
[ 76.035989] md: unbind
[ 76.051909] md: export_rdev(sdk5)
[ 76.052002] md: unbind
[ 76.067869] md: export_rdev(sdj5)
[ 76.067961] md: unbind
[ 76.077885] md: export_rdev(sdi5)
[ 76.077978] md: unbind
[ 76.078110] md: export_rdev(sdh5)
[ 76.087374] md: md2 stopped.
[ 76.109826] md: bind
[ 76.110241] md: bind
[ 76.110557] md: bind
[ 76.110874] md: bind
[ 76.111176] md: bind
[ 76.111430] md: bind
[ 76.111869] md/raid:md2: device sdg5 operational as raid disk 0
[ 76.111959] md/raid:md2: device sdl5 operational as raid disk 5
[ 76.112048] md/raid:md2: device sdk5 operational as raid disk 4
[ 76.112138] md/raid:md2: device sdj5 operational as raid disk 3
[ 76.112227] md/raid:md2: device sdi5 operational as raid disk 2
[ 76.112316] md/raid:md2: device sdh5 operational as raid disk 1
[ 76.113020] md/raid:md2: allocated 15854kB
[ 76.113120] md/raid:md2: not enough operational devices (9/15 failed)
[ 76.113212] md/raid:md2: raid level 5 active with 6 out of 15 devices, algorithm 2
[ 76.113334] RAID conf printout:
[ 76.113335] --- level:5 rd:15 wd:6
[ 76.113336] disk 0, o:1, dev:sdg5
[ 76.113338] disk 1, o:1, dev:sdh5
[ 76.113339] disk 2, o:1, dev:sdi5
[ 76.113340] disk 3, o:1, dev:sdj5
[ 76.113341] disk 4, o:1, dev:sdk5
[ 76.113343] disk 5, o:1, dev:sdl5
[ 76.113364] md2: detected capacity change from 0 to 13934988361728
[ 76.113669] md2: unknown partition table
[ 79.225432] r8168: eth0: link up




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Yeah tried with less


Tried 12

Tried 8




Tried another box with the 1068e card again (one with a lot of drives)

Looks like it uses a different driver MPTSAS not MPT2SAS


It's got other issues...sas resets etc....but thats a driver bug I believe


But I noticed that it said......"Maximum number of drives for md0 is 26" which is interesting


Maybe have to attack SAS from a different direction.....and use RS10613xs+..... and not DS3612xs code base ??


RS10613xs+ can have 106 x HDD


Could also be something simple like too much MEMORY ??

DS3612xs Specifications say 6Gb Maximum Memory...

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Yeah tried with less

Tried 12

Tried 8


What's the result with 8 disks for example ?


Maybe have to attack SAS from a different direction.....and use RS10613xs+..... and not DS3612xs code base ??
RS10613xs+ can have 106 x HDD


Few months ago I build a testing version based on RS10613xs+, so I spent few hours on this today.

System boot on the usb stick but can't detect any drive, fdisk return nothing (no USB nor SATA), can manually create nodes (fdisk display drives) which doesn't disappear (syno protection in dsm 4.3) : but WebAssistant still says No disk....


Try to build a fake /proc/bus/pci/devices based on k3dt works but no luck.


I will try to edit kernel sources in order to return SYNO_DISK_SAS instead of SYNO_DISK_SATA for disks attached to SCSI/SAS controllers...

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Just noticed this




Has at the top of it


Rand=`expr $RANDOM % 20`

SupportRAID=`${GetKeyValue} /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf supportraid`

Version=`${GetKeyValue} /etc.defaults/VERSION buildnumber`

MaxDisks=`${GetKeyValue} /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf maxdisks`

SupportLCM=`${GetKeyValue} /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf support_acm`


Get that means maximum disks in a volume = 12 (makes sense for the DS3612xs)



also I am wondering if the /boot/grub/grub.conf


has the ihd_num=0


Is that "Installed HDD Number" as in......boot from ?



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Just noticed this




Has at the top of it


Rand=`expr $RANDOM % 20`

SupportRAID=`${GetKeyValue} /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf supportraid`

Version=`${GetKeyValue} /etc.defaults/VERSION buildnumber`

MaxDisks=`${GetKeyValue} /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf maxdisks`

SupportLCM=`${GetKeyValue} /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf support_acm`


Get that means maximum disks in a volume = 12 (makes sense for the DS3612xs)



also I am wondering if the /boot/grub/grub.conf


has the ihd_num=0


Is that "Installed HDD Number" as in......boot from ?




i think for the DS3612xs, the value of maxdisks should be 36 (internal 12 bays + with 24 bays Expansion Unit)

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True.... but I wonder if you are only allowed to make volumes in bunches of 12 disks on the REAL hardware?




when you plug in the expansion.... does something pick that up and automatically change the /etc.default/synoinfo.conf file




DS3612xs /etc.default/synoinfo.conf file read 12 disks

DS3612xs plus 1 x expansion unit /etc.default/synoinfo.conf file read 24 disks

DS3612xs plus 2 x expansion unit /etc.default/synoinfo.conf file read 36 disks



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Thank you very much for posting this. With your findings, I was able to make Xpenology see all 13 drives in my HP DL180 G6. What worked for me was to set the values to:


esataportcfg=”0x0000000” (I also disabled eSATA on a separate config line)




Note that I do not have 20 internal ports. It seems that you just need to set the value to be equal to or higher than the number of ports you actually have.


I don't yet know if my settings will survive a reboot. Right now I'm expanding a volume with the now-visible disks, after which I'll reboot and see what happens.

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hmmmm there has got to be some Voodoo behind this synoinfo.conf file


editing the sections






Just doesn't line up with the hardware at all :evil:


@ Trantor


As I seem to have better success with the older SAS cards...i will use them for testing.....once working fine I will swap to the newer SAS cards


I can get a system to work fine (survives reboot etc) with 12 drives off one 1068e controller


Following config


Intel S5000VSA Motherboard



This controller (HP SC44Ge... which is an LSI 3442R card)



Port one off the SC44Ge Hooked into this Intel 6 Bay SAS Expander Cage




No HDD's connected off the Motherboard

6 x 450Gb SAS HDD's in the Expander cage


System can see 4 drives


edit synoinfo.conf


change it to






System finds all 6 drives.... drives it finds are numbered 9 > 14


Which I understand is because of.....6 x SATA on Motherboard + 2 x IDE on Motherboard... hence SAS drives start @ 9 :?:


Make a volume with all 6 drives, reboot....not a problem at all



Next Test


Add a second Intel 6 Bay SAS Expander Cage with 6 x 1TB SATA drives connected too port 2 of the SC44Ge


boot system

System can see 8 drives :???:


no problem


change synoinfo.cfg to





System now can see all 12 HDD's which system labels as Drives Number 9 >> 20 .....

But the last 6 are found as SSD's.... with -1c temperature :-|







Which is fine...except....gives lots of smart errors in /var/log/messages


Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: disk_is_mv_soc_driver.c:89 Can't get sata chip name from pattern /sys/block/sdp/device/../../scsi_host/host*/proc_name
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: smartctl_enable.c:92 AtaSmartEnable failed.
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: SmartFirmAndSerialRead(149) enable smart /dev/sdp fail
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: disk_lib.cpp:384 SmartFirmAndSerialRead failed
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: disk_is_mv_soc_driver.c:89 Can't get sata chip name from pattern /sys/block/sdq/device/../../scsi_host/host*/proc_name
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: disk_is_mv_soc_driver.c:89 Can't get sata chip name from pattern /sys/block/sdq/device/../../scsi_host/host*/proc_name
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: smartctl_enable.c:92 AtaSmartEnable failed.
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: SmartFirmAndSerialRead(149) enable smart /dev/sdq fail
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: disk_lib.cpp:384 SmartFirmAndSerialRead failed
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: disk_is_mv_soc_driver.c:89 Can't get sata chip name from pattern /sys/block/sdr/device/../../scsi_host/host*/proc_name
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: disk_is_mv_soc_driver.c:89 Can't get sata chip name from pattern /sys/block/sdr/device/../../scsi_host/host*/proc_name
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: smartctl_enable.c:92 AtaSmartEnable failed.
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: SmartFirmAndSerialRead(149) enable smart /dev/sdr fail
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: disk_lib.cpp:384 SmartFirmAndSerialRead failed
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: disk_is_mv_soc_driver.c:89 Can't get sata chip name from pattern /sys/block/sds/device/../../scsi_host/host*/proc_name
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: disk_is_mv_soc_driver.c:89 Can't get sata chip name from pattern /sys/block/sds/device/../../scsi_host/host*/proc_name
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: smartctl_enable.c:92 AtaSmartEnable failed.
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: SmartFirmAndSerialRead(149) enable smart /dev/sds fail
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: disk_lib.cpp:384 SmartFirmAndSerialRead failed
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: disk_is_mv_soc_driver.c:89 Can't get sata chip name from pattern /sys/block/sdt/device/../../scsi_host/host*/proc_name
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: disk_is_mv_soc_driver.c:89 Can't get sata chip name from pattern /sys/block/sdt/device/../../scsi_host/host*/proc_name
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: smartctl_enable.c:92 AtaSmartEnable failed.
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: SmartFirmAndSerialRead(149) enable smart /dev/sdt fail
Jan 11 13:42:59 S5000VSA storagehandler.cgi: disk_lib.cpp:384 SmartFirmAndSerialRead failed
Jan 11 13:43:03 S5000VSA synosnmpcd: db_handler_class.cpp:1010 Invaild Argument (LastTime == _DbTable[iNowIdx].LastTimeGetInMem())=[0]
Jan 11 13:43:03 S5000VSA synosnmpcd: db_handler_class.cpp:311 Cannot get the lowest last time


if I change synoinfo.cfg to be higher





Then USB boot stick is also added as a SSD (Drive Number 21)

So going too high on the internalportcfg is not the best


Changed maxdisks to be 24.... no difference

Changed maxdisks to be 36.... no difference


Can make 2 x 6 drive volumes......reboot.....survives no problems


Then I make a 1 x 12 drive volume....


[  349.524041] md2: detected capacity change from 4976781557760 to 0
[  349.524125] md: md2: set sdo5 to auto_remap [0]
[  349.524192] md: md2: set sdt5 to auto_remap [0]
[  349.524260] md: md2: set sds5 to auto_remap [0]
[  349.524327] md: md2: set sdr5 to auto_remap [0]
[  349.524394] md: md2: set sdq5 to auto_remap [0]
[  349.524461] md: md2: set sdp5 to auto_remap [0]
[  349.524528] md: md2 stopped.
[  349.524596] md: unbind
[  349.538014] md: export_rdev(sdo5)
[  349.538098] md: unbind
[  349.554012] md: export_rdev(sdt5)
[  349.554090] md: unbind
[  349.563011] md: export_rdev(sds5)
[  349.563092] md: unbind
[  349.563196] md: export_rdev(sdr5)
[  349.563273] md: unbind
[  349.564109] md: export_rdev(sdq5)
[  349.564187] md: unbind
[  349.570733] md: export_rdev(sdp5)
[  530.628183] md: bind
[  530.628464] md: bind
[  530.628737] md: bind
[  530.629015] md: bind
[  530.629294] md: bind
[  530.633110] md: bind
[  530.633484] md: bind
[  530.633708] md: bind
[  530.633923] md: bind
[  530.634305] md: bind
[  530.634675] md: bind
[  530.635350] md: bind
[  530.635980] md/raid:md2: device sdt5 operational as raid disk 11
[  530.636074] md/raid:md2: device sds5 operational as raid disk 10
[  530.636158] md/raid:md2: device sdr5 operational as raid disk 9
[  530.636233] md/raid:md2: device sdq5 operational as raid disk 8
[  530.636303] md/raid:md2: device sdp5 operational as raid disk 7
[  530.636373] md/raid:md2: device sdo5 operational as raid disk 6
[  530.636442] md/raid:md2: device sdn5 operational as raid disk 5
[  530.636512] md/raid:md2: device sdm5 operational as raid disk 4
[  530.636582] md/raid:md2: device sdl5 operational as raid disk 3
[  530.636651] md/raid:md2: device sdk5 operational as raid disk 2
[  530.636721] md/raid:md2: device sdj5 operational as raid disk 1
[  530.636790] md/raid:md2: device sdi5 operational as raid disk 0
[  530.637713] md/raid:md2: allocated 12698kB
[  530.637814] md/raid:md2: raid level 5 active with 12 out of 12 devices, algorithm 2
[  530.637901] RAID conf printout:
[  530.637902]  --- level:5 rd:12 wd:12
[  530.637904]  disk 0, o:1, dev:sdi5
[  530.637906]  disk 1, o:1, dev:sdj5
[  530.637908]  disk 2, o:1, dev:sdk5
[  530.637910]  disk 3, o:1, dev:sdl5
[  530.637912]  disk 4, o:1, dev:sdm5
[  530.637914]  disk 5, o:1, dev:sdn5
[  530.637916]  disk 6, o:1, dev:sdo5
[  530.637918]  disk 7, o:1, dev:sdp5
[  530.637920]  disk 8, o:1, dev:sdq5
[  530.637922]  disk 9, o:1, dev:sdr5
[  530.637923]  disk 10, o:1, dev:sds5
[  530.637925]  disk 11, o:1, dev:sdt5
[  530.637966] md2: detected capacity change from 0 to 4897745797120
[  531.194906] md: bind
[  531.195233] md: bind
[  531.195461] md: bind
[  531.198897] md: bind
[  531.199590] md: bind
[  531.199973] md: bind
[  531.200626] md/raid:md3: device sdt6 operational as raid disk 5
[  531.200696] md/raid:md3: device sds6 operational as raid disk 4
[  531.200766] md/raid:md3: device sdr6 operational as raid disk 3
[  531.200835] md/raid:md3: device sdq6 operational as raid disk 2
[  531.200905] md/raid:md3: device sdp6 operational as raid disk 1
[  531.200975] md/raid:md3: device sdo6 operational as raid disk 0
[  531.201558] md/raid:md3: allocated 6386kB
[  531.201660] md/raid:md3: raid level 5 active with 6 out of 6 devices, algorithm 2
[  531.201755] RAID conf printout:
[  531.201757]  --- level:5 rd:6 wd:6
[  531.201759]  disk 0, o:1, dev:sdo6
[  531.201761]  disk 1, o:1, dev:sdp6
[  531.201763]  disk 2, o:1, dev:sdq6
[  531.201765]  disk 3, o:1, dev:sdr6
[  531.201767]  disk 4, o:1, dev:sds6
[  531.201769]  disk 5, o:1, dev:sdt6
[  531.201801] md3: detected capacity change from 0 to 2750486282240
[  531.220258]  md2: unknown partition table
[  531.333576]  md3: unknown partition table
[  589.043548] EXT4-fs (dm-0): barriers disabled
[  589.390531] EXT4-fs (dm-0): mounted filesystem with writeback data mode. Opts: usrjquota=aquota.user,grpjquota=aquota.group,jqfmt=vfsv0,synoacl,data=writeback,oldalloc
[  589.485617] EXT4-fs (dm-0): re-mounted. Opts: usrjquota=aquota.user,grpjquota=aquota.group,jqfmt=vfsv0,synoacl
[  589.516919] EXT4-fs (dm-0): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
[  589.544979] EXT4-fs (dm-0): re-mounted. Opts: (null)


S5000VSA> cat /proc/mdstat 
Personalities : [linear] [raid0] [raid1] [raid10] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] 
md3 : active raid5 sdt6[5] sds6[4] sdr6[3] sdq6[2] sdp6[1] sdo6[0]
     2686021760 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [6/6] [uUUUUU]

md2 : active raid5 sdt5[11] sds5[10] sdr5[9] sdq5[8] sdp5[7] sdo5[6] sdn5[5] sdm5[4] sdl5[3] sdk5[2] sdj5[1] sdi5[0]
     4782954880 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [12/12] [uUUUUUUUUUUU]

md1 : active raid1 sdi2[0] sdj2[1] sdk2[2] sdl2[3] sdm2[4] sdn2[5] sdo2[6] sdp2[11] sdq2[10] sdr2[9] sds2[8] sdt2[7]
     2097088 blocks [24/12] [uUUUUUUUUUUU____________]

md0 : active raid1 sdi1[0] sdj1[1] sdk1[2] sdl1[3] sdm1[4] sdn1[5] sdo1[6] sdp1[11] sdq1[10] sdr1[9] sds1[8] sdt1[7]
     2490176 blocks [24/12] [uUUUUUUUUUUU____________]

unused devices: 


now has md0 md1 md2 and md3

Which I understand is because of SHR and using different sized HDD's

6 x 450GB each having 1 partition and being in md2

6 x 1TB each having 2 450GB partitions and being both in md2 and md3

hence why md2 = 6 disks and md3 = 12 disks


Synology SHR magic :wink:






reboot, doesnt survive :sad:

Last message on screen was something about synoboot power button pressed.....



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OK, scratch that last comment


System shut down due to HDD overheating :lol::roll:


I swapped 1 x 450GB SAS drive for another 1TB SATA


Seems all the SAS drives are recognised ok, SATA drives are recognised as SSD :roll:

Must be something weird to do with the Expander backplanes......


Will try with a different SAS card.....newer one and see what I get....



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After a long and sometimes painful journey


I have a nearly working system


Still not sure whats going on with getting the later SAS cards working properly.


But using 2 of the older 1068e cards I have 8 drives of SAS controllers and 6 off of the Motherboard all nicely working


Lessons learned along the way


Using INTEL 6 Bay SAS Expander cages, with either 1068e or 2008 based LSI cards was not working with SATA drives at all.

Worked perfectly with any SAS drive I installed in them


Spend a good while working out how to update the backplane firmware on them...making special cables up and having to ONLY use a genuine intel server board to peform the updates... My backplanes were firmware 2.05 and 2.06.....managed to get them both updated to 2.14 finally......didn't bother updating them to 2.18 as from the readme files...there is no change in the firmware. Just version number changes to suit certain INTEL server boards.


Still even after all the updating, SATA drives were not recognised properly.... came up as SSD's and smart temperature monitoring was @ -1c....no way around it sadly. :-|


Direct connecting them to the controllers worked fine


So back to the Supermicro Chassis and the Gigabyte P55-UD3R Motherboard (which is a real painful motherboard by the way) :roll:


The only way I could get it working was to dissable everything except the 6 onboard Intel SATA ports (dissable the G-SATA and the E-SATA ports)


Even then it didn't want to work at all in ACHI mode. It only likes IDE mode and that sucks. :twisted:



Gigabyte P55-UD3R Motherboard

Intel Xeon X3450

16 GB Ram

HP SC44Ge card in 16x PCI-E Slot

HP SC44Ge card in 8x PCI-E Slot

Old Nvidia Geforce MX4400 card in PCI Slot

Single port Intel Pro adapter in PCI slot


Can boot and install to either just the SAS Ports

Can boot and install to either just the SATA Ports

Or any combination of the above


Currently I have 8 drives off of the SAS cards and 6 off of the SATA ports and it's happy

Reboots not a problem, even in the middle of a volume rebuild... it picks it back up and continues. :mrgreen:


Still not sure whats going on with the Later SAS cards.....some incompatibilty somewhere with the hardware I have at hand.


This hardware is way overkill for what I will end up with...


What I will end up with is something along the lines of an Intel S3200SH Socket 775 server board or similar

Lower power

Takes 8gig Ram (more than enough)

has 3 x PCI-E Slots (for SAS HBA's and a quad port Lan Card)

2 x Onboard Intel Lan Ports

Will pop in a Q8200 Quad core cpu


That should be plenty powerful enough for all I currently need in a NAS.

Ample RAM

6 x Lan ports for Bonding into 3 different subnets

Serving VM's

Media storage and serving



Will still attack getting these H200 and H310 cards working properly though

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Yeah tried with less

Tried 12

Tried 8


What's the result with 8 disks for example ?


Maybe have to attack SAS from a different direction.....and use RS10613xs+..... and not DS3612xs code base ??
RS10613xs+ can have 106 x HDD


Few months ago I build a testing version based on RS10613xs+, so I spent few hours on this today.

System boot on the usb stick but can't detect any drive, fdisk return nothing (no USB nor SATA), can manually create nodes (fdisk display drives) which doesn't disappear (syno protection in dsm 4.3) : but WebAssistant still says No disk....


Try to build a fake /proc/bus/pci/devices based on k3dt works but no luck.


I will try to edit kernel sources in order to return SYNO_DISK_SAS instead of SYNO_DISK_SATA for disks attached to SCSI/SAS controllers...


Gday Trantor


OK got it all working now.....seems I had some major incompatability problems with some hardware


LSI 2008 cards work fine now :grin:


They just did not like to work properly on my other 3 systems.....hmmm


New Motherboard

Intel Server Board S3200SH

Works perfectly


1 x SATA ....install reboots fine

1 x SATA + 4 x SATA on H310... Install make volume reboots fine

1 x SATA + 2 x SATA on H310 + 2 x SATA on H200...using volume from above....still reboots fine :mrgreen:


Very happy


NFS crashes....but load your extra modules and it works fine also. :mrgreen:


USB UPS doesnt work

SSD Cache doesn't work

HI Availabilty doesn't work


Good work you have done though :wink:



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OK got it all working now.....seems I had some major incompatability problems with some hardware


LSI 2008 cards work fine now :grin:


They just did not like to work properly on my other 3 systems.....hmmm


New Motherboard

Intel Server Board S3200SH

Works perfectly


1 x SATA ....install reboots fine

1 x SATA + 4 x SATA on H310... Install make volume reboots fine

1 x SATA + 2 x SATA on H310 + 2 x SATA on H200...using volume from above....still reboots fine :mrgreen:


NFS crashes....but load your extra modules and it works fine also. :mrgreen:


Thank your for all your tests :grin:

Have you tried 10 or 12disks with your Intel Server Board S3200SH setup ?


USB UPS doesnt work

SSD Cache doesn't work

HI Availabilty doesn't work


USB UPS : is my mistake, forgot to update modules in beta v4

SSD Cache : no tested yet, I have fews SSD to test

HA : no tested yet, according some people on the forum it's related with uart... maybe I will look this feature in the future

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Thank your for all your tests :grin:

Have you tried 10 or 12disks with your Intel Server Board S3200SH setup ?


USB UPS doesnt work

SSD Cache doesn't work

HI Availabilty doesn't work


USB UPS : is my mistake, forgot to update modules in beta v4

SSD Cache : no tested yet, I have fews SSD to test

HA : no tested yet, according some people on the forum it's related with uart... maybe I will look this feature in the future


Yes, tried

2 x SATA

15 x SATA drives on H310 and H200


Had trouble on 1st reboot


Reboot and remade volume


Next reboot, drives had all changed around.....eg drive that was the 15th drive (number 19 in Synology) was then number 17 in Synology......hmmm


Build another plain system now...... no backplane involved this time


will be just

2 x SATA

8 x SATA on H310 Direct connect with SFF-8087 to SATA cables


Very hard to test at the moment...... 46 Celcius here......so Hard drives get too hot too quickly :???:

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One thing interesting I found


Sometime when creating a volume.... you have to do it several times before it will make the volume


and I think I understand why.....but not quite the reason




If I choose, create a volume on H310 drives....... wait....wait...nothing happens


But when you look at HDD Management I see



so try again create volume


Now when I look at HDD Management I see some more drive have been initialized



MDSTAT during above

S3200SH1> cat /proc/mdstat 
Personalities : [linear] [raid0] [raid1] [raid10] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] 
md2 : active raid1 sdb3[1] sda3[0]
     240391936 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [uU]

md1 : active raid1 sda2[9] sdl2[8] sdk2[7] sdj2[6] sdi2[5] sdh2[4] sdg2[3] sdf2[2] sde2[1] sdb2[0]
     2097088 blocks [24/10] [uUUUUUUUUU______________]

md0 : active raid1 sdj1[24] sdi1[25] sdh1[5] sdg1[3] sdf1[4] sde1[2] sda1[1] sdb1[0]
     2490176 blocks [24/6] [uUUUUU__________________]
     [============>........]  recovery = 64.6% (1609664/2490176) finish=0.2min speed=59617K/sec


so try again create volume


Finally.....get a new volume and HDD Management shows



MDSTAT during last attempt


S3200SH1> cat /proc/mdstat 
Personalities : [linear] [raid0] [raid1] [raid10] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] 
md2 : active raid1 sdb3[1] sda3[0]
     240391936 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [uU]

md1 : active raid1 sda2[9] sdl2[8] sdk2[7] sdj2[6] sdi2[5] sdh2[4] sdg2[3] sdf2[2] sde2[1] sdb2[0]
     2097088 blocks [24/10] [uUUUUUUUUU______________]

md0 : active raid1 sdl1[24](S) sdk1[25] sdj1[6] sdi1[7] sdh1[5] sdg1[3] sdf1[4] sde1[2] sda1[1] sdb1[0]
     2490176 blocks [24/8] [uUUUUUUU________________]
     [======>..............]  recovery = 32.7% (817088/2490176) finish=0.5min speed=51068K/sec

unused devices: 


So each time I try to create a volume....it add's 2 or 3 drives to MD0 and MD1

Until finally it has created all mirrors....


then can make MD3 :roll:



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Very hard to test at the moment...... 46 Celcius here......so Hard drives get too hot too quickly :???:

OMG you live in hell are what :shock: ?


So each time I try to create a volume....it add's 2 or 3 drives to MD0 and MD1

Until finally it has created all mirrors....


This is weird as md0 and md1 are assemble during boot process.

Does all 10 disks were connected when you installed DSM ?


mdstat : xxx blocks [24/x] [uUUUUUUU________________]


What have you modified to have md drives to show 24 instead of 12 ?

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Very hard to test at the moment...... 46 Celcius here......so Hard drives get too hot too quickly :???:

OMG you live in hell are what :shock: ?


So each time I try to create a volume....it add's 2 or 3 drives to MD0 and MD1

Until finally it has created all mirrors....


This is weird as md0 and md1 are assemble during boot process.

Does all 10 disks were connected when you installed DSM ?


mdstat : xxx blocks [24/x] [uUUUUUUU________________]


What have you modified to have md drives to show 24 instead of 12 ?


Changed max disks from 12 to 24....



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Just wanted to chime in on this. I'm having similar problems with the drives detecting as different numbers.


I'm running this in esxi 5.5 with 4x 3tb drives on xpen 4. raw disk mappings work just fine, but my goal was to pass through an ibm m1015 (LSI9211-IT) to the guest. This way I would get smart data and temp readings.


My issue seems to manifest with the power on/off of the drives. Basically if the host is off and I boot it, all the drives spin up during the host boot. If I then start the xpen VM everything works and is detected fine. In this case the disks are already spinning because they spun up with the host. If I then shut down or reboot the xpen VM, I can hear the drives spin down. When I start the VM again, I can hear the drives do a staggered spin up. After that, the drives end up in all sorts of order in the GUI. Sometimes one will be 12, next boot it'll be 20, but they are all always detected. Reboot the host, and I get another good boot with drives detected correctly.


What I think is happening is that the drives aren't really ready when the is is going through the drive detection. If I go into the GUI I can watch as the drives detect well after the GUI has loaded. The first disk it detects is always initialized with a crashed raid warning, and the other 3 are not initialized.


My thought was to try adding a boot delay to grub to try and give it time to spin up the drives before it starts the actual boot process. Any thoughts on the likelyhood that may do something?



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