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  1. dirkme

    DSM 6.2 Loader

    I got it sorted, shame on me but the bootloader worked, just not on my hardware where I run DSM6.1. Tried to boot from my laptop just to see and it booted up just fine. Thank you all for your help, this is a great community!! Dirk
  2. I figured it out, just tried to boot the same 6.2 bootloadr on another computer and it booted fine, it was just super fast so i couldn't see that it actually tried to boot from my other computer, but due to hardware issues it didn't boot. I would consider this topic solved or closed but don't know how to mark it solved ;-))
  3. dirkme

    DSM 6.2 Loader

    Downloaded , will try soon ;-) thanks
  4. OK, gotta go to work now, but will keep on trying until it works 6.1 install was super fast and un-eventful though. Thanks
  5. That is exactly what I did with no success at all Generated MAC address, serial number, changed vid and pid, but all of this shouldn't have any influence of booting at the first place, for later installation purpose, I think it is more important.
  6. Hi there, I followed the instructions to create a Xpenologu NAS with 6.1 which works just fine, but with the DSM 6.2.1 - Loader 1.04b - 918+ bootloader I can not create a bootable usb stick with Etcher, Rufus or the dd command on Linux, any idea what is wrong? I used multiple different usb stick for testing. Mayday, I would really like 6.2
  7. Compatibility between loader of the DSM software version and unit (Synology hardware). But how did you get a bootable usb stick with the bootloader for the DSM6.2? I can not create one with Rufus, Etcher or dd command on Linux, so I am stuck with 6.1
  8. dirkme

    DSM 6.2 Loader

    I have xpenology 6.1 running just fine, with the new bootloader, I can not create a bootable USB stick, not with rufus, Etcher or dd command in Linux. anybody else having that struggle or a solution?? Thanks for any help Dirk
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