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Posts posted by jensmander

  1. Synology announced the upcoming availability of their own enterprise hdds, from 8 to 16TB. Under the hood these are Toshiba hdds with a modified firmware. They shall gain better performance in heavy workloads and it will be possible to update the fw via DSM.


    The nasty things: they are much more expensive than the original Toshiba hdds (over 65%) and Synology will block other hdds of this class in their upcoming XS-series which will result in a complete vendor lock-in. 



    • Sad 1
  2. The usual ones. Choose your loader (1.03b for DS3615 or DS3617, 1.04b for DS918+), create your boot stick, set up your bare-metal system with usb devices as the primary boot option, plug in your original Synology’s hdds in the new system, start it up and check which IP it received (DHCP needed in LAN). Alternative would be the Synology Assistant. Then connect to your XPenology using your browser. It will offer you migration install (keep all your data, users and apps) or a clean install. Choose the migration and usually it should work after the first reboot.

  3. 2-3 Sekunden wohl eher aus dem Standby, kein richtiger cold boot. Sobald man konventionelle HDDs in einem System hat, ist die response time meist immer um einiges höher, da die erst ihren spin-up fahren müssen.


    Betreffend XPEnology und boot time: ja, wenn man nur SSDs verwendet geht es etwas schneller. Den timeout im Loader kannst du von 3 Sekunden (default) auf 1 Sekunde heruntersetzen, aber ob das nun der absolute Bringer ist...


    Wie Du die grub.cfg nachträglich bearbeiten bzw. den stick mounten kannst, ist hier beschrieben:




  4. The stick is only needed for the boot process and is not monitored. When the stick gets hot this means your mainboard is not well cooled and you should check your case, especially the cpu cooler and fan. If the cpu fan doesn’t work properly the heat is not blown away and concentraded around the socket. Usually systems shut down on temperatures above 90 degrees celsius, this would explain the improper shutdown.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Of course you can run this on original Synologys or even XPenologys. It’s a RAM test which can take many hours to complete. But for bare-metal XPenologys I would prefer the classic way with bootable tools like MemTest+ or anything similar.

  6. You could use a VPN solution or open the corresponding ports (NAT) on your firewall to your XPenology box in combination with a DDNS. Usually this would be 5000 (HTTP) or 5001 (HTTPS). But opening these ports is risky and should go along with additional security measurements.

  7. On 12/12/2017 at 11:34 AM, Polanskiman said:

    3 - What about using Synology QuickConnect and other Synology based services?

    QuickConnect and services that use Synology servers require genuine Synology serial numbers and MAC addresses. Mis use of Synology services is discouraged by the XPE community.


    It seems that you didn’t read either the FAQ nor the forum rules. 

  8. Since Let's Encrypt changed their API from v01 to v02 it isn't possible to request certificates when using DSM 6.1.X.


    Workaround: exchange the syno-letsencrypt module with a version from a DSM 6.2.X release.





    1. After you have downloaded the file mentioned open a SSH connection to your NAS
    2. Backup your current syno-letsencrypt module by
      sudo cp /usr/syno/sbin/syno-letsencrypt usr/syno/sbin/syno-letsencrypt.bak

    3. Copy the new syno-letsencrypt from your shared folder (for example: volume1/Downloads) to the sbin folder:
      sudo cp /volume1/Downloads/syno-letsencrypt /usr/syno/sbin/

    4. Modify the file to execute it:
      sudo chmod 755 /usr/syno/sbin/syno-letsencrypt
    5. Open the letsencrypt.default with vi and modify it:
      sudo vi /usr/syno/etc.defaults/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.default
    6. Search for the string "https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"
    7. Press "i" and change the 01 to 02 in this string (should be "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory")
    8. To save and exit, press ESC, type :wq (ENTER)
    9. Reboot your NAS and Let's Encrypt should work again
    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  9. Die von Dir verwendete DSM-Version verwendet noch die 01-API von Let‘s Encrypt, welche nicht mehr unterstützt wird. Damit bleiben 2 Möglichkeiten:


    - Upgrade auf DSM 6.2.X

    - manueller Austausch des LE-Moduls via SSH


    Für das Upgrade von DSM gibt es hier im Forum entsprechende Anleitungen, für den Austausch des Moduls unter dieser Adresse ein HowTo:




  10. Hmmm... *glaskugelpolier*.... jaaa... ich glaube schon, dass da etwas nicht stimmt. 


    Ein paar Informationen zu Deinem System wären hilfreich, bspw. Loader und DSM-Version. Welche Fehlermeldung erhältst Du beim Anfordern des Zertifikats? Port 80 und 443 sind im Router korrekt eingetragen beim NAT? Afaik gibt es mit älteren DSM-Versionen Probleme mit Let‘s Encrypt, da das alte Protokoll der Api nicht mehr unterstützt wird. DSM wird auf der 218+ aktueller sein? 

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