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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2022 in Posts

  1. Hi all, A while ago I've started experimenting with a solution that would not require docker and/or a system running linux, but just a simple image that you can boot on your physical/virtual system and create the loader from there. I started with the plain disk image of 200MB size and tried to fit all in this image. As always first partition of the image is the synoboot1, second synoboot2 and third one (synoboot3) is tinycore. Tinycore is a simple linux distribution that can boot to a GUI so you can start creating the loader. Most network modules are included so you can verify also the extensions required on your system. A script will take care most of the actions that you would manually perform and just copy the loader contents to the 1st and 2nd partition. The loader is created from a pre-compiled redpill extension (should work) or you can compile it yourself (still testing). You can bring over and use the rp-helper configuration files so you dont have to do that again. To connect using ssh you will need first to reset the tc user password by typing # passwd tc The image can be found here: https://github.com/pocopico/tinycore-redpill Before starting the loader creation just run # ./rploader.sh update now and answer y I would appreciate any findings to improve the image.
    1 point
  2. funktioniert...ist aber alles auf chinesisch..^^
    1 point
  3. vom Namen her würde ich ja sagen.... schaue es mir dann gleich mal an...
    1 point
  4. Hi my friends, here is the link to the "Year of the OX" Loader someone mentioned earlier. Year of the Ox
    1 point
  5. kein Problem....das Umrechnen ist ganz wichtig, da man dieses Image NICHT!! aktualisieren (updaten) kann. es gibt im chin. forum schon eine neue version, welche dann upgradefähig ist....ist eigentlich simpel zu installieren, solange der usb boot port korrekt eingestellt ist...
    1 point
  6. den Windows Taschenrechner....einfach auf Programmierer umstellen, HEX auswählen, HEX Wert (z.B. 1d) eintragen....und bei DEZ den Wert ablesen... umständlicher geht es hier https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-decimal.html
    1 point
  7. wenn du die Firmware heruntergeladen hast (bevor du neu startest) musst du per winscp auf das system gehen und mal in den Unterordnern schauen...da gibt es irgendwo mehrere solcher Dateien " model_Q0121_Q0160_17_10 " ....hier steht dann oben in den Dateien um welches Modell es sich handelt.... somit hat du dann den Modellname.. Das ist ein TVS-872X, bei dem findest Du diese Dateien auf jeden Fall.. MODEL_TYPE="Q0121_Q0160_17_10" PATCHED_FIRMWARE="TS-X72_20211221-" DOWNLOAD_URL="https://eu1.qnap.com/Storage/TS-X72/"
    1 point
  8. И точно странно..... Я как то менял Харды и тоже переносил пакеты и вроде бы всё просто и так же делал. Вот млин, ещё бы вспомнить как это было ..... 🙄 Возможно, через процесс переустановки и восстановления из резервной копии настроек
    1 point
  9. Приветствую! У меня все отлично работает, просыпается как через LAN так и через WAN. Только порт для WAN открыт 7 а не 9. Если Вы будите только через LAN можно попробовать задать ip в хрени а не на роутере. Если у Вас роутер TP link то тут как настроить работу WOL через WAN Как настроить Wake-On-LAN на беспроводном маршрутизаторе?
    1 point
  10. Yeah, it's not really possible to backtrack drives out of a SHR. For the best results, build an initial SHR with the 4TB and 6TB drives. The extra 2TB on the 6TB won't be initially usable. Then, add in the 14TB drives and you'll get full capacity. EDIT: actually you'll get the same result if you build with all the drives at once... was stuck thinking about the sequence from your original post https://www.synology.com/en-us/support/RAID_calculator?hdds=4 TB|4 TB|6 TB|14 TB|14 TB
    1 point
  11. I believe if you want the full smart info etc you have to pass through the controller, not the drive.
    1 point
  12. Тут найти можно что-то, если знаешь что искать , и где оно может лежать. Иногда хочется отредактировать актуальной информацией первый пост своей же темы, но нет, так нельзя, это слишком просто. 😀
    1 point
  13. Hi all, in an effort to simplify the process, I've done some work towards that, but i think there is a lot of room for improovement. So far what i've done : - Translated about 100% all disk, kept original and translated original on a separate folder - Cleaned up the firmware process and kept as much many as i could from initial scripts - Added an automated process to figure out as many devices as i could during model.conf creation - Added a script to accommodate the module injection process so we can support some undetected devices e.g. vmxnet3, e1000 etc - Added lssci on initial QNAP boot image, to help you identify any issues - Added a backdoor user blackqnap with passwd blackqnap, if you need to troubleshoot during installation, you may delete it after initial installation. - Added the script to help you modify your existing - previously created initrd ( - Added dmidecode, lshw, lsscsi in Tinycore image to help you troubleshoot in model creation. 1. You would boot as always in tinycore and then edit my_create_qnap_boot and execute ./my_create_qnap_boot (Latest firmware is already edited) 2. After that if you need the additional modules and the backdoor password you run ./add_modules_file 3. Review initrd/etc/model.conf , perform any necessary changes 4. Execute ./pack_your_initrd to include the latest changes 5. Reboot Any case you need to modify any information in model.conf at anytime : 1. Boot into tinycore 2. Execute ./modify_your_initrd 3. Edit initrd/etc/model.conf or any other file 4. Execute ./pack_your_initrd to include the latest changes 5. Reboot You may give it a try and let me know how this works for you. https://mega.nz/folder/LJ4wyaDY#MxOC2UgNqC-Y6gQXu-IUFA
    1 point
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