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Hi Guys

I recently built Xpenology on HyperV on a HP ML10V2. Once i tied the 2 nics togrther, Xpenoloy cant access the internet. Package center cant get any data... is there any work around please?

Thank you.



Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk


Hi NeoID,

No I am not using Legacy network adapter. I tried but i can't even connect to the xpenology dsm ip by using legacy network adapter....

also please point me to the right place to learnmore about the MAC1= ... ETC.



It's quite a while since I've used XPenology on Hyper-V, but it should work right out of the box.


Just remember to configure the network correctly so that the adaptert are connected to the internet and then go to find.synology.com to access it.

Take a look at "Modify the boot image" on my blog post for more information on how to customize the boot image.

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