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Posts posted by XPEH

  1. For home size server with 2-6 drives and some applications it is enough. I have 1GB with 4 drives and some apps, like websites, mail server, and few more. Never seen more than half of RAM utilized.


    If run Video station, put more RAM better 2-3GB!


    Does anyone can help me to solve my ASUS E350 3GB RAM(installed 2x4GB) problem! :cry:


    4 drives in JBOD (nothing important, so... I need the space :grin:), apps I usually run inlude VPS Server, LDAP server, Mail Server, Transmission with Sickbeard, Couchpotato and Headphones, and sometimes a little Minecraft (with everything unnecessary disabled of course). Based on what you say, I could easily go with even 512MB then?

    Some entri-level boxes like RS812 and other models come with 512MB and 2bay DS even with 256MB. Those are not a speed demons, but still work.

  2. I have 2 x 8GB and it's a bit overkill, but i had this since i was using FreeNAS.

    Apparently DSM 4.2 build 3202 doesn't need more than 2GB. Maybe i'm talking bullshit but this is what i saw on my xpe box


    So let's say I get 4.2 running on my server, then 1GB RAM should be fine, right?

    For home size server with 2-6 drives and some applications it is enough. I have 1GB with 4 drives and some apps, like websites, mail server, and few more. Never seen more than half of RAM utilized.

  3. Unfortunately no change, the SHR rebuild is done, this is the only VM currently running, CPU is very low, and I'm still loosing around 1 packet every 5 (see below, copy/paste is in French but could be understandable).


    French, German, English ... all good here. :smile:


    From the dump it looks like exactly 1 packet every 5. This looks very suspicious.


    Have you got the "Denial of service (DoS) protection" enabled on the DiskStation? If so, then the DiskStation is deliberately dropping the packets to prevent a flood. This would be by design.

    Real diskstation doesn't do it with or without DoS enabled


    Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64


    Ping statistics for

    Packets: Sent = 19, Received = 19, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

    Some activity from ESXi is interfering with network.

  4. I have installed DSM 4.2 on my homemade-NAS but when I try to launch Quick connect it says : "Autorization required" => is it normal?


    After, I have added Xcloud, but it doesn"t work too...

    Quick connect is the Synology's proprietary dynamic DNS service. Available for registered official devices with valid serial numbers. You may have to use third party DDNS to access your device, not QuickConnect ID.

  5. I think Thomas referring to installing DSM as a guest on virtual environment. My understanding that libvirt is just a managing shell, but you still need installation of underlining VM which can be most of virtual technologies available.

  6. You are right N54L is the way to go order it and a pair of 3 TB drives Does this hardware work out of the box?

    Yes, out of the box it works great with image from nighthawk. If you want to use more then 4 drives its possible to flash it with updated modified BIOS to activate hidden advanced settings. With added RAM it also works great as a small ESXi server. Those modifications are optional.

  7. I hoping to be able to do it much cheaper N40L (almost the same cost as actual ysnology) just a basic motherboard and hardrive setup. Any suggestions for itx motherboards I can buy from microcenter or fry

    Unless you already have most of the hardware it may not be much cheaper.

    MB, Case, Power Supply, memory will cost you $250-300 and for about the same price you may get HP N54L on sale at newegg.com or similar discount retailer. 4-drives synology box will be at least twice more expensive.

    Cheaper and low power will be 2 bay synology box. Even cheaper is 2 bay NAS from iomega, zyxel or some other brands.

  8. thank you for all the replies here is what I'm looking for.


    1- very low power at idle

    2- at least 4 Sata ports

    3- at least 8 GB of ram

    4- very small form factor

    5- Hardware that works out of the box with synology


    4 SATA drives will not fit in "very small" form factor.

    8GB RAM simply not needed with only 4 drives. 1-2GB is plenty.

    Something like HP Microserver N40L or N54L is about perfect for this project. You have 4 Drive slots and can fit 5 if desired for the backup or as a spare. Comes with 2GB RAM which is enough. Small, cheap and reliable. Just add your drives.

  9. This machine is going to be distant from me .... it's a problem if I have to reflash the CF @ each shutdown ^^


    An idea to solve that ?


    It only rewrites the flash on the .pat installation/update. Regular restart/shudown should not cause the flash corruption. Do not do remote updates of the DSM and you should be fine.

  10. Здравствуйте. Ставлю на VirtualBox, при инсталяции выдает ошибку форматирования "Не удалось отформатировать диск". Это из-за неподдерживаемой сетевой карты? (стоит realtek 8168)

    Если ставишь на VirtualBox, то физическая сетевая карта только должна поддерживаться основной ОС. Внутри виртуальной машины используется все равно другая, эмулируемая. Ошибка форматирования скорее всего связана с типом дискового контроллера. Попробуй synoboot диск подключить к виртуальному IDE (PATA) адаптору, а диск для хранения данных с виртуальному SATA адаптору.

  11. На некоторых МП при большой загрузке дисков такое бывает. Не успевает вовремя получить статус диска. Обычно диск показывается как отключенный, но после перезапуска продолжает работать нормально. Наберись терпения и дай закончить перестройку раздела. Если прервешь, то может остаться в испорченном состоянии. В зависимости от скорости системы может занять и сутки.

  12. Some people reported that RDM performances are similar to "classic" virtual hard drive: poor. Regarding the supported SATA controllers, you should check this post. VmDirectPath I/O is tricky, everything has to support the pci passthrough (motherboard, BIOS, CPU, and of course the controllers), but it could be the most practical way to use XPEnology regarding performances and reliability (snapshots).


    I wish I could test this but none of my current hardware supports XPEnology in standalone mode, let alone VT-d virtualization.

    I have tested XPEnology with RDM on ESXI installed on AMD E350 CPU (1.6Ghz) HD transfer speed was about 50Mbps.

    Running it now on HP N54L (2.2Ghz) with ESXi/XPEnology and the same drives connected via RDM. Now the HD transfer speed is 100-105Mbps limited by 1Gb LAN. Faster CPU just did the trick. 1.6Ghz AMD just was not enough for both ESXi and XPenology on top of it.

  13. Это не беда а мелкая неприятность. Никто же не умер, не заболел и не разорился.

    После переноса дисков надо снова найти систему через synology assistant и произвести миграцию. Тогда разделы бы снова подключились. Програмы как photo station и пр надо заново установить, но настройки он найдет предыдущие. Индексы будут созданы заново.

  14. I have a working XPEnology system on a N40L booting from USB.

    I have read about not going into hybernate / sleep mode for the N40L and that this could be caused by using a USB stick i boot from.

    So i would like to install the content of the USB stick to a internal harddisk. Would that be possible and if so can anyone help this Linux Wannabee with the neccesary commands to do this.



    What a waste of the hard drive and SATA port. Synoboot will take entire disk for 200MB image and rest of the disk will not be usable. Keep it on USB stick.

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