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  1. I think it is designed this way as best practice. DSM doesn't have to worry about which volume the photo folder is on for services that need it, it just needs to know the static path to the symbolic link. The installer service will do the linking to the right volume. I think changing the Symbolic link will be fine and preferred over modifying the Apache configuration for Photo Station. It would probably be broken on installing the package again though. I have many DiskStations, I will run a test for you if I have some time.
  2. I am pretty sure that there is some coding in DSM that says "do not allow /dev/isd* devices to be enumerated for volume creation or hdd management or any other service but Time Backup". Like I said, these kernel modules were added at the same time as Time Backup was and if you observe the system during Time Backup operation you will see that it mounts an iSCSI LUN and takes a snapshot and work on the LUN so that it knows what changes during the backup and so there are data access problems while backing up live data. This is just what I observed when analyzing how Time Backup works. Anyone try loading some standard debian kernel modules for the iSCSI initiator?
  3. The only reason DSM has the iSCSI kernel modules to act as an initiator is for Time Backup pkg which snapshots dataset to a iSCSI target it mounts on itself (local backup) or from over the network (network backup) and then does the backup from that target. Look at DSM builds before Time Backup was released, they are not there. You can set it up manually too like: insmod /usr/lib/modules/libiscsi.ko insmod /usr/lib/modules/libiscsi_tcp.ko insmod /usr/lib/modules/iscsi_tcp.ko echo "InitiatorName=iqn.2001-11.dsm.initiatorname" > /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi and then start iscsid daemon I suspect DSM knows not to enumerate the /dev/isd* devices as regular HDD. I would look toward compiling and loading normal iSCSI kernel modules?
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