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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2023 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, I've managed to compile the up-to-date out-of-tree i915 kernel module for sa6400, with support for up to 14th gen (Raptor Lake) Intel GPU in theory. I've verified jellyfin HW transcoding on my N100 box (12th gen, Alder Lake), in both PCIe passthrough and SR-IOV VF mode. The source code is available at https://github.com/MoetaYuko/intel-gpu-i915-backports/tree/redhat/main-epyc7002, which can be built on the cloud w/ github actions. You can find the precompiled blobs from github actions artifacts of this repo. The driver is considered alpha quality because I haven't used it long. Feel free to try it and report issues here if any. In case of missing firmware, you'll see error messages w/ the desired FW filename in dmesg. They can be downloaded at https://github.com/intel-gpu/intel-gpu-firmware and put in `/lib/firmware/i915` of your DSM. For SR-IOV with PVE hypervisor, I highly recommend using the dkms driver published at https://github.com/MoetaYuko/intel-gpu-i915-backports/releases (its source code is available at `backport/main` branch of the same repo). It has three major advantages over the popular host driver from https://github.com/strongtz/i915-sriov-dkms: Its Intel release tag is the same as my sa6400 driver, so the best compatibility is ensured. It's packaged as .deb so it can be easily installed and upgraded via apt/dpkg. The .ko binaries reside in `/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/dkms` so they won't override the ones provided by the proxmox-kernel package.
    1 point
  2. Hi, I cheaply bought a 10-bay Synology RackStation, more specifically, the RS2212+. It is currently maintained on DSM 6 but will be abandoned in the end of next year. Could I use XPEnology to upgrade it to DSM 7 ? Thanks
    1 point
  3. Je pense qu'il est préférable de dire que cela n'est pas possible pour éviter toute ambiguïté | I think it's best to say this is not possible to avoid ambiguity
    1 point
  4. Task Scheduler includes an addon called RebootToTcrp. If you run this scheduler manually, the order of the Grub boot menu will be changed, so when rebooting, you will enter the TCRP loader build menu instead of booting to FRIEND. This Tinycore Linux comes with an SSH daemon already running. You can remotely access ssh using the tc / P@ssw0rd account and password. (If possible, it is recommended to fix the MAC address on the router so that it can receive a fixed IP from DHCP.) Now you can run ./menu.sh and use the same menu that appears in the upper left corner that you normally use. Rebuild the loader with the desired DSM revision and select Reboot. There should not be a single mistake, such as shutting down, when selecting the reboot menu. When DSM of a new revision is booted through FRIEND, you will see the update screen for the corresponding revision when connected through port 5000. Just proceed as instructed.
    1 point
  5. Ларчик просто открывался. Для загрузчика ARC и DSM 7.2 всё правится в несколько кликов: 1. Перезагрузиться в веб-интерфейс загрузчика 2. Прописать 3 параметра портов в секцию synoinfo esataportcfg: 0x10 // esata для 5го диска, он же внешний esata internalportcfg: 0x2f // sata для 1,2,3,4 и 6 дисков, 4 в салазках и один вместо дисковода usbportcfg: 0x1fc0 // все 7 usb, часто рекомендуют прописать в явном виде, вместо 0х0 (Параметры, естественно, по усмотрению, любые из 6 дисков) 3. Запустить из меню ребилд загрузчика 4. Запустить загрузчик Устройство остаётся то же (без миграции, без потери данных и настроек). Делов на 10 мин. Очень уж удобный и интуитивно понятный этот ARC, сплошная радость. Даже монитор и клавиатура не нужны. Если осилю, сделаю попозже инструкцию со скринами для новичков, как я.
    1 point
  6. Да там файлов как конь натоптал ...... ))) Если точнее (только на шестёрке правил) то два файла править /etc/synoinfo.conf /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf
    1 point
  7. News: The driver and necessary firmware have been integrated into https://github.com/wjz304/rr of version 23.11.6 and newer. It's expected to work out of the box if you use this loader.
    1 point
  8. https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/69718-tuto-dsm-7-pour-tous/ 2. Sélectionner le menu Update menu : or "Update menu -> Local upload"
    1 point
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