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N54L - Using Optical bay for 5th drive


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Firstly, appologies, I know I've read about this somewhere previously, but a search didn't find me anything...


I've been running my HP Microserver N54L (I think that is gen7?) for a while with 4 drives, and I want to stick a 5th in. I believe that can be done by fitting it to the optical bay, but some kind of BIOS settings / mod are required to do so?

Does anyone have a handy link to where / how to do this please? The few I've located elsewhere all seem to have expired (I know, I'm a bit late to this particular party... :(  )



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Thanks, but all the links on that post seem to have expired as well.

I've also tried bios-mods.com which I signed up to buy I don't know if the site is still active as my account has been awaiting activation for about a week now  😞

I just can't find anywhere with active download links for the bios files.

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