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Failed update from 7.1-42661 Update 1 to 7.1-42661 Update 4


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I've just updated my hp N36L to DSM 7.1-42661 Update 1 using TCRP bootloader and had no problems.


Then I decided (sic!) to download 7.1-42661-4 and updated the DSM from the web interface by uploading the corresponding PAT file. Since the version number was the same, I would not have imagined a disaster. But the disaster happened.

When I boot my DSM I got the "Welcome again" screen and a "Recover" button. I cannot do anything else, I have just this button (see screenshot, in Italian). When I press it, the system did something and reboot again, giving the same screen.


I tried to enter the TCRP interface and run the "postupdate" command, but it seems that the last available update is 3 (and not 4), and I continue to get that screen.

Is there a way to solve this issue, eventually reinstalling DSM 7.1-42661 Update 1? I'd like to do this without losing the data in the disks.


Thank you for your help.

Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 16.59.41.png

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I don't know if my solution is the best one, but I changed my model (from DS3622xs+ to DS3615xs) and added manually the LAN driver. Then I could update to version 7.1.1 and everything started to work again.

It is interesting to know whether there is a procedure to downgrade the DSM version after an unsuccessful update.

Edited by ziorufus
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