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Posts posted by wakkawakka

  1. got it.   im in wth PUTTY and enabled ssh/telnet in the xpen box.  GREAT.


    question.  i'm in the box and running a 

    admin@DISKSTATION:/$ cat /usr/syno/etc/codec/activation.conf
    cat: /usr/syno/etc/codec/activation.conf: No such file or directory

    i do not have a codec dir in admin@DISKSTATION:/usr/syno/etc$


    what pack/package do i need to add the codecs for hw transcodes?


  2. OK.  All is well.  I'm doing my packages now and moving my data back from EXT USB onto the internal disks.  Running DSM6.2.3-25426 with JUN 1.04b loader and all is great.


    HOWEVER!  One major thing.  My TS140 lenovo has intel management so I can remote desktop to it easily.  With my old loader the XPENOBOOT, I had a full console access and could login as admin and issue linux commands.  With the JUN 1.04b the screen just stays on the "Happy hacking.  Screen will stop updating shortly" and I do not have a console command.  How do I get to the console with Jun 1.04?

  3. Thanks again, guys.  I have a 10TB West Digi USB coming tomorrow, bought for $169 at Best Buy.  Once I am backed up I will flash the BIOS on the TS140 and then load up xpen.   I just made a 1.04b loader usb stick with my grub edit for vid/pid/mac/sn and tested it using the intel mesh remote access.  works.


    Will go with 6.2.3 DSM_DS918+_25426 and report back on how it went.  It has been 4 years since I did my Xpen box so i was a bit RUSTY.  REALLY appreciate the help, guys.



  4. a milion thanks.. i will redo my USB stick and go up to the 1.04b and 6.2.3 code and 918+ since i have a haswell.  excited to get v6 going so i can get access to all of the new stuff i ahve been missing out on.  cannot being to express how PERFECT by v5 rig has been.  amazing.

  5. Hi yall.  Been running a TS140 xpen box for 4 years and it has been amazing.  I'm about to backup all the data to external USB and do a totally fresh load.  current rig is ds3615xs and 5.2-5967 update 9.


    before i do this, just wanted to confirm for my ts140 my best PAT to go with is again the ds3615xs_15284 and jun loader 1.03b and DSM 6.2?

  6. i took the plunge and went ahead and did this. i backed up ALL data first, of course.


    i made a new boot stick with the later loader and went to the latest version including v3 upgrade. zero problems, no lost data, all working beautifully.


    sure would like to get up to v6 though for the GUI changes. the GUI on 5.1 / 5.2 is very dated. I also do not like how in the file station when browsing, the tree strcture is odd. i had to rework some of my naming to be able to right click and copy to / move to. sort of annoying. i hope they fix that behaviour.

  7. THANK YOU for your response. Are you also on 5.1-5022 now or will this be your first dip into Xpenology?


    My rig is a TS430 with 12GB and 4TB in a RAID0 for *wicked* fast PLEX and Minim server / music serving It runs so beautifully it is indescribable. Because the machine is so freaking fast I cannot ever justify buying a "real" NAS because the RAM/CPU spec is so far behind what I have now. It's really amazing how weak most NAS are in this regard.


    I'm hesitant to upgrade for fear of "breaking" something. I'm hoping the new 5.2 update is more GUI based. I used to use iSCSI on a QNAP but stopped once I built the XPEN box and never bothered with a target again since the way it's setup now works just as needed.


    I guess I will back everything up to an external 4TB USB drive (i have a massive FLAC library) and attempt to upgrade to see what happens. Worst case I have to redo the whole thing and copy data back.

  8. I've been running 5.1-5022 Update 5 since a few weeks after it came out. At the time I installed it I did a totally fresh install and my XPEN box has been running BEAUTIFULLY since then.


    I see now there are many, many revisions and versions later and I'm wondering if it is worth it to upgrade to the most recent or should I just leave my shit as is?

  9. Well.. I must be missing something. I have rutorrent isntalled and web service enabled. in pkg center it has http://myservername.ddns.net/rutorrent to launch it.


    i click on that and it just spins and nothing happens.. i see that ru is a FRONT END so i presume I also need to actually install rtorrent and that the rutorrent pkg built into the syno community is not a one stop shop torrent solution?

  10. Can anyone else confirm if rutorrent does not show as a community package from synocommunity on dsm update 5?


    mine does not show up. nor do a few of the other packages listed.


    My list goes directly from roundcube webmail to SABnzbd


    no rutorrent is listed...

  11. That sounds very promising, only concern is the delay/lag that we'd be looking at for 5.2 coming to Xpen.


    I'm *really* surprised that dl station and transmission are the two main torrent clients, even for "real" Syno stuff. QNAP, Austor and others seem to have WAY more packages available.

  12. Not liking Download station at all and am really used to Deluge which I run 24/7 on a diff system and would like to run on my XPEN build instead.


    I have googled extensively and short of adding the synocommunity which comes with Transmission (i like this even less than Download Station) I am not able to find a torrent solution.


    Is anyone running or knows where to get DELUGE to run on XPEN as a package?!?! I need a bit torrent solution, badly.

  13. I had to completely redo my entire setup since I decided to remove the small 64GB SSD drive at some point after initial install.


    I moved all data off of the NAS onto external drives and then used CLI and parted rm to remove all partitions. I redid the whole thing from scratch and was able to successfully upgrade to version 5 and it's running great.


    Lesson learned, won't be doing THAT again.

  14. Seeing as we are now in Q2 of 2015 and most people are likely using Xpenoboot 5.1-5022.3 and either DSM 5.1-5022 Update 4 or Update 5, I was hoping to get a fresh thread going about MAC and SERIAL.


    I'm mostly asking this because it appears I'm going to have to completely redo my Xpen box since I'm unable to install Update 5 which I believe is due to me originally having a small 64GB SSD drive as Volume1 which has since been removed, making the update throw a fit about system volume which I simply cannot fix. I'm currently moving all data off the XPEN drives and onto external storage so I can redo it. =(


    I googled on the subject of MAC and SERIAL and most results are old and do not specifically address the most recent builds.


    Primary question for me is if it is absolutely necessary to change MAC and/or SERIAL when using the latest builds if I am only running a single Xpen box and use no-ip for my ddns service and have no reason to create a Syn account.


    If there are reasons to change MAC and SERIAL please list them and more importantly if anyone has a link to or could post the most RECENT technique for MAC/SERIAL change using the latest builds it would be greatly appreciated.


    TL;DR: LOOKING FOR UPDATED MAC/SERIAL CHANGE TUTORIAL for Xpenoboot 5.1-5022.3 and DSM 5.1-5022 Update 4 / Update 5.

  15. Congrats to those who were able to update just fine. In my case I was not able to do so.


    I went ahead and unplugged my 2x 2TB drives (which had version 4) and put in an SSD. Formatted SSD and did a clean install from scratch, was able to successfully upgrade to 5.


    I plugged my 2x 2TB back in (they are basic disks, not in a raid) and the system went BACK to version 4 and when I tried to update again got same error message as before.


    Any ideas? How was I able to get a new install done on the SSD, successfully upgrade to version5, but as soon as I plug the old sata drives back in the system "downgraded" itself to v4 and wont let me update? Surely someone else has hit this snag?


    ANY input is appreciated.. I really don't want to backup all the data to other drives and redo the whole NAS.

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