I just want to make sure that I understand the procedure before I start. From what I've read on the forums, I think this is what I'm supposed to do:
Go to the Synology downloads page for DS918+(my current loader/platform) and manually download the DSM_DS918+_64570.pat file
From within DSM, Control Panel -> DSM Update -> Manual DSM Update, select the file I just downloaded
Wait 10 or 20 minutes until completed
Restart PC , from GRUB menu, select TCRP
From terminal, run the following commands:
./rploader.sh update now
./rploader.sh fullupgrade now
./rploader.sh backup
./rploader.sh postupdate ds918p-7.2-64570
(say yes to all prompts)
exitcheck.sh reboot
Select RedPill (USB version) and Synology DSM should start normally on upgraded version.
Is that correct or did I make a mistake or miss something? I really don't want to break things!